
In order to defect to Yang Hucheng, he was almost drowned by water and swallowed by the wind and sand, and later became a founding lieutenant general

Today, let's introduce a very legendary player. He was born on the edge of Baqiao in Xi'an, and his father named him Kong Xiangying. His maternal grandfather was a rural teacher, and according to Confucius's saying, "Yu Yu Wen Zhao, I Congzhou", he was renamed Kong Congzhou, the character Yuwen.

He has a more familiar name called Kong Congzhou.

Due to the poor family, the young Kong Congzhou dropped out of school, what to do? Books can't be read, and I can't find things to do. Just as Yang Hucheng's troops were recruiting cadets, Kong Congzhou decided to abandon Wen Congwu and defect to Yang Hucheng and become a soldier.

In order to defect to Yang Hucheng, he was almost drowned by water and swallowed by the wind and sand, and later became a founding lieutenant general

That year, Kong Congzhou was 18 years old. It was not easy to go to Yang Hucheng. Yang Hucheng's troops were stationed in the three-sided area at that time, thousands of miles away from Kong Congzhou's hometown. Firmly grasping qingshan and holding on to faith, Kong Congzhou went on the road alone.

Passing through the Jing River, a dangerous thing happened, there is no boat, how to cross the river? Kong Congzhou found that the surface of the Jing River was relatively narrow, and because he was anxious to hurry, he jumped into the river and wanted to flow over. It was so impulsive. When the hole flowed from the island to the center of the river, it was not good, the silt at the bottom of the river was too deep, and the water became deeper and faster, and it all flooded the neck of the hole from the continent.

To make matters worse, Kong congzhou could not swim. He struggled desperately, but was swept away by a sharp wave. At that moment, Kong Congzhou thought to himself, this son is finished, and he will be buried in the Jing River. He was washed away for more than a dozen miles, and suddenly he was tripped by a tree branch.

This branch is the straw that Kong Congzhou saved his life. Although he was filled with water, Kong Congzhou was still sober-minded and shouted for help. Just as a farmer was passing by, he used a cow rope to rescue the hole from the continent to the shore. Kong rested for a day and got back on the road.

In order to defect to Yang Hucheng, he was almost drowned by water and swallowed by the wind and sand, and later became a founding lieutenant general

That's too hanging. It's still a long way off. Kong Congzhou's baggage was washed away by the water, and his pocket was shy, how to survive? Kong Congzhou is more clever, he saw the farm hoeing the land, he went to help, he saw that someone needed help at home, and also took the initiative to apply. Kong Congzhou did not want to pay for the work, only to manage the meal, to give a few steamed buns to eat on the road.

On the way, Kong Congzhou also served as a clerk for a battalion headquarters for a few days, and people also paid wages, so why not simply stay in this battalion headquarters? Kong Congzhou had faith and ideals, and he wanted to defect to the great hero Yang Hucheng, not these chaotic local troops.

Kong continued to hurry from Zhou, and the farther north he went, the fewer people there were, and the Yanhe River blocked the front. Kong Congzhou had a dangerous experience of crossing the Jing River, and his heart palpitated, and he did not dare to rush across the river. Suddenly, a torrential rain fell from the sky, and the water of the Yan river rolled down like a flood.

Fortunately, Kong Congzhou did not cross the river, he clung to a large tree by the river, and waited until the water passed, the rain passed, and then he waded through the Yan River on foot. Further on, there is the desert area, where people are inaccessible, flying sand and stones, and the eyes cannot be opened at all. Kong Congzhou had to crouch in a low depression.

In order to defect to Yang Hucheng, he was almost drowned by water and swallowed by the wind and sand, and later became a founding lieutenant general

(Kong Congzhou and He Zizhen)

Suddenly, the camel bell rang and a postman came. The postman saw Kong Congzhou and asked him why he was squatting? Kong Congzhou said that the wind and sand were too big to walk. Who knows the postman said, you baby is not going to die, you don't know the strength of the wind and sand, crouch like you, in five minutes you will be swallowed by the wind and sand. Don't go fast yet!

But how to go without finding the direction? Follow the postman. In fact, the postman can't tell the direction, and walking in the desert depends on camels to know the way. Stepping out of the desert, Kong Congzhou thought to himself, if it were not for this kind postman, he might have been buried in the desert.

It's not easy. In this way, Kong came to Yang Hucheng's army from zhoujiu's death, preparing to take the exam. An examiner said that with your determination to join the army, you can be admitted. Yes, if you change to an ordinary person, you would have retreated halfway through.

Kong Congzhou successfully passed the exam and followed General Yang Hucheng on his campaign. After Yang Hucheng was crushed by Chiang Kai-shek, Kong Congzhou rebelled and joined Liu Deng's army, eventually becoming a founding lieutenant general, and it is well known that he was also the chairman's family.

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