
What is the cause of atrial fibrillation in young and strong bodies? What's next?

Atrial fibrillation, the incidence is higher, in our place, after the ventricular premature beats, ranked second in the common arrhythmia, currently, the total number of patients exceeds 10 million. For example, among our compatriots, the overall incidence of atrial fibrillation is about 0.77%, but in people over 80 years old, the incidence can reach 7.5%. Confusingly, some young people, who play ball games every week, feel physically strong and can also develop atrial fibrillation. What's going on? How can the cause be confirmed? What should I be aware of? Let's solve your doubts now.

What is the cause of atrial fibrillation in young and strong bodies? What's next?

Atrial fibrillation, which has a long history, was detected very early. In 1611, Shakespeare wrote that the body was trembling and the heart was dancing madly, but it did not cause happiness. Five years later, the 52-year-old master passed away. Seventeen years later, the anatomist Harvey, on the animal's body, observed the phenomenon of atrial fibrillation that was occurring, and Harvey recorded that an irregular movement occurred in the right atrium of the subject animal, and the atrium changed from regular contraction to peristalsis. In 1906, Dutch scholars recorded the first electrocardiogram of atrial fibrillation. Since then, research and treatments for atrial fibrillation have begun to increase.

What is the cause of atrial fibrillation in young and strong bodies? What's next?

The process of atrial fibrillation, in which the heart rate increases from 60 to 100 beats per minute under normal circumstances to 350 to 600 times, the fibers in the atrium begin to tremble uncoordinatedly, and the overall effective contractile activity of the heart is disturbed, and it is impossible to pump blood throughout the body. Common causes of atrial fibrillation include high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, hyperthyroidism, congenital or rheumatic heart disease, heart failure, severe infections, and other disease factors, as well as life factors such as alcohol, smoking, exertion, mood swings, mental stress, and large amounts of coffee intake.

What is the cause of atrial fibrillation in young and strong bodies? What's next?

Young people develop atrial fibrillation and may not find an accurate cause, which is called isolated atrial fibrillation. In young patients, about 30% to 50% of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and 20% to 25% of persistent atrial fibrillation are isolated atrial fibrillation. The specific mechanism of occurrence, usually thought to be, is autonomic dysfunction. For example, motor or mental stimulation that causes sympathetic nervous tension, or vagus nervous tension after meals and during sleep, can induce atrial fibrillation.

What is the cause of atrial fibrillation in young and strong bodies? What's next?

The incidence of atrial fibrillation in young people increases, and an important factor is life behavior. For example, a 10-year follow-up of 85,494 subjects by European scholars found that working too long hours was a risk factor for atrial fibrillation. People who worked more than 55 hours a week had a 40 percent increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation. The results of the study showed that during the follow-up period, an average of 17.6 people developed atrial fibrillation per 1,000 people, which was 1.4 times that of those who worked standard work hours. A study conducted by British scholars showed that the risk of atrial fibrillation in athletes was 2.46 times that of others, and people who participated in mixed sports such as football, rugby, and basketball had a higher risk of developing atrial fibrillation than those who skied and rowed endurance sports.

What is the cause of atrial fibrillation in young and strong bodies? What's next?

Young people, who participate in ball games every week, feel strong and strong, and will also develop atrial fibrillation, which may be usually tiring at work, and during exercise, the oxygen consumption of the myocardium increases sharply, and the coronary artery blood supply is insufficient, inducing atrial fibrillation. After the occurrence of atrial fibrillation, it will aggravate the hypoxia of the myocardium, and the patient feels that the heartbeat is accelerated, the rhythm is lost, and symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, chest discomfort, and breathing difficulties occur. Therefore, young people who have experienced atrial fibrillation should exercise in moderation, proper exercise can help enhance the reserve function of the myocardium, and strenuous exercise will induce atrial fibrillation.

What is the cause of atrial fibrillation in young and strong bodies? What's next?

When young people develop atrial fibrillation, they first need to confirm the cause. A thorough physical examination should be performed, combining symptoms and history, to look for factors in lifestyle behavior and family history of atrial fibrillation. By ECG, the pre-excitation syndrome is ruled out and the efficacy of the drug is evaluated. Patients with atrial fibrillation usually require a cardiac ultrasound to rule out cardiomyopathy and evaluate atrial size. Learn about the condition of the arrhythmia through Holter. In addition, blood tests are done to evaluate the function of the thyroid, liver, and kidneys, usually electrophysiological tests to determine the presence of re-entrant tachycardia. Treatment of atrial fibrillation includes anticoagulation, heart rate control, reversal, and maintenance of sinus rhythm. After the occurrence of atrial fibrillation, you should improve your life behavior, eat regularly, avoid overeating, choose low-calorie, low-fat, low-cholesterol foods, and increase the intake of fruits and vegetables. Exercise moderately and avoid overwork. Control your emotions and maintain a pleasant mindset. At the same time, regular physical examinations should be carried out to observe changes in the condition.

Whoever loves, pass on health to whom.

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