
Swirling oil, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside

author:Old Shaw who loves food

Oil swirl is a traditional snack in Jinan, its skin is crispy, the inside is tender, and the aroma of green onions is fragrant, so named because of its spiral-like appearance. Oil swirl is said to have appeared at the end of the Qing Dynasty, more than a hundred years ago, The three brothers of Xu clan in Qihe County began to operate oil swirl in Jinan, in order to adapt to the taste of Jinan people, added onion oil puree and salt, sold now, quite popular with customers, and even every morning to patrol the Yamen to point eggs the officials also came to buy oil swirl, the business is very prosperous.

Swirling oil, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside

The authentic oil spinner is made of pork plate oil, minced with fascia, and mixed with zhangqiu scallion minced to form a puree of green onion. We can also use lard to replace pork board oil when we make it ourselves at home.

Do the production process as follows!

1 Add the water in the main ingredient to the flour in parts, stir first into a snowflake shape, then combine into a homogeneous dough, cover and let it sit for 30 minutes.

2 chopped green onions and mixed with lard to form a pureed shallot oil.

3 Wake up the dough into strips and divide into each dose weighing about 50 grams. Round the agent and cover it with a damp wrung-out cloth to avoid crust.

4 Press the agent flat by hand and roll out slightly longer.

5 After turning over, roll out into a long tongue-shaped dough with a thickness of about 1 mm and rotate 90 degrees.

6 Sprinkle a little salt on the dough sheet and spread a layer of green onion puree.

7 Fold the dough in half in a short direction and apply a layer of peanut oil to the surface.

Swirling oil, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside

8 Pinch one end slightly longer, then roll it up from the head and roll it up.

9 The mouth folds into the bottom and places vertically on the board. All the rolls are made in turn.

10 Use your hands to remove the dough from the bottom of the roll.

11 Heat a frying pan, add a little peanut oil to cover the pan, roll the noodles and put them up.

The 12-sided roll is flattened by hand and rotated while pressing until it becomes a round cake with a thickness of 7 to 8 mm.

13 The bottom of the cake is shaped, turned over, simmered over low heat until golden brown on both sides, and removed. Place in a preheated oven and bake on 200C for 4 to 5 minutes to bake the excess oil out of the cake and make the crust crisper.

14 Hold the baked cake in your hand, poke your thumb back in the middle of the cake, let the layers of the cake come out and put it on the table.

Swirling oil, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside

And noodles can be used in the summer with cool water, other seasons should be used warm water. When the dough rolls are placed in the pot, the layers should be down. Press the inside of the pot into a cake, and the center of the circle will be more correct. Be sure to bake over low heat and rotate constantly to turn the round cake so that the color will be more even. If there is no oven. Then extend the baking time a little longer.

Swirling oil, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside

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