
He was the first combat hero in North China, single-handedly challenged the Invincible Japanese Army, and died laughing in his later years

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Central Military Commission published a "Commemorative Journal of the National Conference of Combat Heroes", which listed 350 combat heroes in the country, among which the person who ranked first in the North China Military Region was named Lu Junsheng.

Lü Junsheng was a native of Xingtai, Hebei Province, and although he only joined the Eighth Route Army at the end of 1937, he was very brave in fighting and was awarded eight first-class merits. Because of his bravery, he received a total of three nicknames, all of which are very loud.

He was the first combat hero in North China, single-handedly challenged the Invincible Japanese Army, and died laughing in his later years

The first nickname: Lü Bu in the army

Lü Junsheng is a typical Yan Zhao Haohan, with a height of 1 meter 92, a large body, a large waist and a round waist, living like Lü Bu in the Three Kingdoms. Especially in white-knife warfare, because of his height and long arms, his strength is infinite, and he has a special advantage in fighting bayonets, especially against the short Japanese army.

In July 1938, Lü Junsheng's 4th Company of the 2nd Regiment of the 129th Division's EastWard Column encountered the Japanese army in Xiajin, Shandong, at that time, two squadrons of the Japanese army were moving their defenses and took all the equipment, although our army preemptively occupied the high ground, but the casualties were also very heavy.

After all the bullets were fired, the company commander took the lead in fighting with the Japanese army for bayonets, just at this time, Lu Junsheng ran in front of the team, slashed left and right, one knife at a time, and killed 27 devils in one breath, if he had not been attacked by devils and stabbed in the waist, this number would have increased.

In this battle alone, Lü Junsheng was awarded the first class of battle merit, and the entire Eastward Column of the Eighth Route Army knew about this "Lü Bu in the army".

Soon after, Lü Junsheng's company encountered a Japanese squadron and a company of puppet troops, and as a result, 17 Japanese puppet troops were killed in one fell swoop, and they were once again awarded the first class merit and promoted to platoon leader.

He was the first combat hero in North China, single-handedly challenged the Invincible Japanese Army, and died laughing in his later years

Second nickname: Constant Victory

After Lü Junsheng became a platoon leader, he often led the team to fight against the Japanese puppet army, and almost never lost, so the troops gave him this nickname: Changsheng Warrior.

In December 1938, Lü Junsheng was transferred to the North China Military Region Youth Corps Communications Company as a company commander, and soon after taking office, he encountered a vicious battle. At that time, he was leading the whole company to train, suddenly the Japanese puppet army did not know when to touch it, the two armies fought bravely to win, Lu Junsheng took the lead in charging at the enemy army, under his leadership, the whole company at the cost of 22 casualties, killed and wounded more than 60 Japanese puppet troops, other enemy troops did not look good, fled in a hurry.

In 1940, Lü Junsheng led the team to participate in the famous Hundred Regiments Battle, in the Battle of Yanjiazhuang, he skillfully deployed his defenses, killing 108 enemy troops, while only 1 person in the whole company was injured, which was simply a complete victory!

After the results of this battle were reported, the 129th Division sent a congratulatory telegram to his company, awarding Lü Junsheng the title of "Heroic Company Commander", and his company was also named "Heroic Company".

Third nickname: The Terrible Owl

Because the equipment gap between our army and the enemy army is too large, we often have to adopt the strategy of night combat and close combat, after Lü Junsheng became a company commander, he led the company to attack the Japanese garrison many times at night, and he was like an owl catching prey, once he saw it, he had to take it down, and never let the enemy run away, so he got the nickname of "terrible owl".

He was the first combat hero in North China, single-handedly challenged the Invincible Japanese Army, and died laughing in his later years

Later, Lü Junsheng was wounded many times in close combat, and his superiors transferred him to the armed forces behind the enemy lines. During this period, he could not stay idle at all, and his waist was slightly better, so he disguised himself into the city and attacked the Japanese puppet army, and the Japanese puppet army was so noisy that he did not dare to come out alone, and for this reason, he also offered a special reward of 10,000 silver dollars to buy his head.

The most dangerous one, Lü Junsheng led 7 members of the armed workers, surrounded by the Japanese puppet army in a village, Lü Junsheng did not panic, calmly circumvented the Japanese puppet army, and finally not only successfully escaped, but also killed 11 devils.

Not only that, Lü Junsheng also preemptively attacked the Japanese puppet army's garrison before the Japanese puppet army returned to the city, seized several machine guns, and also carried a mortar.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the state held a meeting of combat heroes and model workers, and Lu Junsheng, as the representative of the fighting heroes of North China, was received by the chairman, who also shook his hand and said, I know you, you are very powerful!

Because Lü Junsheng was too wounded during the war years, he basically withdrew from the army after the founding of the People's Republic of China, so he also missed the award.

On November 22, 1970, Lu Junsheng was watching a movie in the village, and when he saw the scene of the victory of our army, he laughed, which led to a recurrence of heart disease and died at the age of 63.

History Inn Author: Desert Sand

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