
The confirmed cases were mainly concentrated in Shaoxing, and by 12:00 on December 18, 1 case was severely ill, and the condition was generally stable

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly news reporter Xie Chunhui Sheng Rui Zhang Ran Huang Weifen

Today (December 18) at 5:00 p.m., the 92nd press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Zhejiang Province was held.

Present at the press conference and answering reporters' questions were Sun Liming, deputy director of the Provincial Health Commission, Lu Yongfu, deputy director of the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, Zhu Runye, deputy secretary general of the Shaoxing Municipal Government and second-level inspector, and Wang Hongda, secretary of the party committee and director of the Shaoxing Municipal Health Commission. The press conference was presided over by Li Gao, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and director of the Information Office of the Provincial Government.

In the reporter's question session, a reporter asked: The confirmed cases of this round of epidemic are mainly concentrated in Shaoxing, and everyone is very concerned about the admission and treatment of these patients.

Sun Liming, deputy director of the Provincial Health Commission: At present, all confirmed cases and asymptomatic infected people in Shangyu District of Shaoxing City are concentrated in the Affiliated Hospital of Shaoxing University of Arts and Sciences. As of 12:00 on December 18, the hospital managed a total of 352 confirmed patients, 1 asymptomatic infected person, 104 ordinary cases, 247 mild cases, and 1 severe case among the confirmed cases. The severe patients are elderly patients, and the condition is generally stable, and there are no critical cases. In strengthening the medical treatment of patients, we adhere to the principle of four concentrations, that is, to concentrate patients, concentrate experts, concentrate resources, and concentrate treatment, and strive to improve the effectiveness of treatment.

The first is to concentrate on the treatment of patients. After the outbreak of this round of the epidemic, after research and judgment, it was decided that from 8 p.m. on December 10, the Affiliated Hospital of Shaoxing University of Arts and Sciences, a designated hospital for the treatment of new crown pneumonia, would be used to vacate all patients in the current hospital and suspend all diagnosis and treatment services. In order to do a good job in medical treatment, Shaoxing City has also re-established the management structure of designated hospitals, and 645 backbone business personnel have been drawn from the city's municipal hospitals to carry out treatment. At present, the number of beds in designated hospitals that meet the requirements for the treatment of new crown patients has reached 858, which can meet the requirements for centralized admission and treatment of confirmed cases at this stage.

The second is to concentrate experts and resources. A total of 13 provincial hospital experts were dispatched to the affiliated hospitals of the College of Arts and Sciences to participate in the medical treatment of patients. Among them are experts from the National Infectious Disease Medical Center of Zhejiang First Hospital, who have rich experience in the treatment of new crown patients with severe respiratory infections. There are also 1 specialist from the Provincial Children's Hospital and the Children's Regional Medical Center, and 4 specialists from the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. At the same time, a provincial-level intensive care team of 100 people has been set up, and once needed, the provincial-level intensive care team will take over the intensive care ward.

The third is to strengthen assessment, timely intervention, strengthen the case management of confirmed patients, give full play to the role of expert groups in disease judgment, diagnosis and treatment consultation, etc., smooth the consultation network between provincial-level designated hospitals and Shaoxing designated hospitals, establish remote consultations with provincial expert teams on the condition of Shaoxing and other confirmed cases in the province, and conduct regular disease research and assessment. At present, among the confirmed patients, the oldest is 88 years old, the youngest is 1 year old, there are 5 cases greater than or equal to 80 years old, 68 cases are greater than or equal to 65 years old, and 22 children are 22 cases. Some patients are accompanied by chronic underlying diseases, and the expert group will focus on this part of the special patients, strengthen analysis and judgment, adhere to the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and timely rescue and intervention. In addition, we have also arranged a full-time psychological team to enter the ward to strengthen the psychological intervention of COVID-19 patients and medical staff. We will pay attention to the progress of medical treatment in a timely manner, and at the same time coordinate the high-quality medical resources of the province to fully guarantee medical treatment.

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