
Automotive grade craftsmanship, specially built for MengWa: a picture to understand how to buy Nezha Devil Child

Yesterday, Nezha Automobile officially delivered Mengwa's first electric vehicle to the first batch of users - Nezha Devil Child.

The first batch of friends who did not buy it do not worry, Nezha Automobile officially released the official purchase guide, just three simple steps, you can give children the first electric car in their lives.

First, download, install and open the Nezha Car App, after registration, click on the "New Car" page, or find the Nezha Magic Child in the "Enjoy" mall.

Then, according to the child's preferences, the corresponding body color is selected, and there are four kinds of exquisite green, sweetheart powder, bean blue and cherry red.

Finally, add the shipping address, confirm the order information and complete the payment, and you can deliver the car.

Automotive grade craftsmanship, specially built for MengWa: a picture to understand how to buy Nezha Devil Child

If you don't want to download the app, you can also order through the WeChat Mini Program of Nezha Automobile Mall, Nezha Automobile Douyin Small Shop, Nezha Automobile Tmall and Jingdong Official Flagship Store.

It should be noted that purchases made between December 22 and December 25 can also enjoy free shipping service.

As an electric vehicle carefully built for cute babies, Magic Boy adopts non-toxic green environmental protection materials, and meets the standards of infant toys in terms of material selection, design and electrical appliances, and has obtained national 3C certification.

More importantly, the whole vehicle adopts the vehicle-grade three-layer water-based paint process, the color is bright and full, and the strength of the paint film meets the requirements of the vehicle regulations, and the light friction cannot remove the paint.

The wrapping material of the seat and steering wheel is made of "overtaking" leather, and with a five-point seat belt, it can ensure that the cute baby ride is safe and comfortable.

Automotive grade craftsmanship, specially built for MengWa: a picture to understand how to buy Nezha Devil Child

Magic child single charge mileage of 8 kilometers, for children to play for 2 hours, the maximum speed of 5km/ h, equivalent to the speed of adults fast walking, parents can easily walk and follow, but also support remote control, and remote control commands priority self-driving, if you encounter danger parents can intervene at any time.

Its price is 2999 yuan, which is the price of a mid-range mobile phone, and parents should be more excited than children for such an electric car built for children.

Automotive grade craftsmanship, specially built for MengWa: a picture to understand how to buy Nezha Devil Child

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