
What does Xie Bai Na mean What is the difference between Xie Bai Na and Cabernet Sauvignon

author:Fun Monk

In everyday life, there are often words that make us confused. For example, what does it mean to solve Baina? What is the difference between Sephana and Cabernet Sauvignon? The following small editor will introduce the meaning of Xie Baina and the difference between Xie Baina and Cabernet Sauvignon and which is good, I hope it is useful to everyone!

What does Xie Bai Na mean What is the difference between Xie Bai Na and Cabernet Sauvignon

What does it mean to solve Baina

Xie Baina is a dry red wine brand, but now the use of the trademark "Xie Bai Na" on the market has been very confusing, and the relevant experts have great differences on the source and meaning of Xie Bai Na, so what does Xie Bai Na mean?

The older generation of Zhangyu in order to revitalize the Chinese wine industry, fill the gap in China's high-grade wine, after several years of hard experiments and identification, selected and bred suitable for China's climate, soil conditions, the famous grape varieties introduced from France Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Snake Dragon Ball, with the excellent varieties of red wine brewing Meilu Yuan, French orchid, etc., and then fermented, stored, brewed, refined into Zhangyu Xie Baina dry red wine. ”

There is no doubt that the name "Xie Baina" was invented by Zhang Yu. "Xiebana" is an abbreviation for the English names of the three grapes used to make this wine. Chen Putian explains: "In the international high-end fine wines are named after grape varieties. For example, the world-famous "Riesling" is made of grapes named "Riesling" as raw materials, and the indicators and flavors of the dry red of 'Xie Baina' have fully reached the international standard, and it absorbs the essence of three kinds of grapes, hence the name... "Sincerely, the golden stone is open." "Xie Baina" dry red has been approved by the state and entered the annals of Chinese wine.

What does Xie Bai Na mean What is the difference between Xie Bai Na and Cabernet Sauvignon

Decipher the difference between Cabernet Sauvignon

Sephana is derived from the Transliteration of the French Cabernet, which is also translated as "Cabene" in some places. In China, cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, cabernet Franc, and Cabernet Germanischt are often referred to as "Cabernet" because the foreign names of all three varieties begin with Cabernet. It can be seen that Cabernet Sauvignon is a specific red grape variety, and Xie Baina is a collective term for three specific red grape varieties.

Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Dragon Ball are three varieties of wine with similar characteristics, so they can be generally referred to as "Sepana" wines. Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the world-famous red wine varieties. Topped the list of four best red grapes to accompany the meal in the United States. Fine Cabernet Sauvignon red wine needs to be stored in oak barrels for 18-24 months before it can be bottled and sold, Cabernet Sauvignon in oak barrel storage, the wine becomes soft, rounded, plump, mellow, coordinated, with a strong fruity aroma, the wine is deep ruby red, the taste is excellent. In France, winemakers often mixed them with lisa and plum deer to improve the typicality and style of the finished wine. Native to Bordeaux, France, Cabernet Sauvignon is the oldest grape variety cultivated, and it has been recorded as early as the Ancient Roman Era (23-79 AD) when Cabernet Sauvignon grapes were cultivated, which was called "Biturigiaca" at that time. Cabernet Sauvignon is widely cultivated in the world, with Chile, France, the former Soviet Union, Bulgaria and the United States planting 390,000 mu, 373,000 mu, 300,000 mu, 270,000 mu and 180,000 mu respectively. In 1892, Zhangyu Company first introduced seeds, and in the 1990s, a large number of them were introduced, and are currently planted in more than a dozen provinces such as Hebei, Xinjiang, Ningxia, Shandong, Gansu, Sichuan, etc., with about 350,000 mu. Fruit characteristics: small panicles, average panicle weight 175 g, conical or cylindrical, with secondary panicles. The fruit grain is small, tightly grown, u> shrimp is crippled and crippled, 93.7 g/l, acid content 7.1 g/l, and the juice yield is 62%. Botanical features: young shoots yellow-green, young leaves yellow-green, glossy leaf surface, leaf back gray-white fluffy dense. Adult leaves are medium-sized, rounded, with pure serrations on the leaf margins, 5 lobes deep, smooth leaf surfaces, sparse dorsal villi, and rounded closures of petioles. Hermaphroditic flowers.

