
People with a bad heart, do these 4 things well, or can effectively maintain heart health, need to understand

The heart is a very important central organ in the human body, which can deliver fresh blood to each organ and take away some metabolites, which has the effect of maintaining the normal operation of the body.

However, the heart is easily stimulated by some factors, resulting in changes in function and structure, thereby inducing a series of heart diseases such as coronary heart disease.

Once sick, it can cause a series of discomforts. If the situation is serious, it can even cause severe myocardial ischemia, which seriously threatens the patient's life.

Therefore, for people with bad hearts, in addition to receiving formal treatment, they must do a good job in life care to be able to play a role in maintaining the heart.

People with a bad heart, do these 4 things well, or can effectively maintain heart health, need to understand

So, for people with bad hearts, what should be done to effectively maintain heart health? In view of this problem, the following, for everyone to introduce in detail.

How should people with a bad heart care for their hearts?

First, maintain adequate sleep

For people with bad hearts, it is certain that they must not stay up late. If you stay up late, the adrenaline in your body will be secreted in large quantities.

These hormones stimulate the heart, so that the heart beats faster, which will lead to an increase in myocardial blood consumption and oxygen consumption. And it will overload the heart, which will aggravate the phenomenon of myocardial ischemia.

People with a bad heart, do these 4 things well, or can effectively maintain heart health, need to understand

Therefore, for people with bad hearts, it is necessary to maintain sufficient sleep time every day. You can't stay up late, and don't go to bed late and get up late.

During the day, you can take a proper nap for about 30 minutes, which can maintain the hormone level in the body and effectively reduce the incidence of heart diseases such as coronary heart disease.

People with a bad heart, do these 4 things well, or can effectively maintain heart health, need to understand

Second, have a peaceful attitude

Even in people with a healthy heart, once negative emotions, such as anger, occur for a long time, they will secrete a large amount of cortisol and adrenaline in the body.

These hormones are stress hormones, once secreted in large quantities, it is easy to cause the appearance of atrial fibrillation and angina.

If there is a long-term sad mood, it will cause serious arrhythmias, and it will also lead to the heart's blood pumping function being affected, and the probability of heart failure will increase relatively.

Therefore, for people with bad hearts, it is necessary to have a peaceful state of mind. If bad emotions occur, they should be relieved by drinking tea, listening to music, reading books, etc.

People with a bad heart, do these 4 things well, or can effectively maintain heart health, need to understand

Third, do a good job in adjusting the dietary structure

People with bad hearts must do a good job of dietary conditioning, and do not eat any greasy, spicy, high-sugar, and high-salt foods.

These foods will affect the normal flow rate of blood, which can easily aggravate the phenomenon of cardiac ischemia.

Eat more legumes and fruits, vegetables and whole grains for three meals a day. These foods can increase the blood flow rate of the heart and can improve the phenomenon of myocardial ischemia.

In addition, fish, milk, lean meat, eggs and a small amount of nuts should be appropriately increased. These foods contain high-quality proteins, magnesium, calcium and fatty acids, which have the function of nourishing the heart muscle.

People with a bad heart, do these 4 things well, or can effectively maintain heart health, need to understand

Fourth, reasonable exercise

Especially for people who have suffered from some heart diseases such as coronary heart disease, they should exercise reasonably according to their own physique every day.

If the disease is onset, then be sure not to do any strenuous exercise or heavy physical labor, preferably bed rest.

If it is a remission period, it is appropriate to do some low-intensity exercise every day, such as walking. Appropriate exercise improves overall blood circulation and effectively improves myocardial ischemia.

People with a bad heart, do these 4 things well, or can effectively maintain heart health, need to understand

All in all, for people with bad hearts, we must pay attention to the care of all aspects of life.

In addition to the above 4 points, it is necessary not to drink, smoke, drink strong tea, coffee behavior, and avoid heart irritation.

In addition, be sure to take the medication regularly according to the doctor's instructions, and regularly review it. Once there is an abnormal change, it is necessary to be admitted to the hospital for formal treatment to maximize the maintenance of heart health.

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