
(Weekly Fortune) Kill the Wolf_ Horoscope for December 27 to January 2, 2021


In terms of emotional luck, Jupiter enters the spiritual palace, and will meet a soul mate who transcends identity, age or gender, and the other party can understand your inner needs very well, and has the feeling of seeing each other and hating each other. Some Aries are eager for someone to answer their questions about life, to pray to God and Buddha, or to begin studying numerology and the occult.

In terms of work luck, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are in the Zhiye Palace, and the Sun in the Zhiye Palace is in good phase, and Venus shows a regressive state. The past resume has become a glorious record, returning to the original field of work, the performance is like a fish, and it has become a focus of attention in the workplace.

In terms of interpersonal relations, Saturn in the interpersonal relationship house is influenced by Uranus, people are jealous, and all kinds of gossip follow, and they will feel that it is easy to do things and difficult to be a person. The more beautiful it is, the more humble it is. Some Aries will feel that there are too many wine and meat friends around them, and there is no one available when they really need help.

In terms of money luck, Uranus in the money house continues to be influenced by Saturn, and recently there are always many friends who contact you, the motivation is not simple, beware of being pulled to listen to direct sales conferences, or ask you to buy insurance, join religious groups, often have to give a bunch of money, but do not see them on the right path.


In terms of interpersonal relations, Jupiter enters the interpersonal relationship house, and when any difficulties occur and bottlenecks are encountered, there will be noble people to help. Some Taurus will gain more connections and will be more helpful in switching runways or promoting various businesses.

In terms of academic luck, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are combined in the academic palace, and the sun in the same academic palace is in good phase, and Venus shows a regressive state. Outstanding academic performance, will represent the school to participate in many external competitions, obtain eye-catching results, coupled with the past accumulated achievements, can be expected to be guaranteed to enter the prestigious school.

In terms of emotional luck, the Martian phase in the house of desire is good, and there are frequent intimate relationships with the object of affection, and the two can fully enjoy the pleasure of spiritual intermingling. The single Taurus has a lot of physical contact with the ambiguous object, and the distance between the two sides is invisibly narrowed.

In terms of money luck, Mars enters the financial palace, credit information or payment system information is easy to be stolen, and personal information should be careful not to leak. Some Taurus have recently had to pay a large insurance fee, or because of the interest brought by the policy, the loan to be paid is more heavy, and they feel that the money is used quickly.

In terms of work luck, Jupiter leaves the Zhiye Palace position, and at the same time, Saturn in the Zhiye Palace position has long been affected by Uranus, and the current career or work has encountered bottlenecks, and it wants to change the runway but cannot find other ways, or sits in a thankless position, often becoming the punching bag of others, but has no right to speak.


In terms of work luck, Jupiter enters the career palace, there will be opportunities to change tracks or start a business, and there are many contacts and resources to find a new job that suits you. Some Geminis are promoted by their superiors to the management class at this time, and their positions and benefits are greatly adjusted.

In terms of money luck, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are combined in the financial house, and the sun in the same financial house is in good phase. Lucky luck, tail teeth can draw a high amount of cash, or valuable goods. Gemini, who has investment habits, the investment target continues to rise, do not rush to get out, and there is room for profit.

In terms of emotional luck, the Martian phase in the emotional house is good, while the sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are gathered in the desire house, and there is more demand for intimate relationships, and the interaction with the people you like at this time is in a good condition. Single Geminis will be made up of sex and love, and a relationship will be determined by the feeling of the body.

In terms of academic luck, Saturn in the academic palace is influenced by Uranus, is depressed academically, and homework, papers, and reports are not favored by the instructor, and the idea of transferring to another department will arise. Some Geminis are marginalized in school, endure invisible bullying, and want to transfer or take a break.

In terms of health luck, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto gather in the House of Disease, while Venus is in a regressive state. Many of the old diseases in the body have recurred, and no matter how they are treated, they seem to have not improved. Beware of colds, infections of the respiratory tract and throat, easy inflammation of the urinary system, and attention to cardiovascular problems.


In terms of academic luck, Jupiter entered the academic palace, thirsty for knowledge, and is considering studying abroad or going overseas as an exchange student. Cancer, who has already left social work, will have plans to study again, want to study a degree, or improve professional skills.

In terms of emotional luck, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are in the emotional house, and the sun in the same emotional house is in good phase, and Venus shows a regressive state. Reunited with the former lover, the two parties decided to join hands into the marriage. Some Cancers have just fallen into a new relationship and are in a state of hot love, and both parties have a consensus to enter the marriage.

