
A piece of land ceded by Cixi is still spoken in Chinese in renminbi, and water and electricity come from China

In Myanmar, there is a place called Kokang, which means that the local people can be decisive and brave, and not shrink back in the face of trouble. It is worth mentioning that it is located in the border area between China's Yunnan Province and Myanmar, and the first batch of Han Chinese immigrants in Myanmar came from this place. This was once a piece of land ceded by Cixi, and now chinese is spoken in renminbi, and water and electricity are all from China.

Most of the original inhabitants of Kokang were people in the last years of the Ming Dynasty, who fled to burma while taking refuge with the Yongle Emperor, and later under the threat of Wu Sangui, the Yongle Emperor was executed.

A piece of land ceded by Cixi is still spoken in Chinese in renminbi, and water and electricity come from China

But these soldiers who followed the emperor stayed in Kokang, where they lived and worked in peace. This also made the people in that place speak Chinese, live Chinese festivals, use coins as Chinese currency, and Kokang District was also included in the territory of the Qing Dynasty.

Among this group of Han people, there was a general named Yang Gaoxue, who finally established a Han regime and opened the Yang Tusi family-style rule in Kokang. In order to "legitimize" his ruling status, Yang Gaoxue continued to show his overtures to the Qing government, and was eventually accepted as a hereditary Kokang County Order.

A piece of land ceded by Cixi is still spoken in Chinese in renminbi, and water and electricity come from China

In 1886, the British invaded Burma, and in this case Yang Tusi moved closer to the British in order to protect his own interests. Although in 1894, the Russian Sino-Burmese Boundary Treaty signed by China and Britain clearly stipulated that Kokang was Chinese territory, three years later, the British forced Cixi to sign the "Annex to the Sino-British Renewal of the Treaty of Burma and Burma", which included Kokang in Burma. Since then, the Han people have become Kokang people, and Chinese has become Kokang, and of course, Han has also become Kokang.

A piece of land ceded by Cixi is still spoken in Chinese in renminbi, and water and electricity come from China

Because most of the people here are Chinese, they have always used Chinese, and the money they use is also in yuan. Most of life is also a Han Chinese custom. In addition to these, their network is also used in China, and it is also connected to China's mobile and telecommunications networks. The local wireless use is China Mobile, their landline uses China Telecom, and the use of Lincang area code 0883. Although it belongs to Myanmar, the international area code is still +86, which is the area code of our country. In addition, Kokang water is also provided by China.

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