
"Zizhi Tongjian": Everything is predetermined, and if it is not predetermined, it is abolished

"Zizhi Tongjian": Everything is predetermined, and if it is not predetermined, it is abolished

According to the Zizhi Tongjian, when Yan Zhenqing of the Tang Dynasty was serving as a plain too punctual, he saw that There were signs of rebellion in An Lushan, so he used the excuse that the rainy season was coming, built a city trench, secretly recruited warriors, and stored rice to enrich the warehouse. An Lushan thought that Yan Zhenqing was just a scholar and did not have to worry. Soon, An Lushan rebelled, and the counties around Hedong fled and surrendered, and only Yan Zhenqing led 7,000 soldiers to guard the Yellow River crossing, because of the early precautions and adequate preparations, Pingyuan County did not fall.

There is a cloud in the Book of Rites and The Middle Way: "Everything is predetermined, and if it is not predetermined, it is abolished." "Pre-planning" means planning or preparing in advance. To do anything is to say that no matter what you do, you can succeed if you are prepared in advance, and you will fail without preparation. Yan Zhenqing foresaw An Lushan's movements, and prepared for the War of Resistance in advance, prepared for it, took advantage of the opportunity, and successfully resisted the risks and challenges.

Pre is a morphophonemic word, from the page (xié), to the sound. "Page" refers to the head of the person. The original meaning of "to" refers to "spear in the stabbing", which is extended to "forward stabbing", and then extended to "push forward". "Give" and "page" combine to mean "stick the head forward", which means "first, leading". In the Xunzi Sketch, Yun said: "The first to worry about the affliction is to predict, and the premonition is not to be born." ”

We all know the story of "preparing for the rain". When it was not raining yet, the bird quickly wrapped the gap in the nest with sangen's skin to make the nest stronger. The idiom "plan ahead" originates from this, which is similar to "things are predetermined", and both warn us: when we are safe, we should think of danger, and if we are prepared, we will not be troubled. Usually, we should take more precautions and make more preparations for the "unexpected worries", in case there is a wind and rain disaster one day, we will not be caught off guard, and we can win the best results.

Foresight comes from a clear understanding and keen insight into the development trend of things, and behind the "foresight" is a cool head and a clear judgment. The Warring States Policy records that Zhi Bo, a powerful minister of the Jin Dynasty, wanted to cut down the guard and sent four hundred wild horses and a bibi of white jade to paralyze the defense of the country. Wei Jun and Qunchen were both very happy, but Nan Wenzi said, "If you don't have merit, you will be rewarded, and you will get gifts without effort, so you must not be careless." Wei Jun told the border generals about Nan Wenzi's words and asked them to strengthen their vigilance. Zhi Bo did indeed attack, but when he reached the border, he saw that the Weiguo was heavily armed and returned. Zhi Bo said disappointedly, "The wei state has a wise man who knows my plan in advance." ”

Foreshadowing is to take the initiative and make plans for the future, reflecting a long-term vision and self-vigilance. Think one more step in everything, prepare for the worst and the most difficult place, so that you can play a good game of chess and play the active battle. We must have both the prudence of walking on thin ice and the consciousness of taking precautions, think of problems before they arise, ponder risks before risks arise, think about ways to solve contradictions before they intensify, make preparations in advance, and take precautions in advance, even if the situation is good and the development is smooth, we are still "pre-determined" and not sluggish. Only in this way can we "prevent disasters before they start and try to plague in the future" and constantly create a new situation in the development of their careers.

◎ This article was originally published in the "Central Commission for Discipline Inspection State Supervision Commission website", the source network, the copyright of the picture and text belongs to the original author, if there is infringement, please contact to delete.

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