In terms of work luck, Mars travels in the working house, the workload has soared, and every day it has to work overtime to rush to work, and even on holidays, it cannot rest, and it is seriously overworked. Some Cancers have to deal with a lot of chores in the workplace, some problems are very complicated, and the mood is very boring.

In terms of money luck, Jupiter left the financial house, and Saturn, who remained in the financial house, was affected by Uranus, and it was easy to be cheated of money when dealing with people, especially not to buy with groups, join direct sales, sign insurance contracts, or join religious groups.


In terms of money luck, Jupiter enters the financial house, participates in the tail tooth lottery at the end of the year, will win the first prize, and can get a lot of cash, or valuable gifts. Leo, who has investment habits, has a rising value of the investment target in his hand and can make a profit at the right time.

In terms of work luck, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are in the working house, and the sun in the same working house is in a good phase, and Venus shows a regressive state. Achievements in the field of work have attracted the attention and recognition of all parties, and we are currently enjoying the results and glory. Some Leos do not need to clock in to the office for the time being, and their work is much easier.

In terms of emotional luck, Saturn continues to stay in the emotional palace, influenced by Uranus, the two have no consensus on the future, and the marriage originally discussed is broken. Leo, who is emotionally stable, and the physical condition of the other half is not good, which makes you very worried.

In terms of health luck, the sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are gathered in the healthy house, while Venus is in a regressive state. Many old problems and diseases in the body have recurred, and no matter how they are treated, they seem to have not improved. Jupiter enters the uterus of disease, pays attention to liver function problems, deteriorates metabolic status, and is prone to bloating or puffiness.


Good luck of feelings, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are in the love house, the sun in the same love house is in good phase, and Venus shows a regressive state. Reunite with the former lover and reunite. Some Virgos are lightning in love with a new object, Jupiter enters the marriage house, and many Virgos are preparing for marriage.

In terms of home transportation, Mars continues to travel in the home house, pay attention to the use of fire and electrical appliances, and the home portal should also be careful of small intrusions. If the home environment is not peaceful, you will quickly find a satisfactory place to stay and move very efficiently. Relationships with family members are also strained.

In terms of work luck, Saturn in the work house is influenced by Uranus, and the company will make it difficult for you to be sent to other places, deliberately forcing you to leave. Some Virgos feel that their profession is not respected in the workplace, want to quit their jobs, and do not want to continue to be pressured.

In terms of academic luck, Uranus in the academic house is influenced by Saturn, and the Virgo who is studying feels that the current department has no future and will want to transfer or retake the exam. Virgos who have left social work will want to pursue a higher degree and consider quitting their jobs.


Good luck at work, Jupiter into the house of work, someone poaching you into a larger organization, the treatment will be much better than the current company. With a stable job, the company will be promoted to your position, and the work to be performed in the future will be more challenging.

In terms of home transportation, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are combined in the home house, and the sun phase is good in the same house, and Venus shows a regressive state. The home is being renovated and will soon have its own separate space. At the same time, new furniture will be purchased, and life will be renewed.

In terms of emotional luck, Saturn in the love house is affected by Uranus, and the economy is overly dependent on one of them, resulting in an unequal relationship, and the two people's emotions are constantly calculating for money and becoming unhealthy. Libra who is pregnant, the fetal condition is unstable, beware of premature or miscarriage.

In terms of money luck, Uranus in the financial house was affected by Saturn, loan and credit card debts were heavy, and the monthly living expenses were compressed. Libra, who has investment habits, blindly chases a certain investment target, which is easy to get stuck at a high point, and even cause serious debt.


In terms of emotional luck, Jupiter enters the love house, and the person he likes will decide to live together, live together, and even intend to get married at this time. Scorpio, who is emotionally stable, will have signs of pregnancy and have a crystallization of love with the object of love.

In terms of work luck, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are in the interview and examination houses, and the sun phase in the interview house is good, and Venus shows a regressive state. It will be poached by the old owner to carry out education, consulting and other related businesses. Some Scorpios pass the national exam and enter the public service system.

In terms of home transportation, Saturn in the house of the house is affected by Uranus, the family atmosphere is not good, and the physical and mental conditions of some family members worry you, and even accidents that you expect. Some Scorpio mortgages are heavy, coupled with increased interest rates, life is almost breathless.

