
This fierce general was fiercer than Xu Shiyou, but because his wife was killed, he jumped into the river and committed suicide

Since ancient times, there have always been many heroes who are short of breath and have long children, such as xiang Yu, the overlord who can carry the power and favor Yu Ji, like Lü Bu, who is addicted to sable cicadas in the martial arts world, and cannot get rid of the same ending - the hero is sad to be beautiful.

So, are there any such famous generals in modern times? Of course, there are also some, such as Yu Tianyun.

This fierce general was fiercer than Xu Shiyou, but because his wife was killed, he jumped into the river and committed suicide

Yu Tianyun

If you want to ask Yu Tianyun if he is heroic, there is no doubt, Xu Shiyou can testify to him.

As we all know, Xu Shiyou is a well-known fierce general, brave in battle, hot temper, and of course, a large amount of alcohol. The reason why Yu Tianyun can make Xu Shiyou willingly "worship" is precisely the amount of wine.

Xu Shiyou and Yu Tianyun were both in the Red Fourth Front, and the two powder kegs were put together, and it was conceivable what kind of sparks would be rubbed out. Once, Xu Shiyou went to yu Tianyun to do things, and after saying a few words, he quarreled, and if it were not for the guards stopping him, the two people would really be able to fight for their lives.

Of course, everyone is a Red Army general and can't really fight, so what to do? Zhang Guotao gave an idea and said, "Aren't you both able to drink?" Then the wine is high or low, who drinks and wins and listens to whom!

As soon as the two listened, they could drink and do things, of course, they were happy, and between the conversations, the wine altar was put up. And guess what? The two drank several pots of wine for a whole night, and finally ended up unconscious.

Later, counting carefully, Yu Tianyun drank one more bowl. After this "meeting friends with wine", Xu Shiyou was completely convinced. Fortunately, Xu Shiyou woke up earlier the next day, which was also a bit of face saving.

This fierce general was fiercer than Xu Shiyou, but because his wife was killed, he jumped into the river and committed suicide

Xu Shiyou

However, although Yu Tianyun was drunk and arrogant, like ordinary people, he could not reach the level of "love".

Yu Tianyun's wife, liu Boxin, was the commander of the second regiment of the Women's Division of the Red Fourth Front, but unfortunately, when he was crossing the meadow, he disobeyed the order to slaughter the yaks of the local villagers to fill the hunger, and was ordered to be shot by Zhang Guotao.

The death of his wife made Yu Tianyun suddenly lose his mind, coupled with some unfair treatment of his own, he chose to jump into the river and commit suicide in April 1936, just 30 years old.

Just think, if there was no accident, according to his status and military merits, the rank of general in 1955 would not be a problem. Therefore, "heroes are short of breath and children are long", which is not wronged by Yu Tianyun at all.

On the surface, Yu Tianyun's tragic fate was defeated at the hands of his children's lover, but if we put aside the appearance, we will find that Yu Tianyun's ending is actually due to personality.

Although Yu Tianyun's personality is bold, it also has a fatal flaw, that is, his political consciousness is not high enough, and he likes to play with his temperament in everything. Thinking that the troops encountered difficulties in attacking the stronghold and suffering serious casualties, Yu Tianyun, as a military commander, did not think of reducing casualties, but instead blamed the political commissar: Don't you meet every day on weekdays? You'd like to have a meeting to figure it out!"

This fierce general was fiercer than Xu Shiyou, but because his wife was killed, he jumped into the river and committed suicide


From this point of view, Yu Tianyun is indeed too "banditry," and Fu Zhong, deputy director of the General Political Department of the Red Fourth Front, once commented on him:

"Yu Tianyun's ideology is in a mess, there are very serious banditry behaviors, he does not pay attention to grasping the policy, and sometimes he undermines the policy."

This is not the most excessive, Yu Tianyun's biggest problem is that his temperament is too fierce, no one obeys, whether it is the soldiers under his command or the leaders at the top, there is nothing he does not dare to provoke. More than a hundred guards, correspondents, and so on around Yu Tianyun were all beaten by him without exception, and in the troops managed by Yu Tianyun, beating people became almost a common thing.

In addition to the people under his hands, Yu Tianyun did not even let go of the leader. In 1935, Yu Tianyun was arranged to study at the Red Army University, and happened to meet his old enemy He Wei.

These two were former commanders of the Red Fourth Front, and they didn't like each other, but this time they were different, He Wei was the principal, and Yu Tianyun was just a student, and Yu Tianyun, who was not convinced in his heart, did not do anything, and provoked everywhere in the classroom, not only embarrassing the principal He Wei, even the chief instructor Liu Bocheng was also very uncomfortable, and finally he got into trouble with Zhang Guotao, who locked him up, and only then did he count things.

Through these things, it is not difficult to see Yu Tianyun's character defects, such a donkey temper is difficult to reconcile, coupled with the fact that his wife was killed, anger attacked his heart, and it is not difficult to understand his short-sightedness.

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