
Archaeologists opened Sun Quan's "lianxi" tomb, and after a move, he cried out: Bad big thing!

Archaeologists opened Sun Quan's "lianxi" tomb, and after a move, he cried out: Bad big thing!

In August 1990, the Beijing-Kowloon Railway was built to the Jishui section of Jiangxi, when the construction team needed to take soil from a small hill, and when it was blasted, an ancient tomb was blown up, which was later known as the "First Tomb in Jiangnan" Jishui Tomb, how big was it? Covers an area of 900 square meters. Later, experts determined that this was a tomb of Eastern Wu in the Three Kingdoms period, and Jiangnan at that time was a wilderness, who deserved such a grand tomb?

Archaeologists opened Sun Quan's "lianxi" tomb, and after a move, he cried out: Bad big thing!

During the excavation process, judging from the situation at the site, the tomb has been stolen several times, and archaeologists entered the burial chamber and found a large amount of silt inside. In the subsequent clean-up work, no bones of the tomb owner were found, there was no gold, silver and jade, and more than 120 pieces of burial items were unearthed, most of which were some bronze, iron, pottery, porcelain, stone and other cultural relics, including a complete set of celadon tea sets, as well as rice stoves, granaries, toilets and other utensils made of celadon porcelain. Unfortunately, no tombstones, epitaphs and other things have been found, and experts from excavated cultural relics can only determine that the ancient tomb is more than 1700 years old, belonging to the Three Kingdoms Eastern Wu period, but the specific identity of the tomb owner cannot be confirmed.

Archaeologists opened Sun Quan's "lianxi" tomb, and after a move, he cried out: Bad big thing!

After that, archaeologists visited the neighborhood, and there is a small village called Tanbu in the east of the county, according to the villagers of the village, there has always been a saying in their village, that is, the tomb of Sun Quan's brother-in-law is in the "three bowls of zhai". Legend has it that there was a young man named Tan Shao in their village, who was raised in the early years, then became an official, rose to the rank of knight lieutenant, and became a relative of the emperor, and then because of the court dispute, he took his family back to his hometown to settle down, and after his death, he was buried in the local area, because the grave was a "pin" character, like 3 bowls of Lent rice, so people called his tomb "three bowls of fasting".

Archaeologists opened Sun Quan's "lianxi" tomb, and after a move, he cried out: Bad big thing!

As the villagers described, the shape of the tomb was a "pin", and experts found a record of Tan Shao in the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms. Sun Quan's sixth wife, Lady Pan, was made empress after giving birth to Sun Liang, and soon at Sun Quan's behest, the empress's sister married Tan Shao. After Sun Quan's death, Sun Liang took the throne, and Tan Shaoguan worshiped the lieutenant and held a large number of military powers. All this is almost exactly what the villagers said, that is to say, the tomb owner is Sun Quan's brother-in-law, but after all, there is a lack of physical evidence, so it needs to be further examined.

Archaeologists opened Sun Quan's "lianxi" tomb, and after a move, he cried out: Bad big thing!

All the excavations are nearing completion, and the next problem is that the Beijing-Kowloon Railway needs to be rushed to work, and the tomb must be demolished. After discussion, experts unanimously decided to move the tomb 200 meters west for complete relocation, that is, to dismantle and then restore. According to past experience, it is not difficult to relocate ancient tombs, so under the guidance of cultural relics experts, archaeologists have numbered the location of each brick and are ready to restore it one-to-one.

Archaeologists opened Sun Quan's "lianxi" tomb, and after a move, he cried out: Bad big thing!

The demolition work went very smoothly, and it was not until the restoration that the experts discovered their shallowness and ignorance. Because the original tomb was made of bricks and dry bricks, that is to say, between each brick, no bond was used, and the principles of physics were perfectly used, which experts also understood, but when reconstructing, experts never dreamed that no matter how they tried to use the dry masonry method, they could not succeed.

Archaeologists opened Sun Quan's "lianxi" tomb, and after a move, he cried out: Bad big thing!

In desperation, I had to use traditional cement to complete the restoration of the ancient tomb, which also made the archaeologists sad, it was simply a bad thing, and it became a major regret in the archaeological work, after all, this kind of tomb construction system is extremely difficult to encounter, and it is not too late to study how the ancients achieved it! How did the ancients use dry masonry to build such a grand tomb? It's still a mystery to this day!

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