
Why do apples come to China on Christmas Eve? Eating an apple a day can really stay away from the doctor?

Why do apples come to China on Christmas Eve? Eating an apple a day can really stay away from the doctor?

December 24 is Christmas Eve, and I would like to wish you all a Happy Christmas Eve.

As we all know, in our country, giving apples on Christmas Eve has become a custom.

Of course, not this kind of apple----

Why do apples come to China on Christmas Eve? Eating an apple a day can really stay away from the doctor?

It's the big apples we often eat.

Why do apples come to China on Christmas Eve? Eating an apple a day can really stay away from the doctor?

But you know, this custom is only in our country, after all, Christmas Eve is harmonious with apples, and apples are harmonious with peace, so it is concluded that ---- Christmas Eve to send apples.

(What logic is this?) )

After all, foreigners don't say Chinese, how do they know this harmonic stem?

Why do apples come to China on Christmas Eve? Eating an apple a day can really stay away from the doctor?

Then again, apples are really a good fruit

As it can be placed on the fruit stall all year round, and few people are allergic and intolerant to it, apples are cheaper and more nutritious, so they are called "all-round healthy fruits", which is also the highest evaluation of apples.

That's why the --- An Apple a day, keeps the doctors away. Meaning: one apple a day, the doctor stays away from me.

Why do apples come to China on Christmas Eve? Eating an apple a day can really stay away from the doctor?

Does insisting on eating apples every day really keep doctors away from themselves?

Let's start with the nutritional content of apples:

Apples contain a lot of citric acid, malic acid and other organic acids, a variety of vitamins, trace elements, minerals and dietary fiber, after eating can make the body's nutrition get a comprehensive supplement, insist on eating apples can help the body promote nutritional balance, improve physical fitness, and indeed help prevent diseases.

1. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Apples contain more brass and polyphenols of natural antioxidant substances, apples can help the body to remove free, metabolic garbage, but also reduce the fat content in the blood, play a role in regulating blood lipids, prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Second, promote detoxification, beauty and beauty

Apples have a lot of fruit acid as well as vitamin C and vitamin E, which can make the skin white and delicate, and play a role in beauty and beauty.

Moreover, the apple has more fruit acid and also contains a lot of dietary fiber, which can moisturize the stomach and intestines, promote intestinal peristalsis, promote defecation, and strengthen body detoxification. At the same time, it can also play an antioxidant effect, which helps to delay the aging of the body and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

Why do apples come to China on Christmas Eve? Eating an apple a day can really stay away from the doctor?

3. Stabilize blood sugar

Don't look at apples that taste sweet, but the apple glycemic index is very low, and it is a low GI fruit without compromise. The pectin in apples can help the body regulate blood sugar and prevent excessive fluctuations in blood sugar.

Fourth, moisturize the intestines and laxative, improve appetite

Apple contains more dietary fiber, after eating can promote the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, so that food is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract as soon as possible, but also can help the large intestine to replenish water, play a role in softening the stool, prevent the occurrence of constipation.

If people with a bad appetite can eat apples in moderation, because apples contain a more special aroma and organic acids can make people feel comfortable, promote gastric acid secretion, and improve the phenomenon of loss of appetite.

Why do apples come to China on Christmas Eve? Eating an apple a day can really stay away from the doctor?

All in all, apples are a very good and inexpensive fruit.

Apples are good, but if you want to talk about one apple a day, you can not see a doctor from now on, it is a bit of an exaggeration.

After all, if you use an apple a day instead of a meal, although it can effectively lose weight, it will also bring some problems such as insufficient intake of protein.

After all, if you eat an apple every day, but other diets are still big fish, big meat, heavy oil, heavy sugar and heavy taste, it is obvious that the effect of apples can not be offset.

Why do apples come to China on Christmas Eve? Eating an apple a day can really stay away from the doctor?

Rotten apples, it is best not to eat

If the apple is left for a long time and there is local decay, it should be discarded directly. Don't cut off rotten parts and continue to eat them because you are reluctant to do so.

Even if there is a little decay, the pulp in other places will be affected by toxins and bacteria, and symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort may occur after eating.

Why do apples come to China on Christmas Eve? Eating an apple a day can really stay away from the doctor?

Apples are good, but they should not be consumed in excess at once

Under normal circumstances, eating an apple every day can be, can not eat a large number of apples at a time, so as not to ingest too much acidic substances in the stomach to promote the secretion of gastric acid, so that people appear.

In a word:

No matter how good food is, if it wants to play a healthy role, it needs to be based on a balanced diet, and the proportion of various foods should be maintained reasonably.

The proportion of apples, that is, eating 1-2 a day, is not the more the better.

So, did you eat an apple today?

Why do apples come to China on Christmas Eve? Eating an apple a day can really stay away from the doctor?


[1] Niu Ciqiong, Liu Juantao, Wang Jianping, Meng Qingtao, Gao Peng, Li Quan. Comparative analysis of anthocyanin content of red meat apple 119-06 and white meat apple Fuji nutrient content[J].Jiangxi Agriculture, 2020(06):106-107.

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