
The Nazi flag was banned in Europe, so why didn't the Japanese flag?

Recently, many people are also talking about this Nazi flag, and many people have also found out, that is, this Nazi flag is actually banned in Europe, but it seems that this Japanese flag is not affected, so is this statement correct? What are the stories and sayings? What are the core reasons for this? Let's take a brief look at the secret of the analysis.

The Nazi flag was banned in Europe, so why didn't the Japanese flag?

In fact, the question of the question is wrong, the Nazi flag banned in Europe is the flag belonging to the Nazi Party, which was called the "battle flag" at that time, that is, the flag used by the German army in World War II. Such a flag symbolized the evil Nazi Party, so it was certainly forbidden in Europe.

The Flag of Japan should also be viewed separately, and the flag used by Japan in World War II was the "Rising Sun Flag", which is the style of the current Japanese flag with light. This rising sun flag also belongs to the Japanese fascist battle flag and is also prohibited from use.

The Nazi flag was banned in Europe, so why didn't the Japanese flag?

But the current flag of Japan is legal, and now this kind of flag is called the "Nichihachi Flag", which does not have the style of light.

In this way, it should also be clear to everyone that what was forbidden was only used in combat during the Second World War, not the current one, and it was a symbol of evil aggression at that time, and it was right to be banned.

The Nazi flag was banned in Europe, so why didn't the Japanese flag?

It is said that Japan wants to restore the rising sun flag in 2013, and said that the rising sun flag and the Japanese chapter flag have the same status, such behavior is definitely not allowed, everyone understands, Japan should not be fooled.

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