
Zhejiang street dance institutions exceeded 3,000, why as a formal project of the Asian Games, street dance has become a fragrant feast

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Reporter Yang Jing Correspondent Li Wenyao

In many commercial complexes in Hangzhou, through the clean and transparent glass, you can see that in front of the open and atmospheric floor-to-ceiling mirrors, under the cool lighting, the well-built and fashionably dressed little sisters dance with the rhythm of dynamic music. "It's so beautiful", "It turns out that hip-hop can still be played like this"...

Zhejiang street dance institutions exceeded 3,000, why as a formal project of the Asian Games, street dance has become a fragrant feast

A few years ago, a phrase "freestyle" made underground hip-hop culture known. The subsequent hip-hop storm made the "love & peace" (love and peace) hip-hop culture deeply rooted in people's hearts. However, unlike hip-hop, with the help of variety shows and short videos and the innovation of street dance equipment and industry, street dance has not only quickly gained a foothold after going to the public, formed a series of industrial chains, but also ushered in more development space.

Hip-hop variety shows are on fire

Spawned a large number of campus dancers

2018 is a year of street dance variety show blowout, also known as the "first year of street dance variety". Following Beijing Satellite TV's "Dance Awakening", iQiyi's "Blood Street Dance Troupe" and Youku's "This! It is "Street Dance" has been launched, through variety show packaging and star effect, street dance has begun to have a heat.

By this year, This! It is the four seasons of "Street Dance", the douban score is averaged above 8 points, and the dance style, culture and even the charm of the dancers are amplified and disseminated through one screen.

Zhejiang street dance institutions exceeded 3,000, why as a formal project of the Asian Games, street dance has become a fragrant feast

The explosion of street dance variety shows has not only brought attention to the street dance industry, but also brought unprecedented opportunities for street dance practitioners. Prior to this, the income of hip-hop dancers was mainly derived from teaching, commercial performances and prize money for participating in competitions. In many second- and third-tier cities, dancers cannot maintain their daily living expenses by the tuition they earn, so many dancers have their main business, and teaching is only part-time.

After the street dance variety show was broadcast, the attention and flow of the participating dancers have formed a geometric multiple of growth, and the value has also risen - before participating in the program, many dancers had a commercial performance price of only about 1,000 yuan, and after the show fire, the appearance fee of well-known dancers has reached about 10,000 yuan.

Such changes have spawned a large number of campus dancers who have devoted themselves to street dance, and many college students have changed their life direction since then after starting to contact street dance from scratch, and 28-year-old Sun Yi is one of them.

Zhejiang street dance institutions exceeded 3,000, why as a formal project of the Asian Games, street dance has become a fragrant feast

After going to college, the school street dance club became the main way for Sun Yi to learn street dance, and with a membership fee of a few hundred yuan a year, he could follow the big class and have the opportunity to communicate with other schools. "The environment for learning dance in college is very pure, sometimes in order to practice dance, the black light blindly dances, a jar of eight treasure porridge, a bread to fill the stomach and continue to practice." Sun Yi recalled.

After graduation, he also engaged in his own professional work, but he did not dance to be happy, so he gradually developed from part-time dancing to full-time dancing now: "Compared with the past, nowadays, the street dance system is more standardized, people who love street dance have more opportunities, and most importantly, there are more display platforms and ways now, as long as you have the strength, you can be discovered." ”

There are more than 3,000 street dance institutions in Zhejiang

80% of the trainees were young girls

In 2017, with the love of street dance in college, pan Heng, a street dance practitioner, opened the first "dancer contract" street dance organization in the New Youth Square. In the next four years, he seized the trend of hip-hop and opened three stores in a row.

Zhejiang street dance institutions exceeded 3,000, why as a formal project of the Asian Games, street dance has become a fragrant feast

Pan Heng at work

In Pan Heng's view, now street dance is more professional, more trendy, and more diversified. "When I was in college, learning to dance was a very 'cost-effective' thing, but the conditions would be more difficult, and at first we didn't even have a dance room and a mirror, but we practiced dancing against the glass on the aisle."

Now, in the major commercial complexes can see cool street dance institutions and dance rooms, new floors, professional audio equipment and mirrors, many institutions have made the dance room into a fully transparent glass room, which not only allows students to have a stage to display, but also allows onlookers to feel the charm of street dance more intuitively.

Zhejiang street dance institutions exceeded 3,000, why as a formal project of the Asian Games, street dance has become a fragrant feast

Compared with the traditional dance styles of Breaking, Poppin, Jazz, and Hiphop that were only learned in the early years, the types and modes of learning are becoming more and more diverse, and the reasons why students come to class are also various.

More than 80 percent of the adults who come to learn hip-hop are young girls. Some hope to lose weight through street dance, some want to exercise their coordination skills, some are through this way to consume time under the pressure of work and life, and some people have transformed their workplace tracks through street dance and become a street dance practitioner.

Zhejiang street dance institutions exceeded 3,000, why as a formal project of the Asian Games, street dance has become a fragrant feast

In recent years, with the development of short videos, street dance has also had a personal lesson, and in an hour and a half, dance teaching content will be tailored. The cost of a class ranges from a few hundred to thousands, and the people who choose these courses are often well-known "Internet celebrities". "On the one hand, dance short videos are relatively low in difficulty among many short video types, so many girls who do live broadcasts or short videos will 'grind their guns in front of the battle' and raid it." Not only that, some mcn institutions (Internet celebrity incubation centers) will also find street dance institutions to teach and train Internet celebrities and live broadcasters.

Zhejiang street dance institutions exceeded 3,000, why as a formal project of the Asian Games, street dance has become a fragrant feast

According to statistics, as of now, there are more than 3,000 street dance institutions in Zhejiang Province, and there are more than 800 street dance institutions in Hangzhou alone. Three years ago, when Pan Heng launched the first "Dancer Contract" street dance competition, it attracted more than 100 people to register. This year's competition, even if the number of entries is intentionally controlled, still attracts more than 800 participants.

Zhejiang street dance institutions exceeded 3,000, why as a formal project of the Asian Games, street dance has become a fragrant feast

Since this year, Pan Heng's institutions and surrounding schools have launched the "Street Dance into the Campus", and a street dance physical education class is fixed every week to let more children feel the charm of street dance. In Pan Heng's view, the era of street dance continues, and the peak moment of street dance is far from coming: "Street dance and fitness are not the same, it can rely on online dissemination, but it must be offline with a sense of atmosphere, which cannot be replaced online." So I believe that the development of street dance will definitely get better and better. ”

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