
How to protect the heart during the winter solstice? Doctor's reminder: Do 5 o'clock and stay away from heart disease

The annual winter solstice is coming again, the weather will get colder and colder in the future, and recently I have many patients who have consulted me and asked: How to protect the heart during the winter solstice? This is indeed a good issue that should be paid attention to in this period of time, and today Dr. Zhang will give you a careful explanation of this issue.

How to protect the heart during the winter solstice? Doctor's reminder: Do 5 o'clock and stay away from heart disease

Winter solstice, pay attention to health

First, the winter solstice cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are high

First of all, the winter solstice season is indeed the coldest period of the year, and this time is also the peak period of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Similar medical studies were published in the American Heart Association's journal Circulation as early as 2004, which saw the incidence of cardiovascular disease rise sharply between December 25 and January 7 of each year, peaking around the winter solstice. In fact, this phenomenon has a similar feeling with experienced cardiologists, and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases represented by myocardial infarction will increase significantly during the winter solstice every year.

How to protect the heart during the winter solstice? Doctor's reminder: Do 5 o'clock and stay away from heart disease

There are many diseases during the winter solstice

Second, the specific pathogenesis

In fact, the reason behind this is not difficult to understand, the winter solstice is the coldest period of the year, the blood vessels are in a constricted state, blood pressure will rise, and the blood is also easy to be in a relatively high coagulation state, which is easy to lead to the occurrence and development of thrombotic diseases such as myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction.

How to protect the heart during the winter solstice? Doctor's reminder: Do 5 o'clock and stay away from heart disease

Third, how not to be sad about the winter solstice

Speaking of which, the winter solstice is really terrible, so how should we protect our hearts during this special period? Dr. Zhang introduces 5 precautions to everyone below, hoping to help everyone.

1. Physical exercise avoid early morning

Experienced cardiovascular doctors know that the early morning of winter is called the "time of death". In fact, the main reason for saying this is because cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have the highest incidence at this point in the morning, especially during the winter solstice. The main reason is that the human sympathetic nervous system is excited in the early morning, the blood pressure rises, the heart rate increases, and if many people have the habit of morning exercise in the morning, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are more likely to occur. Since we know that it is more dangerous to do physical exercise during this time period, then we should try to avoid this time period of physical exercise, and physical exercise should try to choose other time periods.

How to protect the heart during the winter solstice? Doctor's reminder: Do 5 o'clock and stay away from heart disease

2. Pay attention to scientific diet

Every year, the winter solstice season coincides with Christmas, New Year's Day and other festivals, many times it is a time for the whole family to reunite, and the food will naturally not be less. It is for this reason that many people will consume more delicacies during the winter solstice, and these foods are mostly high-sugar, high-fat, high-salt, and high-purine diets, so many people's blood pressure, blood lipids, and blood sugar are easy to rise. At this time, we must pay attention to controlling the intake of food, and try not to exceed the standard intake. At the same time, we should also remind everyone that there are many festivals during the winter solstice, and adults should pay attention to try not to drink excessively, otherwise the health risks are greater.

How to protect the heart during the winter solstice? Doctor's reminder: Do 5 o'clock and stay away from heart disease

3. Pay attention to avoid colds

During the winter solstice, it is easy to catch a cold. Although everyone has paid attention to wearing masks in the past two years, there are far fewer colds. However, because it is cold during the winter solstice, everyone should still pay attention to keeping warm and adding clothes, and at the same time pay attention to wearing masks and washing hands frequently. For many elderly people, being able to reduce colds can reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Because the inflammation caused by the cold may make the atherosclerotic plaque unstable, and eventually lead to the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, preventing colds is very important for the elderly.

How to protect the heart during the winter solstice? Doctor's reminder: Do 5 o'clock and stay away from heart disease

4. Pay attention to taking medication on time and review it regularly

For patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, they must also follow the doctor's instructions to take medicines in winter and follow up regularly. Especially some people will have health problems such as increased blood pressure during the winter solstice, do not hesitate to have problems, you can find a doctor in time to solve, now the conditions are good, if you can't go to the hospital because of the cold, you can also use online medical treatment and other services, which is more convenient than before.

How to protect the heart during the winter solstice? Doctor's reminder: Do 5 o'clock and stay away from heart disease

5. Pay attention to anti-slip

During the winter solstice, the weather is cold and slippery, and for many elderly people, we must pay attention to anti-slip when going out. Because once the elderly fall in the ice and snow in winter, they can easily fracture their bones. Fractures after slipping and falling, sometimes even kill the elderly, because after the fracture, bedridden is prone to pressure sores, and these complications may be life-threatening once the elderly are not handled well. Therefore, Dr. Zhang should also remind everyone to pay attention to the anti-slip when going out.

How to protect the heart during the winter solstice? Doctor's reminder: Do 5 o'clock and stay away from heart disease

The above 5 points are a little suggestion that Dr. Zhang puts forward for the majority of patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases to spend the winter solstice safely, hoping to help friends in front of the mobile phone. If you think it's good, you can also forward it to your friends and relatives.

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