
Why are more and more girls starting to use iPhones and turn to domestic mobile phones?

Many female colleagues in the company used to use iPhones, and from time to time they would show off. This year, I found that many of the company's female colleagues' mobile phones have been replaced by domestic brands, which are useful for Huawei, Honor, and OPPO or vivo. So why is the iPhone suddenly less sought after by "women"?

I think there are the following points, which are very classic and in place.

Why are more and more girls starting to use iPhones and turn to domestic mobile phones?

The first point: The iPhone has lost the need for "noble" representation

In the past, the iPhone was much more expensive than the common domestic mobile phone, so when it came to Apple, everyone unconsciously thought of "noble". Now Apple has not raised the price more than once and lowered the pricing of the new machine, while the domestic high-end flagship has also rapidly laid out, Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, vivo have prices that are the same as the iPhone or even more expensive, so the iPhone has lost the synonym of "noble", can not meet the vanity of some girls, naturally no longer used.

Why are more and more girls starting to use iPhones and turn to domestic mobile phones?

The second point: the performance/system of domestic mobile phones is close to that of iPhones

Some girls who are not vain and more diligent and thrifty, used to value the smooth durability of the iPhone, and now domestic mobile phones with the continuous accumulation of technology, they are more and more mature and stable in hardware performance and system optimization, avoiding many shortcomings and shortcomings in the past. Therefore, in terms of smooth experience, durable life and safety performance, many domestic mobile phones are close to Apple. Then there are rich choices and cheaper prices, and everyone is willing to turn around to support domestic mobile phones.

Why are more and more girls starting to use iPhones and turn to domestic mobile phones?

The third point: at work, domestic mobile phones are more suitable for Chinese users

Once most of the colleagues around them use domestic mobile phones, only a few insist on using iPhones, then Apple still has more inconveniences at work. Because Apple is a separate system, and there are restrictions on the stationing software, domestic mobile phones are relatively more open, like some of the work of the software, file mutual transmission, etc., of course, there is no restriction between the domestic mobile phone and the domestic mobile phone, simpler and more convenient, so the domestic mobile phone is actually more suitable for Chinese users.

Why are more and more girls starting to use iPhones and turn to domestic mobile phones?

The fourth point: selfie, camera function, iPhone has begun to lag behind

Most girls love beauty, naturally also like to take mobile phone selfies, video, and in recent years, the domestic mobile phone Huawei has long been in the first place in the DxOMark rankings, with the world's most outstanding shooting effects, while Xiaomi and other domestic brands are also constantly making efforts in shooting functions. In contrast, the iPhone has begun to lag behind, the photo experience such as zoom and beauty is not rich, and the one-click Vlog production of video recording is not as simple and convenient as domestic mobile phones.

Why are more and more girls starting to use iPhones and turn to domestic mobile phones?

Fifth point: If you want to experience the folding screen, you can only give up the iPhone

Finally, the iPhone has maintained the conventional straight-faced screen form for so many years, and the domestic mobile phone has not only innovated the lifting screen, curved screen, full screen, and folding screen, and even the folding screen has a different shape of vertical and internal folding and horizontal folding. In terms of Huawei's newly launched Huawei P50 Pocket, the fuselage is small and easy to carry after folding, and there are large-screen visual effects when unfolded, and many girls like it very much at a glance. Then if you want to experience the folding screen, you can only give up the iPhone.

Why are more and more girls starting to use iPhones and turn to domestic mobile phones?

The above is the five reasons why girls are increasingly not using iPhones to switch to domestic mobile phones, carefully observing that each one has friends around them. What other reasons do you think there are?

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