
Five thousand years up and down - Yu Fa Three Seedlings

Sanmiao is an ancient ethnic group from the Time of the Yellow Emperor to Yao Shunyu in Chinese legend, also known as the Three Miao People, you Miao, you Miao, Miao People, there is a custom of "skull", that is, the hemp and hair are combined into knots, and the snake totem is worshipped.

Sanmiao is mainly distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, between Gudongting Lake and Poyang Lake. Sanmiao has a very long history. As early as the Time of the Yellow Emperor, the Sanmiao tribe had participated in the tribal alliance of Jiuli, and some documents said that Sanmiao was "after Jiuli".

Five thousand years up and down - Yu Fa Three Seedlings

Xuanyu is the Great Chieftain of the Nine Lis

During the Yao Dynasty, Sanmiao rebelled, and Yao sent troops to fight at Danshui (present-day Danjiang) and defeated Sanmiao. Sanmiao may have joined Yao's tribal alliance at this time. It is said that the leader of Sanmiao, Huān dou, was a "Yao Chen" and was known as a "prince". Later, Sanmiao was dissatisfied and repeatedly caused chaos, so Yao exiled some of their people to sanwei mountain in the northwest and exiled their leader Qidu to Chongshan. After Shun became the leader of the tribal alliance, Sanmiao was dissatisfied, so Shun reorganized his army and surrendered to Sanmiao without war. According to legend, Sanmiao is a relatively advanced nation, and Sanmiao has been divided into "gentlemen" and "villains" and has begun to have class differentiation. The Mozi Kane'ai Xia contains the Oath of Yu, the oath of the oath of the Oath of The Three Miao of Yu Zheng. Yu also engaged in a 70-day battle with the disobedient Sanmiao, defeating the Miao master, and since then the Three Miao have declined. Since then, the activities of Sanmiao have rarely been seen in the history books.

Five thousand years up and down - Yu Fa Three Seedlings

In recent years, some scholars believe that Sanmiao is the ancestor of the current Miao people, one of the reasons is that the Miao people in Baisha today still retain the tradition of the past Sanmiao people to tie their hair with hemp; but some other scholars have reservations about this.

Note: 驩兜 [huān dou], also known as Huan Du or 驩頭, 鴅࢕吺, is the grandson of 鲧, the leader of the Sanmiao clan in ancient Chinese legends. The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" says, "The jaws give birth to the heads of the people, and the heads of the people are born of the seedlings." Legend has it that he was exiled to Chongshan by Shun because of his rebellion with Gonggong and Gonggong. Today's Chongshan mountain is in Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, where ancient ruins such as the Tomb of the Donkey Pocket, the Tomb of the Donkey Pocket House, and the Temple of the Horse Pocket are located on the local mountain.

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