
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded

author:Taiyuan Radio and Television Station

"Aoi in Qingqing Garden, Morning Dew Waiting for the Sunrise; Yangchun Budze, All Things Are Born of Glory", 2021.12.16 In the morning, the "Qinglan Hand in Hand, One Heart Debut" junior high school young teacher series open class of The Regent Campus kicked off; on December 23, the week-long debut activity ended smoothly in a strong atmosphere of full swing and ended successfully.

At 8:00 a.m. on the 16th, the first grade teachers Yan Peiling and Wang Zhe took the lead in the lecture, and the historical atmosphere of "three legs standing tall" laid a thick and detailed tone for the opening of the event. On the morning of the 21st, the three teachers outside the number of words Hao Xiaoyan, Zhang Ying, and Liang Lu took turns to vividly interpret the thinking transformation and deep thinking in the language and symbol classroom; on the morning of the 22nd, the physical English narrow road met, Wang Liting and Xin Jianpeng built an experimental bridge to feel "density" and cognitive "density" between student operation and graphic understanding, and Teacher Wang Jia moved the Closes Store in the text to Shele Street. Students are invited to tailor an English promotion advertisement for their own small shop; on the afternoon of the 23rd, English Du Chuan and Wang Yao, two teachers with the same topic, if you go to the party, you will have a great time, in the context of the theme of party and fun, students are like a party, actively participating in the planning of the party process and predicting the outcome of the party. So far, the 2021-2022 school year of the "Qinglan Hand in Hand, One Heart Debut" series of open classes for junior high school young teachers in the 2021-2022 school year of the Celsius Campus has been successfully concluded.

Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded

Jade is not a craftsmanship, it is not a tool; man does not learn, he does not know righteousness. In the four class evaluation activities, the young teachers explained their understanding of the teaching objectives of this lesson, the young teachers of the same subject shared their feelings about the debut of their colleagues, the masters gave affirmation and improvement suggestions on the teaching effect of this lesson, and the senior commentators made professional points and guidance from the multiple dimensions of "before class - class - after class".

Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded

Do the class teacher feeling

On December 16th, I completed my first open class in my life, nervous and excited, here are some of my thoughts:

Preliminary preparation, lesson preparation must be sufficient, listen to the suggestions of others, carefully grind lessons, a good lesson is grinded out, is changed. Formal classes should maintain a normal mind, and treat open classes in a normal class state, too deliberate will be counterproductive.

The most important thing is the evaluation of the class after the open class, we must listen carefully to the suggestions of the teachers, which are the valuable experiences of the predecessors, and they have shared with me without hesitation, and they should be taught with an open mind, gradually improve, and continue to move forward towards a better classroom.

Finally, I sincerely thank you to all the teachers who helped me, thank you for your patient guidance, I will continue to work hard!

——Junior History Teacher Yan Peiling

On December 16, 2021, I told a seven-on-seven lesson 16 "Three Kingdoms Standing" open class in SC2105 class, and felt the following:

First, it is not easy to prepare lessons, grind lessons, change ideas several times, and modify them many times.

Second, break the tradition, the main line network, time and space, "Cao Cao" as the line, "unification" theme.

Third, the implementation of the foundation, the introduction of problems, the goal is clear, easy to know and not to talk, the difficulties are prominent, control the rhythm, time nodes, logical thinking, study of the law guidance, appropriate expansion, language refinement, summary precision, sublimation of enlightenment, home and country feelings, effective exercises, difficult and easy combination.

Fourth, the activities are effective, the forms are diverse, the difficulties are explored, the prompts are limited, the thinking time is time, the students' thinking, the problems are deep, the materials are dug deeply, the problems are solved, the historical stories are detailed and refined, the encouragement and guidance are encouraged, the comments are in place, and the advantages and disadvantages are clear.

Fifth, the board book refinement, the essence of courseware, the combination of disciplines, and the map of poetry.

——Junior History Teacher Wang Zhe

After-class feelings about the open class of "The Emperor's New Clothes"

I am very grateful to the school for giving me this opportunity, and I am even more grateful to the leaders and senior teachers for their guidance.

