
What is the "Xie BaiNa" that often hears "Zhang Yu Xie Bai Na"?

author:Encyclopedia of red wine

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I believe that many people's initial impression of wine is "Zhang Yu Xie Bai Na", and the same is true of Xiaobian. Although I have heard it since I was a child, I have never thought about what "Xiebana" really stands for, until I learned about wine, I found that it is not just a name.

What is the "Xie BaiNa" that often hears "Zhang Yu Xie Bai Na"?

First of all, Sepana is a trademark, not a grape variety as some people think.

The name "Xie Bai Na" was originally adopted by Zhangyu Wine in the 1930s, named after a new dry red wine with Cabernet Gernischt as the main ingredient. The name "Xie Bai Na" is translated from Cabernet and has the meaning of "Hai Na Bai Chuan". Since then, "Xie Bai Na Dry Red" has become the core sub-brand of Zhangyu.

However, you may find that in the market, in addition to Zhangyu Xie Baina, there are also dazzling names such as The Great Wall Xie Baina, Dynasty Dry Red Xie Baina, Weilong Xie Baina, so what are they?

What is the "Xie BaiNa" that often hears "Zhang Yu Xie Bai Na"?

After the success of "Xie Bai Na", the Chinese people have followed suit, and for a time, various "Xie Bai Na" have emerged in the market, which is very chaotic. Zhang Yu looked at it and felt that it was not possible, and quickly registered the trademark "Xie Baina" in 2002 to declare sovereignty.

However, other companies were not satisfied, and finally went to court, fought a lawsuit for 8 years, and finally resolved the case in a step-backward manner: the ownership of the "Xie Bai Na" trademark still belongs to Zhangyu Group, but 6 wine companies such as COFCO Wine Co., Ltd. and Shandong Weilong Wine Co., Ltd. are allowed to use the "Xie Bai Na" trademark free of charge and indefinitely, and other wine companies are not allowed to use this trademark.

That's why we can now see all kinds of "Xie Bai Na". Today, however, our focus is not on eating melons, but on the 3 red grape varieties related to Baina.

What is the "Xie BaiNa" that often hears "Zhang Yu Xie Bai Na"?

In addition to being a trademark, it can also refer to a blend of 3 grapes with Cabernet in their names, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Dragon Ball as raw materials.

In addition, in most cases, in China, Xie Bai Na is still a collective name for the above 3 kinds of grapes; sometimes, some people will call Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Lute Nuos a solution. All in all, there is a great deal of disagreement about the meaning of Xie Baina.

Whatever its meaning, there is no doubt that it is inextricably linked to these 3 grapes, so now let's get to know them.

Cabernet Sauvignon

What is the "Xie BaiNa" that often hears "Zhang Yu Xie Bai Na"?

Cabernet Sauvignon is the "red man" of the wine industry, originating in France, the world's most popular wine grape, and one of the most well-known red grape varieties in China, known as the "king of red grape varieties".

Suitable for growing in areas with mild or warm climates, this grape has smaller ears and smaller and compact fruit particles, making it a late-maturing variety. In addition, its thicker peel can bring darker colors and rich tannins to the wine, resulting in a strong skeleton and complex flavors, so the wines made with it are often aged in oak barrels.

What is the "Xie BaiNa" that often hears "Zhang Yu Xie Bai Na"?

If fully ripe, Cabernet Sauvignon wines often have black fruity notes such as blackcurrant and black cherry, and are fruity; if the ripeness is poor, they will have obvious green pepper, grass and other flavors.

In general, Cabernet Sauvignon wines are full-bodied, have high tannins and acidity, are complex in layers and have a strong ageing potential. In regions with warm climates, such as the United States and other New World countries, it is common to see single-variety wines made from Cabernet Sauvignon; however, more often than not, we are more familiar with blended wines made from Cabernet Sauvignon and other grape varieties, such as the famous Bordeaux Blends.

Cabernet Franc

What is the "Xie BaiNa" that often hears "Zhang Yu Xie Bai Na"?

Cabernet Franc is one of the grapes called "Daddy" by many grape varieties, such as Camenere, whose most famous "son" is the Cabernet Sauvignon above, and although they are both from France, "Daddy" and "Son" are still very different.

Cabernet Franc is widely grown around the world, but is not a particularly productive variety, with a thinner peel, lower tannin content and acidity, and is often used in blends to balance acidity and soften tannins. Earlier harvests of Cabernet Franc will have an herbal scent and a similar taste to "pencil shavings".

What is the "Xie BaiNa" that often hears "Zhang Yu Xie Bai Na"?

In terms of style, Cabernet Franc is a bit like Cabernet Sauvignon's "daughter". Most of the wines made with it are light, light in color, delicate in tannins, as smooth as velvety, with aromas such as red fruits, violet, herbaceous aromas, etc., in an elegant style. Although Cabernet Franc often appears as a supporting role in the Bordeaux region of France, it is often used to make single varietal wines in the Loire Valley region of France.

Dragon Ball

What is the "Xie BaiNa" that often hears "Zhang Yu Xie Bai Na"?

Although the snake dragon ball variety originated in France, it has now disappeared in France and shined in China. Some say that Dragon Ball is to China what Malbec is to Argentina and Jamena is to Chile.

Like Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc, Dragon Ball was one of the earliest grape varieties introduced to China (1892), but its origin is controversial, some people speculate that it is a hybrid of Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon; others speculate that it has an "inexplicable" relationship with Cabernet Franc; however, according to DNA measurements, the snake dragon balls planted in many parts of China, such as Zhangyu's vineyard in Ningxia, are actually Carmena.

What is the "Xie BaiNa" that often hears "Zhang Yu Xie Bai Na"?

But in any case, after 129 years of cultivation, the grape has long adapted to the Chinese environment, can fully represent the Chinese terroir, and become one of the representative grape varieties in China, mainly planted in Shandong Province and Ningxia Autonomous Region, ranking second in the domestic planting area, second only to Cabernet Sauvignon.

The snake dragon ball fruit is smaller, thicker in the skin, with an herbaceous flavor, and can be used for blending or single-variety wines, with a similar taste to Cabernet Sauvignon, but with a hint of peppery pungency.

Why are they both?

There are more than 3 kinds of grapes in The name of The Carben, but why are they the two of them? The most important reason is that among the 124 grape varieties introduced by Zhangyu Wine Company, these 3 varieties are the most adaptable and best fed.

The birth of Xie Baina is said to be the result of the company's yin and yang mistakenly mixing these three kinds of carbens together, and there is no hard requirement for the proportion of grapes used, all depending on the mood of the winemaker.

What is the "Xie BaiNa" that often hears "Zhang Yu Xie Bai Na"?

Finally, take Zhangyu Xie Baina dry red wine as an example, the 3 levels of styles currently on sale are rich and sweet: fruity, oak barrels and mellow taste.

As the first wine to enter thousands of households in China, Xie Baina may be able to explain why in the impression of most Chinese people, wine should be rich and mellow.

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