
China's most popular actress in World War II was convicted of adultery, but finally she was acquitted because of her special status

As everyone knows, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in World War II, Japanese imperialism brought indelible pain to our country, and Japan invaded everywhere with its powerful military strength. At the time of the country's peril, countless heroes emerged in the land of China, who were not afraid of sacrifice and always fought bloodily against the invading enemy until the last moment of their lives. In the end, the victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression completely defeated the Japanese invaders, washed away the shameful history of the Chinese people being enslaved and oppressed by the great powers since the Opium War, and defended the territorial integrity of the country!

However, in this great War of Resistance Against Japan and National Salvation, there were also many heart-wrenching things, and some of them Chinese betrayed the country for personal gain, acted as running dogs for the Japanese Kou as traitors, and plunged their compatriots into the depths of the water. Among them was Wang Jixin, the number one traitor of the Republic of China, who not only established a puppet government in Nanjing, but also gathered 2 million puppet troops to help the invaders oppress the Chinese people, and their behavior was undoubtedly shameful. For this reason, after the victory of the War of Resistance, these traitors were also liquidated, and their fate was either sentenced or shot by the indignation of the civilians. However, in addition to the puppet army of World War II, there was also another Chinese red actress who was also convicted of adultery, but in the end, because of her special status, she was acquitted!

China's most popular actress in World War II was convicted of adultery, but finally she was acquitted because of her special status

This female star is called Li Xianglan, born in Fengtian, Liaoning Province, China, was a popular flower Dan during the Republic of China period, and was once known as one of the "Seven Queens of Songs" in Shanghai Beach. In the ten mile ocean field where the paper drunk gold fan was drunk, it was conceivable that Li Xianglan was so popular with the public. However, when Li Xianglan was young, his father was detained on suspicion of collusion with Chinese anti-Japanese fighters, and the family later moved to Shenyang for refuge. It was on this train to Shenyang that young Li Xianglan met a Russian-Jewish girl of the same age, Liuba, and changed the trajectory of her life.

Under the recommendation of Liuba, Li Xianglan studied under the famous Soviet opera singer Madame Podoresov, and later officially embarked on the road of dance and singing under his teaching. Because of her talent and a beautiful singing voice, she soon became famous in the circle. In 1938, Li Xianglan was finally photographed by the pseudo-"Manchurian Film Association" manipulated and planned by the Japanese invaders because of her good looks and artistic talent, and she was vigorously packaged and launched as a popular singer. The purpose was to paralyze the thoughts of the Chinese at that time through entertainment, so that they could enjoy themselves and give up resistance.

China's most popular actress in World War II was convicted of adultery, but finally she was acquitted because of her special status

Since then, Li Xianglan has filmed a number of films in puppet Manchukuo, and in "Night of China" and "Song of Bailan", she played a Chinese obsessive girl who worshiped the Japanese invaders. In addition to acting talent, Li Xianglan's musical talent has also been gradually excavated, because of her sweet singing voice, she sang Chinese songs such as "Fisherman's Girl" and "Meng Jiang Girl" to make her stand out in the acting industry, and then sang "Night Fragrance" and "Hate Not Meeting and Not Marrying" made her extremely popular and attracted everyone to sing. As a result, "singer Li Xianglan" was pushed to the forefront, and quickly became popular in the music and film world, becoming a household name "superstar".

After the great popularity, Li Xianglan also successively acted in some movies that promoted the Japanese army or whitewashed Japan's war of aggression. From singer to movie star, her influence is expanding, and the title of "Sino-Japanese Goodwill Ambassador" has made her a fragrant feast for many film companies to compete for cooperation. Despite being in a troubled world, her popularity has increased unabated. Li Xianglan became a "sugar-coated shell" in the Japanese aggressors' war policy, and this invisible spiritual confusion was far more powerful than the real gunshots.