The two goals of this lesson, in short: to analyze the characters and clarify the theme. I started with the "deception" orthography and then asked the student who was the character who introduced this article by "who easily deceived whom?" The class revolves around the four links of "understanding the scam, restoring the scam, exposing the scam, and clarifying the theme", using the situational teaching method, allowing students to perform reading, restoring the story itself, and after the performance, the reporter interviews and plays the reader, let the actors say why they read it this way, so as to dig up the psychological characteristics of the characters. The classroom is based on students' activities, in line with the concept of student first, aiming to cultivate students' ability to learn independently.

——Teacher Hao Xiaoyan of Junior High School Language

"5.6 Applying the Unary Equation to Catch Up with Bob"

Summary of open classes

As a new teacher, I have the following areas to improve:

The first teaching content can be introduced into this lesson through the video of tom and mouse chasing; the interpretation of the sitcom should be directly abstracted into a line segment graphic. The second class rhythm, the overall language is not concise enough, the simple process does not need to be repeated too much. Third, in the face of valuable questions raised by students, we must give students the opportunity to explain clearly, and then continue the process after positive feedback.

I am very grateful to Master Gan Huijuan and the teachers in the math group for helping me grind the lessons, giving me a lot of method guidance and encouragement, and the suggestions made by the teachers during the teaching and research have also benefited me a lot, and I will work harder and have more confidence to keep moving forward in mathematics teaching.

——Junior Mathematics Teacher Zhang Ying

I received notice of today's "One Heart Debut" open class two weeks ago. Since then, with the help of my fellow teachers, I have begun to prepare intensely and interestingly. Excitedly looking for courseware templates, relishing the lesson design, the teachers were brain-opening to collect interesting materials for me, and I racked my brains to sort out the classroom activities. The children are more looking forward to this open class, and they have helped me prepare classroom props before each class, and actively offer suggestions and suggestions to design wonderful activities in class.

The class progressed smoothly, and the interaction between the children and me in the class was very positive, and even asked unexpected good questions, which made me re-acquaint myself with this group of cute children. I am also very grateful to the senior teachers for their valuable advice, and I really hope that there will be more opportunities to accept such challenges and grow faster in the future.

——Junior English Teacher Liang Lu

During the "Concentric Debut", I gained a lot of knowledge and methods. At the beginning of the lesson preparation, the preliminary process was summarized through the previous lesson plan, courseware, and exercise book exercises, but there were still many omissions and incongruities in the idea conception, and through the guidance of Master Li Yongming and repeated change exercises, a relatively complete open class was finally shown. After the class, a number of experienced old teachers commented on the advantages and disadvantages of this lesson, pointing out that there is still room for progress in my curriculum, board books, language, etc., and the depth of knowledge of the concept can be excavated, and learn to let go of students more, they will create better classroom effects, and achieve the purpose of learning, understanding, and learning.

——Junior 2 Physics Teacher Wang Liting

Open classes are an exercise and improvement experience for me. I learned a lot, but I also got a deep appreciation of how important the effort behind a good lesson is. The most profound feelings are as follows:

First, a good lesson is not only the comprehensive content of knowledge and the control of knowledge details, but also the teaching objectives should always be implemented. Guide students to learn independently and explain the content from the student's point of view.

Second, concise, capable words and phrases can not only improve the efficiency of the class, but also enable a new teacher to grow rapidly.

Third, the board book of important knowledge points should be the finishing touch. Blindly demanding large and comprehensive may become a burden to a lesson, and the emphasis on key points, the highlighting of difficulties and the knowledge framework of the board book should be better for today's class.

After the open class, I will continue to work hard, constantly reflect, continue to enrich, accumulate experience, and make the class more dynamic and efficient.