Main characteristics: Germination in late April in Yantai, to early October the fruit fully mature needs to grow for 150-176 days, the effective accumulation temperature of 3258-3616 °C, for late maturing varieties. Medium growth potential, strong knot strength, in the case of good fertilizer and water management conditions, easy early yield, cuttings in the second year of mu yield of 450 kg. Strong adaptability to terroir, strong disease resistance, relatively cold resistance, prefer fertilizer and water, suitable for hedge cultivation, short and medium shoot pruning. So is Xie Baina a breed? Is it a strain? On the question of varieties and strains, the Grape and Wine Branch of the Chinese Horticultural Society replied to reporters: "Varieties are the basis of crop classification. According to the names and recognition standards of grape varieties named by China's crop and horticultural circles, there is still no grape variety name called 'Xie Baina', and it is even more scientific and legal to call it a strain. All over the world, the main names of wine grape varieties that contain "cabernet" are: Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Gernischt, Ruby Cabernet, CabernetMitos, Caberney Dorsa and so on. Among them, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc are native to France and are currently widely cultivated worldwide; Cabernet Gernischt was selected and bred in China and cultivated mainly in Yantai, China; RubyCabernet originated in the United States and is cultivated in small quantities in China; Cabernet Mitos and Cabernet Dorsa are mainly cultivated in Germany. These varieties come from different sources, have different cultivation characteristics and oenological characteristics, and are completely independent varieties. Existing scientific studies have shown that there is no direct relationship between them. Therefore, there is no "Cabernet" strain, and the emergence of a separate "Cabernet" has no meaning.

Among the above 6 grape varieties, there are now 4 varieties cultivated in China, they are Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Germanischt, Ruby Cabernet, in accordance with the national wine standards (GB15037-2006) and the "Chinese Wine WineMaking Technical Specifications" [Announcement of the Economic and Trade Commission of the People's Republic of China 2002 (No. 81)], The standard translations of the above four varieties are: Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Snake Dragon Ball and Gemstone, and there is no grape variety translated as "Xie Bai Na" or "Xie Bai Na".

The claim that "Xie Baina" equals "cabernet" is also one of the main points of controversy.

After the 1980s, some scholars' articles named grape varieties such as snake dragon ball and Cabernet Sauvignon as "Xie Bai Na" and called them the Chinese translation of "cabernet", which is actually a misinformation. At present, there are many foreign wines with "cabernet" in the name of imports, but most of them are not translated as "Xie Baina", but translated as "Gabenli", "Gabenat", "Kabennet" and so on. Scholars' views are only used as academic exchanges, not authoritative interpretations, and most importantly, the naming of varieties can only be formally determined after the approval and publication of the National Crop Variety Approval Committee.

On another level, since the foreign language "Cabernet" does not represent any variety, it does not matter whether Zhang Yu's "Xie Baina" brand name is translated from "Cabernet". If it is translated, because the foreign language does not represent any variety, and there is no necessary connection with the name of the variety of raw materials, the translation is also completely feasible. On the other hand, among the foreign translations of the names of multiple grape varieties containing "Cabernet", there are different translations of "Jiabenna", "Kabennan", "Carmennet", "Cabenne" and so on, and Zhang × "Xie Baina", which borrows its transliteration and gives a certain meaning, is completely original to Zhang ×. The Grape Branch of the Chinese Agricultural Society came to the same conclusion on the controversy. They believe: "In the list of nearly a thousand grape varieties published in China, there is no Xie Bai Na variety, and the name Xie Bai Na has not been applied in the national grape academia and production. "On the issue of strains, among all the vegetative lines of Chinese and foreign wine grape varieties, the name of the Tibaina nutrition line or strain has never appeared."

Another link to the outcome of the deliberations in the case was the "generic name". In recent years, many companies of different sizes in the industry have been using the name "Xie Bai Na", resulting in the generalization of the name, making it difficult for the general public to distinguish whether Xie Bai Na is a trademark or a common name that everyone can use.

Look at half a day, dizzy, got, old Tang to summarize a sentence, in fact, everything is very simple, in the past foreigners do not use the word Baina to say wine, is china's wineries created this series of names, generally refers to Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Snake Dragon Ball these three varieties of wine, now many international wineries in order to adapt to China's national conditions, but also with cabernet sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, snake dragon ball these three varieties of wine translated into Xie Baina sold to China, this is a conventional thing, There's nothing to overthink and research. It's like Chinese call me Tang Hua, and foreigners call me Hua Tang, things are still that thing, and the name is just customary. Again, although the translation of Xie Baina is the first name of the domestic Zhang ×, but now Xie Baina is already a generalized name of a wine series, which is no longer unique to the products of a certain enterprise, everyone knows what to say, called Xie Baina or Cabernet Sauvignon can be.

What does Xie Bai Na mean What is the difference between Xie Bai Na and Cabernet Sauvignon

Solve the problem of Baina and Cabernet Sauvignon which is better


Mainly look at the brand, look at the place of origin, and the manor of production. Cabernet Sauvignon is a kind of wine, sugar-free, a little sour, and the health effect is not very good. Zhang Yu's Xie Baina is good. It also depends on which of your tastes you prefer.

It just reflects the grape variety of the wine, which does not explain the problem. It mainly depends on the year and place of origin.

There is no better one, Cabernet Sauvignon is the grape's product name Cabernet Sauvignon, while Xie Baina refers to the mixing of multiple grape varieties.

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