
Based on local historical figures in Shanghai The large-scale original Huangmei drama "Talented Women in trouble" was staged in Shanghai

Based on local historical figures in Shanghai The large-scale original Huangmei drama "Talented Women in trouble" was staged in Shanghai

Oriental Network reporter Cao Lei reported on December 22: A few days ago, the large-scale original Huangmei opera "Talented Woman in trouble" created by Shanghai's local private opera group Shanghai Junde Huangmei Drama Troupe was staged in Wanping Theater with a new style, and the simple and smooth singing voice and lively and meticulous performance brought a unique appreciation experience to Shanghai opera fans and friends.

Huang Mei's play "Talented Women in a Troubled World" tells a shocking history that happened in the Xia family of Jiuli Ting in Songjiang, which are some local historical figures in Shanghai, and Jiuli Ting is written by Liu Yazi as "a song of sorrow and generosity and blood, and the literary style is a generation." I am also twenty-nine years old, and my head is like a hero. One of the representative figures of the Yunjian School (poetry) at the end of the Ming Dynasty, Guo Moruo created the home of the young anti-Qing heroic martyr Xia Wanchun who created "Nanguancao". Chen Yi's inscription "Tomb of Xia Yunyi and Xia Wanchun's Father and Son" is in Xiaokunshan, Songjiang. The main characters in the creation of the script are Xia Yunyi and Xia Wanchun father and son, but the protagonist is compared by Xia Wanchun to Cai Wenji, a talented woman of the Eastern Han Dynasty, his sister Xia Shuji.

Although this songjiang talented woman in a pool of blood could not kill the enemy on the battlefield like Mu Guiying, Liang Hongyu, and Hua Mulan, she planned for the family and the country, planned for her father, acted as a brother's backing, maintained the cultural context, and with the help of her friend Lu Yuanfu, she struggled to shoulder the burden of cleaning up the two broken homes and protecting the roots of the seedlings, and finally resolutely sacrificed her youth and love for it, and took her family and her family to escape into the Dragon Gui Nunnery to become a nun. She is an alternative female master nurtured by Chinese culture.

The reason why Shanghai Junde chose this theme is mainly to innovate. First, there are relatively few Huangmei operas that interpret the feelings of the family and the country and carry on the theme of Chinese culture; second, there are relatively few Huangmei operas that reveal the historical tragedies of political corruption and the people's martyrdom; third, there may be only one Huangmei opera that uses Huangmei opera to play the historical story of Shanghai. In addition, the characters in this play, many of whom were literary masters in Songjiang at that time, incorporated a large number of their own poems into the play, and the artistic conception was elegant, which was a bold exploration for huangmei opera, which was mainly based on popular style performance.

It is understood that the Shanghai Junde Huangmei Drama Troupe, which created this repertoire, is a private opera group established in Songjiang, which brings traditional plays such as Huangmei opera "Tianxian Match" and "Liang Zhu" to Shanghai audiences on the public cultural content supply platform at the Shanghai and district levels. In addition to doing a good job in the distribution of public cultural content, especially to inherit and carry forward the essence of the excellent traditional culture of "Shanghai Roots", the troupe will set its sights on the local history and culture of Songjiang, based on the playwright Shen Yuliang's script creation and creation of Huangmei opera "Talented Women in trouble", on the basis of inheriting traditional culture to innovate.

Shanghai has a hundred rivers, humanities gather, various kinds of opera are blooming, and all kinds of original opera works are emerging in an endless stream, but the birth of this original Huangmei opera is the first time in Shanghai. The emergence of the large-scale original Huangmei opera "Talent in the Troubled World" means that Shanghai has its own first Huangmei opera IP.

(Cao Lei)

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