——Junior Physics Teacher Xin Jianpeng

I am very grateful to the school for providing such a good opportunity for young teachers to learn and grow, and I am also very fortunate to have the opportunity to have this "one heart debut" open class demonstration opportunity. I often tell students that one person can go fast, and a group of people can go further. In the preparation process of this open class, I also experienced the strength of the team. Thank you very much for the help of Master Liu Junfeng and the partners of the English Group of The First Grade of The Joy in grinding lessons, changing lessons and practicing lessons again and again, in the continuous polishing of the classroom, the teaching ideas are becoming clearer and clearer, and can guide students step by step from input to output as much as possible to complete the use of the target language expression. Looking back at this lesson, in the final presentation, reading and writing can project out the documents written by students and take students to make unified corrections to reduce the pragmatic errors that occur in students' writing after class.

Playing iron also needs to be hard. I hope that in the future, I will learn the art of teaching and management from more and more excellent front-line teachers, do a good job in teaching basic skills in concentrated teaching and continuous learning, continuously improve my own ability, and carefully teach every lesson.

——Junior English Teacher Wang Jia

Preparing for an open class is painful, but rewarding.

First of all, learn that lesson preparation should be based on learning conditions, design activities from easy to difficult, repeatedly practice the target language, and pay attention to implementation. Second, in order to alleviate the tension of the students, before the class, you can use an exciting small video or song to import, eliminate the children's nervousness, and then you can enter the classroom and enter the situation.

Feeling the warmth of our English group, in many trial lectures, the teachers in the group taught each other, constantly helped me come up with ideas, wanted to move, helped me reduce a lot of burden, so I am very grateful to them.

——Junior 2 English Teacher Du Chuan

Participating in open classes is an opportunity for our young teachers to improve their teaching level and exercise their potential. Through this open class, I have been trained in teaching preparation, lecture methods and methods, teaching interaction, and playing the role of students as the main body. The after-school comments of teachers and leaders have benefited me a lot. After receiving the notice of the open class, adhering to the consistent excellent tradition of the junior second grade English preparation group, all the teachers in the group gave me and Mr. Du great help, from the course design to the details of the exercises to the sublimation of the theme, all the courses I presented were the result of the efforts of the junior two English preparation team. Although this lesson is still insufficient in my personal presentation, I will grow and make progress as soon as possible in my future teaching work.

——Junior 2 English Teacher Wang Yao

The master instructs the apprentice

Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded
Taiyuan Outer Chinese School: The series of open classes for young teachers of junior high schools in Regent Campus was successfully concluded

This activity focuses on promoting the rapid growth of young teachers in our school, focusing on consolidating the teaching practice of our school's "effective classroom", focusing on the pairing of teachers and apprentices who are connected by blue and blue and inheriting experience, and is intended to build a platform for cooperation between the group and the win-win situation for the construction of the teacher team in our school; the back wave of the Yangtze River is the front wave, the front wave is pouring out with the back wave - since the pairing, the teachers and apprentices have watched the class together to discuss the lessons, think about the lessons, go to the class, discuss, design, summarize and reflect together, and the grade group fully coordinates, optimizes the choice, and guarantees the trial lecture This activity is not only the debut of young teachers, but also the first answer sheet handed over by young teachers and masters, but also the crystallization of the collective wisdom of each lesson preparation group, and also an important training measure and promotion requirement for the two grade groups of junior high school in the construction of young teachers.

Our school has always been adhering to the young teachers is the reserve force of the sustainable development of the school, is to promote the comprehensive development of students of the frontier implementation of the force of the training policy, and is actively committed to helping young teachers improve their professional skills and comprehensive literacy, quickly improve the teaching content of young teachers to deal with the ability, the ability to use teaching methods and means, teaching organization and management ability, language expression ability, educational wit and teacher-student interaction ability, all aspects of the guidance and promotion of young teachers as soon as possible to grow into advanced concepts, Skilled in education and teaching and classroom management.

Tonghua Wanli Danshan Road, young Feng Qing yu old fengsheng. It is believed that under the effective guidance and drive of such a series of activities as "Blue and Blue Hand in Hand, One Heart Debut", the young teacher team of our school will be able to "be better than blue out of blue", take a broad view, accumulate thick and thin hair, and become the guardian and creator of student ideals, teacher ideals, and school ideals.

Source: Taiyuan Chinese School

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