In terms of money luck, Mars continues to travel in the money house, there are too many unexpected expenditures, deposits have bottomed out, and the economic situation makes you anxious. Some Scorpios rely on credit cards to borrow money to survive, waiting for the end of the year to pay off, before they have money to pay off their debts and improve their lives.


In terms of home transportation, Jupiter has entered the house of the family, and the family has a series of happy events this year, there will be new members to join, or are preparing to handle marriage-related matters. Some Sagittarius plans to buy a new house, take root, and don't want to drift anymore.

In terms of money luck, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are in the money house, and the sun in the money house is in a good phase, and Venus shows a regressive state. It is foreseen that a significant amount of year-end bonuses will be received this year, but due to some factors, the year-end bonuses will be postponed until the lunar year.

In terms of health luck, Mars travels in the palace of life, because of the relationship often staying up late, the fire is larger, it is easy to break the mouth and acne, this time to pay special attention to the disaster of blood and light, easy to accidental injury. The mood is more impetuous, and it is easy to argue with people under the anger, and even physical conflicts and get hurt.

In terms of work luck, Uranus in the work house is influenced by Saturn, and there are some gossip in the field of work that hurts your reputation, but it is difficult to speak. Some Sagittarius have poor communication with colleagues or customers, and the signing of contracts is not smooth.


In terms of work luck, Jupiter entered the interview and examination palace, while the sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto gathered in the palace of life, the interview new job was very pleasing, and soon he could receive the admission notice and enter the company that everyone envied. When you take the national examination, your score can cross the threshold and enter the service of public institutions.

In terms of emotional luck, Venus retreated in the palace of life, lightning established a relationship with someone, fell into an incredible love affair, and even soon talked about marriage. Some Capricorns reunite with old lovers, and both have the idea of reuniting.

In terms of money luck, Saturn in the money house is affected by Uranus, and the burden of life becomes heavier, the expenses become more, the savings become less, and it will be very insecure about money. Some Capricorns have economic power in the hands of their families or spouses, do not have much cash at their disposal, and feel that they are very poor.

In terms of health luck, the sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto gathered in the palace of life, and Venus showed a regressive state. During this time, the old diseases of the body are easy to recur, and no matter how they are cultivated, they have not improved. The weather changes too much, it is easy to catch a cold, the respiratory system and throat are infected, and it is necessary to pay attention to cardiovascular problems.


In terms of emotional luck, Venus will regress in the secret palace and will reunite with the object of the former crush, but the feelings with each other can still not be broken, because they have a stable partner with each other. Some Aquarians are caught up in secret relationships, unable to open up to the public, and although it is sweet every day, they also feel sad.

In terms of money luck, Jupiter entered the money house, and there will be good news of salary increases in the new year, the growth rate is even higher than expected, but the heavy responsibilities are also more. Some Aquarius have successful side businesses, increased their incomes, and become richer.

In terms of home luck, Uranus in the house of the house is affected by Saturn, the physical and mental condition of the family is not good, often do worrying things, need you to take care of it often, but you will also suffer from emotional violence. Some Aquarius home environments are very complex, often troublesome events, and will want to move.

In terms of work luck, Saturn continues to stay in the palace of life, influenced by Uranus. In the workplace, the responsibility is too heavy, often need to clean up the mess, subordinates are difficult to manage, feel difficult for the current work, and the body has a tendency to overwork.


In terms of interpersonal relations, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are in the interpersonal relationship house, and the sun in the interpersonal relationship house is in good phase, and Venus shows a regressive state. On some occasions, you will meet friends who have not been seen for a long time, and the missing friendship will be warmed up again.

In terms of emotional luck, Jupiter enters the palace of life, gathers with Neptune, the peach blossom becomes exuberant, and many people express their good feelings for you, and at the same time they will meet the object of your choice. Emotionally stable Pisces, with the person you like will consider entering the marriage, the connection.

In terms of work luck, Mars continues to travel in the Zhiye Palace, the business volume has soared, the work is very busy, every day is very tired, often need to work overtime and stay up late. Some Pisces plug-ins are too open, need to participate in many activities, and seem to be active in social situations, but they actually consume too much energy.

In terms of learning luck, Uranus in the learning house is affected by Saturn, and there are some obstacles in a certain learning project, which has been unable to cross, feeling that it is not suitable for learning related fields, and wants to give up. Still a student's Pisces, the final exam was carelessly lost, and the subjects that were originally very sure were messed up, affecting the overall performance.

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