
Is a little bleeding in the vagina after IVF pregnancy miscarriage?

In IVF treatment, many expectant mothers have blood tests to test for pregnancy, and when they are waiting for the arrival of their children with joy, they find that they have begun to bleed, and at the same time, they are accompanied by symptoms of waist pain and discomfort, just like the sudden arrival of the late "big aunt". Could it be a miscarriage?

The occurrence of this condition may be biochemical pregnancy.

What is biochemical pregnancy?

Normally, the egg and sperm are transported by the fallopian tubes to the uterine cavity after the fallopian tubes are fertilized, and the embryo implants in the uterine cavity and grows and develops until the term is about to be delivered and delivered, a process called pregnancy.

"Biochemical pregnancy" means that the sperm and egg have been combined, and the β-HCG secreted by the embryo enters the maternal bloodstream and reaches a detectable level, but then for some reason, the embryo does not swim to the uterine cavity to implant, or swims to the point where it does not implant successfully, which is medically called "subclinical abortion".

Patients who have experienced a biochemical pregnancy usually have no other symptoms, just like a menstrual holiday, so they are often overlooked, and many people do not even know that the "baby" has ever been there.

Is a little bleeding in the vagina after IVF pregnancy miscarriage?

How low is the HCG value for biochemical pregnancy?

If you have had a biochemical pregnancy, do you need to be a "little confinement" like a miscarried person? Will it affect your next pregnancy?

At present, there are different opinions, generally believe that the peak of HCG is less than 100mIU/ml and declines rapidly, and other scholars define the maximum value of HCG at 40~150IU/L, 10~39IU/L, or 5~9IU/L. In general, HCG > 5 IU/L can be diagnosed.

Why does biochemical pregnancy occur?

The specific reasons are unclear, and the main reasons are as follows:

The most common is chromosomal abnormalities, including embryonic or couple chromosomal abnormalities, resulting in embryos can not implant and develop normally, if there are chromosomal abnormalities in both couples, need to do genetic counseling to see if they can get their own healthy baby, for embryonic chromosomal abnormalities, may occur in meiosis, some divisions, women's advanced age and smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits will increase the risk of embryonic chromosomal abnormalities. Malformations of the intima and the uterine cavity may also cause the intima to be insufficient for the embryo to continue implantation and development. Pregnancy is a matter for two people, and poor sperm quality and the integrity of its genetic material can affect the quality of the embryo and the ability to develop.

In addition, studies have found that some mental and psychological factors such as: work fatigue, mental stress can also lead to the occurrence and increase of biochemical pregnancy.

Shenzhen Zhongshan genitourinary reminder: If "biochemical pregnancy" occurs many times, it is best to go to a regular hospital for further examination, such as chromosomes, genes, gynecology, andrology examination. Women who are trying to become pregnant should always pay attention to their own physical changes in their daily lives, strengthen nutrition in their usual diet, and eat more protein-rich foods such as fish and meat. At the same time, the husband's nutrition should also keep up in time, supplement the zinc, selenium and other nutrients needed for sperm growth, which will help to breed a smart and healthy baby.

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