
Song Meiling lived to be 106 years old, why did she wear only one dress in her life? The reasons for this are admirable

Song Meiling lived to be 106 years old, why did she wear only one dress in her life? The reasons for this are admirable

Song Meiling has studied in the United States since childhood, so her lifestyle is also very foreign, and she has always maintained Western-style eating habits after returning to China, and steak, salad, bread and other delicacies are her daily essential foods. But this Mrs. Jiang was full of Chinese taste for her dress, and in Song Meiling's wardrobe, it was all cheongsam.

Song Meiling lived to be 106 years old, why did she wear only one dress in her life? The reasons for this are admirable

Song Meiling likes the qipao, because the qipao can best highlight the charm of oriental women, plus she has her own figure, and the qipao can show her posture more. Some female relatives of Kuomintang politicians who are good with Song Meiling will invariably send her some high-grade fabrics as gifts during major festivals, which makes Song Meiling's apartment have all the high-grade qipao materials that can never be used up, and also allows her "royal tailor" to have a qipao that can never be finished. The special tailor who made the qipao for her was named Zhang Ruixiang, who originally opened a shop in Nanjing, and was favored by Madame Jiang because of her superb craftsmanship and dedication to work, so she became her full-time qipao master. Because Song Meiling's "appetite" is too large, Zhang Ruixiang is busy all year round, working for Song Meiling almost all the time, and on average, a cheongsam is made every two or three days, and only the Spring Festival can take a day off. Every time after making a new cheongsam, Zhang will ask Song to look at it for the first time, Song Meiling usually does not try it on, but just looks at it in an appreciative way, and then orders someone to take it to his wardrobe for safekeeping.

Song Meiling lived to be 106 years old, why did she wear only one dress in her life? The reasons for this are admirable

How many pieces of Song Meiling's qipao are, it is an "astronomical number", I am afraid that she herself can't say clearly. Because there are too many, each new dress Song Meiling will only wear once or twice, and from then on, it will be "put on the shelf" and there will be no more appearances. In her spare time, she would also open the closet and take out a few pieces for her own enjoyment. Song Meiling has high requirements for dress, especially in summer, and must be changed for up to one day. Sometimes the weather is too hot, as long as there is a little sweat stain on her qipao, she will immediately replace it, and whenever it rains, if there is a little mud on the bottom of the qipao, she will change it as soon as possible. Song Meiling often carries a cheongsam that is easy to change in the four seasons to socialize with various activities and occasions. When she attends an assembly, banquet or dance party attended by foreign guests, Mrs. Jiang will select the most appropriate qipao, and when she needs to meet important guests, Song Meiling will wear the most upscale qipao.

Song Meiling lived to be 106 years old, why did she wear only one dress in her life? The reasons for this are admirable

Song Meiling's love of the cheongsam is also related to her love of traditional Chinese culture. She was patriotic in painting, once worshiped Zhang Daqian, Huang Binhong and other titans as a teacher, heard and heard and learned hard, and actually became a master of Chinese painting, and the dress of the ladies in Chinese painting was close to the qipao. One year, Taiwan's "Rong General" Hospital sent a female nurse to Chiang Kai-shek's Shilin official residence, this female nurse likes to wear a miniskirt, Soong Mei Ling and Chiang Kai-shek feel very awkward when they see it, and Mrs. Chiang Kai-shek has people change nurses. It is precisely because of the influence of this traditional culture that Song Meiling never wears revealing clothing, and even opposes women wearing long pants. She believes that women should have very different clothing characteristics from men, so in her long life, there is almost no picture of wearing long pants. Even when she entered the age of 100, she was still accompanied by the qipao.

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