
The first hero of the Jing Dynasty: helpEd Zhu Di lay down the Jiangshan, died on the battlefield, why the whole family was exiled

Ming Chengzu Zhu Di was the fourth son of Zhu Yuanzhang and was given the title of King of Yan, but he rebelled against the imperial court under the banner of "Jing Difficulty". After several years of fighting, Zhu Di finally occupied Nanjing and seized the throne. Zhu Di was proclaimed empress dowager, and many meritorious men were appointed, among which Qiu Fu's battle merit was the highest, and he could be called the first hero of the Battle of Jingnan. Later, Qiu Fu died in battle, but he was not rewarded, but was stripped of his knighthood and his whole family was exiled.

According to historical records, Qiu Fu was a native of Fengyang, born in the army, and had always been a general under Zhu Di, and was awarded the title of Guard qianhu in the Yan Mountains for his military achievements, and was one of Zhu Di's close generals. Zhu Di had only a few hundred men at the time of the Beiping rebellion, and they captured the Nine Gates under the leadership of Zhang Yu, Qiu Fu, and Zhu Neng and controlled Beiping. After that, as a general, Qiu Fu participated in all the important battles of the "Battle of Jingnan", "the great battle was really determined, breaking into the sub-city, fighting the Baigou River, pounding the backbone with a strong pawn, and the great battles of Jiahe, Cangzhou, and Lingbi were all military fronts."

The first hero of the Jing Dynasty: helpEd Zhu Di lay down the Jiangshan, died on the battlefield, why the whole family was exiled

At that time, Sheng Yong led his troops to guard the Huai River, and the water army controlled the Huai River, and "thousands of warships covered the Huai River." Qiu Fu and Zhu Neng only led a few hundred people, "twenty miles to the west, from the upper stream, and suddenly thin south", repelling Sheng Yong in one fell swoop, thus capturing the warship and crossing the river smoothly. Although Qiu Fu was inferior to Zhang Yu in terms of wisdom and strategy, the two were on a par with each other in the charge. In addition, Qiu Fu was a very modest person, and after each battle, he never fought for merit.

When Zhu Di became emperor, Zhang Yu had already died in battle, so Qiu Fu became the first meritorious servant of the "Battle of Jingnan", and he was awarded the posts of Fengtian Jingnan Tuicheng Xuanli Wuchen, Tejin Ronglu Dafu, Right Pillar State, and Left Governor of the Chinese Military Governor's Mansion, and was also named the Duke of Qiguo, eating 2,500 stones, and his descendants were hereditary, and at the same time received a reward of 402 silver, 40 tables of color coins, and 4,000 yuan of banknotes. Although Qiu Fu was a military general, Zhu Yuanzhang trusted him very much, "Every time he was ordered to discuss politics, he was blessed."

The first hero of the Jing Dynasty: helpEd Zhu Di lay down the Jiangshan, died on the battlefield, why the whole family was exiled

However, in the seventh year of Yongle, Qiu Fu died in battle, but Zhu Di broke his promise, not only did not let his descendants inherit the title, but instead sent Qiu Fu's entire family to Hainan! So what really happened this year? It turned out that in the seventh year of Yongle, the Ming emissaries were killed by the Tatars, Ming Chengzu was furious and decided to send troops to fight, qiu Fu was ordered as the main general, leading an army of 100,000 troops to the north.

Before leaving, Zhu Di repeatedly told Qiu Fu to be careful, "Military affairs must be cautious. Since the north of Kaiping, there is no Kou. When the time is right, if the enemy is opposed, the camera is in and out, and it is not possible to cling to one. If you don't succeed in one fell swoop, you will do it again. After the army set out, Zhu Di also kept sending people to advise Qiu Fu, "It is said that there are those in the army who are easy to take the enemy, and they should be careful not to believe it." When Qiu Fu arrived in the northern steppes, he defeated a small group of Tatar cavalry, captured a Shangshu of the enemy, and obtained from him information that Ben ya was nearby.

The first hero of the Jing Dynasty: helpEd Zhu Di lay down the Jiangshan, died on the battlefield, why the whole family was exiled

Qiu Fu was very happy, if he could catch Benjamin, he could win the battle. However, the generals did not believe that it was credible, and asked the army to gather and reconnoiter the enemy before making plans. However, Qiu Fu did not think so, and he credulously believed the enemy's words, "taking Shangshu as the guide of the village, and directly weakening the enemy camp." As a result, Qiu Fu was ambushed by the enemy, the whole army was destroyed, and Qiu Fu himself was killed on the battlefield at the age of 67. When the news came, Zhu Di was very angry, and he decided to go on a personal expedition.

At the same time, Zhu Di punished Qiu Fu, "taking the Fortune Lord and moving to his home in Hainan". It should be said that Zhu Di's punishment of Qiu Fu was somewhat excessive, and the Ming Dynasty historian Wang Shizhen believed that "although Qiu Fu insulted the country, he did not lose his death, so he did not exile himself to his hometown, and he was also punished." Although Qiu Fu lost his teacher and humiliated the country, after all, he died on the battlefield, and moreover, he had the merit of jing, so his family should not be exiled.

References: 1. "History of Ming"; 2. "The End of the Chronicle of Ming History"; 3. "Compilation of Huangming Classics"

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