
Latest Tips! The sale of fireworks and firecrackers continues to be banned within the fourth ring road of Harbin

author:Life Newspaper

On the 24th, the reporter of The Longtou News and Life Daily learned that in order to strictly implement the relevant requirements of the "Decision of the Standing Committee of the Harbin Municipal People's Congress on Prohibiting the Display of Fireworks and Firecrackers", the Harbin Emergency Management Bureau issued a reminder on the prohibition of fireworks and firecrackers.

The tip points out that the area enclosed by the Fourth Ring Road in harbin city (including the fourth ring road), the area outside the fourth ring road of Songpu Town, the Limin Development Zone, the Harbin Economic and Technological Development Zone, the area along the Airport Road (Xinfa Town, Xinnong Town, Taiping Town), and the areas demarcated by the people's governments of Pingfang District, Hulan District, Acheng District and Shuangcheng District and announced to the public are prohibited from setting off and selling fireworks and firecrackers.

It is strictly forbidden to discharge or sell cold light fireworks, wire cotton fireworks, and online sales of fireworks and firecrackers.

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