China's most popular actress in World War II was convicted of adultery, but finally she was acquitted because of her special status

But in the eyes of clear-eyed people, Li Xianglan is a "cultural traitor" dressed in the cloak of an angel! Despite the success of the beautiful Chinese women she played, the insulting words made her suffer a lot of criticism. At a press conference in Beiping, Li Xianglan was asked sharp questions by reporters, asking why she wanted to make a film that insulted Chinese, and where did her pride in being a Chinese go? In response to the reporter's questioning, at that time, Li Xianglan only constantly apologized, saying that he was young and ignorant, and now he was also very regretful, falling into deep guilt and self-blame.

Then, in 1944, she officially withdrew from the Manchurian Film Association and moved to Shanghai. In 1945, Li Xianglan held a solo concert "Night Fragrance Fantasia" at the Great Guangming Grand Theater in Shanghai, but it was still able to cause a sensation on the stage. However, at the end of World War II, Japan was defeated and surrendered, and Li Xianglan was arrested by the Republic of China government on charges of treason. In this way, China's most popular actress in World War II was convicted of being a traitor, accused of being a traitor: "As a Chinese, she made and acted in films that defiled China, which fueled the mainland policy of Japanese imperialism, and was actually a cultural traitor." ”

China's most popular actress in World War II was convicted of adultery, but finally she was acquitted because of her special status

Because Li Xianglan did many things for Japan during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, she was found to be an act of traitor, and the military court sentenced her to death for treason, but before the execution, Li Xianglan told a secret that had been hidden for many years, which made the development of the matter turn a corner, and Li Xianglan was actually acquitted! It turned out that when the execution was about to be carried out, Li Xianglan promptly issued her identity certificate to the National Government, and what was surprising was that li Xianglan, a famous actress in the Republic of China, was actually a Japanese! Later, after the court investigation, it was found that Li Xianglan was really a Japanese named Shuko Yamaguchi, her father was a sinologist who came to China with his wife very early, and Shuko Yamaguchi was born in Liaoning Province, China, so she spoke fluent Chinese.

In 1933, Li Xianglan recognized an adoptive father, Li Jichun (also a traitor), so he was named Li Xianglan. After the Japanese invasion of China, in order to create an illusion of "Sino-Japanese friendship", the Japanese army let Shuko Yamaguchi continue to use the name Li Xianglan to debut, in order to create the phenomenon of "china's famous singers are pro-Japanese", in order to deceive and enslave the Chinese people. At this point, the truth of Yamaguchi's identity was revealed, and finally she could not be convicted of being a traitor because of her special status, and could only be acquitted. As for the term "traitor", the original meaning refers to the scum who betrayed the interests of the Han people, and later extended to the unforgivable crime of betraying China and surrendering to the enemy, but Shuko Yamaguchi was originally Japanese, and in the end the Chinese government could only repatriate him to China in view of international influence.

China's most popular actress in World War II was convicted of adultery, but finally she was acquitted because of her special status

Li Xianglan, who was repatriated to Japan in 1946, reverted to her real name, Shuko Yamaguchi. After returning to Japan, she continued to work as a singer, and because of her strength and outstanding appearance, she soon became a household name in Japan. Perhaps growing up in China, she also has a certain affection for China, and since the last time she was almost shot, Shuko Yamaguchi has also begun the process of her atonement, using her popularity to promote Sino-Japanese relations and strengthen cultural exchanges. In 2005, when she learned that Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi was going to visit the Yasukuni Shrine dedicated to the Japanese army that invaded China, she made a public statement at the age of 85, persuading him to stop the visit because "it would deeply hurt the hearts of Chinese."

On September 7, 2014, Shuko Yamaguchi passed away at the age of 94. At that time, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs also expressed its condolences to her, saying: "Ms. Li Xianglan supported and participated in the cause of Sino-Japanese friendship after the war and made positive contributions to this end, and we mourn her passing away." This memorial service from the official can also be regarded as the best consolation that Li Xianglan can get after struggling for a lifetime because of this special status. Finally, we would like to say that although Shuko Yamaguchi did some bad things in China in her early years, after arriving in Japan, she redeemed herself and brought a positive impact on Sino-Japanese friendship. We who are friendly to us will naturally remember, especially the song "Night Fragrance" was covered by Teresa Teng and became a classic, which is still widely circulated!

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