
Song Meiling has 3,000 qipao, in order to show the beauty of the qipao, her weight has never changed in 60 years!

For beauty, it can be said that many women have a lifelong pursuit, there is such a woman, from youth to white hair, she has been wearing a cheongsam, the qipao has become a part of her life, her cheongsam as many as 3,000 pieces, can apply for world records. She is Song Meiling in the famous "Three Sisters of Song".

Song Meiling has 3,000 qipao, in order to show the beauty of the qipao, her weight has never changed in 60 years!

Song Meiling, born in 1898, Hainan Wenchang people, China's modern and outstanding politicians, diplomats, she pays great attention to her own image, 10 years old she studied in the United States, has begun to apply rouge, lipstick, think makeup is a kind of etiquette, and insisted on a lifetime, others rarely see her face to the sky.

Later, she fell in love with the qipao, which is known as the "chinese national essence" of the women's national dress, she felt that the qipao with high heels, walking, very can reflect the beauty of Chinese women, and since then and the qipao has formed an indissoluble relationship.

Song Meiling has 3,000 qipao, in order to show the beauty of the qipao, her weight has never changed in 60 years!

Song Meiling publicly stated that women should not wear long pants, to pursue women's beauty, and not too exposed, the qipao is the best choice (at that time, the qipao was very long and not exposed). In the 1930s and 1940s, the qipao entered the golden age, when both the wives of the dignitaries and nobles, as well as ordinary students, women and female workers, loved to wear the qipao, which was also inseparable from the influence of Song Meiling.

As the first lady at that time, Song Meiling, the people who gave her gifts were endless, especially everyone knew that she loved the qipao, and all kinds of high-grade fabrics continued to enter her home.

Song Meiling has 3,000 qipao, in order to show the beauty of the qipao, her weight has never changed in 60 years!

When I first met Zhang Ruixiang, I was introduced to Song Meiling by a friend, saying that this master was very powerful in making qipao, and at that time Song Meiling's social activities were more and more, and with the increase of the level of activity, her requirements and quality of the qipao also increased, so she thought of Zhang Ruixiang.

Zhang Ruixiang is a master tailor, the design of the qipao is quite researched, the workmanship is exquisite, and he is particularly interested in different fabrics across the country, so Song Meiling asked him to be his own "special qipao master", Master Zhang Ruixiang is busy all year round, saying that he will make a qipao in 2 or 3 days, 20 years later, more than 2400 pieces are made, I am afraid that Song Meiling herself can't count the qipao in the wardrobe.

How responsible is Zhang Ruixiang? The staff around Song Meiling wrote: "Zhang Ruixiang has several times, people have been seriously ill and lie in bed, or regardless of their own health, continue to make qipao for Song Meiling. Even to the point of death, I was saying, 'There's still a cheongsam that hasn't been done!' ’”

Song Meiling has 3,000 qipao, in order to show the beauty of the qipao, her weight has never changed in 60 years!

At that time, Song Meiling had a special housekeeper, what to manage? Specializing in Song Meiling's cheongsam and accessories. Cai Qizhen has followed Song Meiling for many years, she clearly knows what kind of qipao Song Meiling likes to wear in what season, with what socks, shoes, she said, the same qipao Song Meiling usually only wears 1 to 2 times, when the summer weather is hot, sweat more to change the qipao immediately; when it rains, the qipao is stained with mud, and it is necessary to change the new qipao immediately.

Cai Qizhen is always on standby next to her, thinking of several sets of collocations every day, in case of emergency, a bit like the current "costume stylist".

Song Meiling has 3,000 qipao, in order to show the beauty of the qipao, her weight has never changed in 60 years!

It can be said that Song Meiling's life is a life of coexistence with the qipao. We all know that wearing a cheongsam is not like other clothes, you must maintain a good figure, according to her attendants recall, Song Meiling will use the scale to weigh herself almost every day, as long as she finds that her weight is overweight, she immediately changes to eating vegetables, and is a very disciplined person. So for more than 60 years, she has never stopped wearing a cheongsam, and her figure is extremely well controlled, and she has never changed.

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