
In the first sino-US confrontation on the Korean battlefield, the REAL US troops did not even want the wounded, and fled directly?

When the Korean War, the first large-scale war since the end of World War II, was on November 1, 1950, an event that the Americans could not believe completely disrupted the pace of the U.S. military marching north on the Korean Peninsula. According to the Plan of the Americans, the United Nations army would soon reach the Yalu River, and the last military strength of North Korea would be wiped out, and the end of the war was just around the corner.

General MacArthur, commander-in-chief of the United Nations Army, also assured his soldiers that the war would be won before Thanksgiving, which meant that his military glory would once again reach a peak in the seventy-year-old veteran's military career. But what the COMMANDER-in-Chief of the UN Forces did not expect was that a tragedy was about to strike on the day of November 1...

So what really happened on this day?

In the first sino-US confrontation on the Korean battlefield, the REAL US troops did not even want the wounded, and fled directly?

There will be a war

We know that just as the United Nations army was marching in a high spirit, our volunteer army also quietly entered the territory of Korea on October 19, "all the way is the morale of the US army is high, all the way is the hidden ambush of the officers and men of my volunteer army, and the two armies are like a light and a dark, "there will be a war with time."

However, when our army went to war, the first opponent it encountered was not the US army but the South Korean army, so before the first war broke out between China and the United States, the unfortunate Korean Second Army had been wiped out by the volunteer army, and this force was declared to cease to exist.

On November 1, the long-lost Sino-AMERICAN war finally broke out.

In the first sino-US confrontation on the Korean battlefield, the REAL US troops did not even want the wounded, and fled directly?

Just as the 8th Regiment of the 1st Cavalry Division, the ace unit of the US Army, entered Unsan (the name of the Korean place) on the north side of the Korean Peninsula, they were already shocked by the increasing evidence of the volunteer army's entry into the DPRK, because at this time the volunteer army not only fought with the ROK army, but even the aerial reconnaissance plane repeatedly found the volunteer marching team, and the skirmishes that came from time to time also made more and more American officers and men of the Eighth Regiment believe that there were really many Chinese near their garrison near Unsan.

But the U.S. military high command still did not believe that Chinese entered Korea and was ready to do a big job, and they always believed that in 1950 China could not intervene unless the Soviet Union wanted to fight a world war. That being the case, the U.S. military leadership chose to ignore more and more dangers and evidence, and such a judgment eventually brought disaster to the UN forces on the front line.

In the first sino-US confrontation on the Korean battlefield, the REAL US troops did not even want the wounded, and fled directly?

The Great War broke out

Just as the troops of the U.S. 1st Cavalry Division were facing a dangerous situation in Yunshan, the Volunteers also surrounded the city in the north, west, and south, and at 5 p.m. on November 1, the volunteer mortars and Katyusha rockets began to shell the garrison of the 8th Regiment of the 1st Cavalry Division of the US Army, and the first battle between China and the United States began to start in the true sense.

Since it was already winter, it was getting dark very early, and at 5 o'clock it was already twilight, and the volunteers gradually began a fierce charge. The U.S. military also began to counterattack, and just as the battle was in full swing, the American troops in the defense heard a strange sound, "this sound is similar to a mixture of Scottish bagpipes and whistles," but the U.S. troops who heard this sound suddenly found that the charge of the Chinese soldiers had become more crazy, and the American positions were gradually unable to support.

In the first sino-US confrontation on the Korean battlefield, the REAL US troops did not even want the wounded, and fled directly?

Wounded soldiers who had to be abandoned

At this time, the Eighth Regiment had been attacked on three sides, there was no hope of a breakthrough, and their retreat had long been cut off. The night battles were too brutal, and under the guidance of the Stormtrooper, countless Chinese soldiers launched a continuous attack from all directions, and from time to time there were white-knife battles. After a night of fighting, the American positions were littered with wounded soldiers with nowhere to be placed, ammunition was very scarce, and even the command room was blown up by volunteer grenades.

In the early morning of 2 November, the force was forced to retreat, and the lightly wounded were able to move along, and many of the unable to move were left in place for the volunteers. Only one priest remained to accompany the wounded soldiers, who assured the officers of the unit that he would fight for the opportunity for the wounded to be treated well.

In this way, the US army had to abandon the wounded who could not be taken away in the brutal battle, and directly and quickly fled! Although it is a last resort, it is also a fact, and such situations often occur in war.

In the first sino-US confrontation on the Korean battlefield, the REAL US troops did not even want the wounded, and fled directly?

In this way, the soldiers of the remaining troops of the Us army, who had undergone a brutal battle, began to break through in pairs, and those comrades who fought side by side but could not move at this time had to be abandoned. However, these breakthrough soldiers were not well off, and many were knocked down or captured on the way to the breakthrough. Even the 5th Regiment of the First Cavalry Division, which came to support, was repeatedly repulsed by the blocked volunteers and could not make any contact with the Eighth Regiment.

It can be said that this battle was the first official confrontation between China and the United States, although the US military was defeated, but this did not arouse the high attention of the US military and the "White House", they only thought that this was some kind of support for the North Korean troops by the Chinese army, or to protect the reservoir in the upper reaches of the Yalu River, and appeared in northern Korea just to make some posture on the situation. In short, when the first battle of the volunteer army into North Korea ended on November 5, the Americans still swore that the Chinese army would not intervene in the Korean war on a large scale, so the Americans continued to march north, and the second battle also came.

What happened on October 19, 2050? In north Korea, the US military cheered victory, but the defeat was just around the corner

In the eyes of the Americans, the reason why the volunteer army is more civilized than the People's Army is only because of one thing that the AMERICAN military admires more

Look at the equipment provided by the Soviet Union to North Korea to know that it can win, and then look at the United States to South Korea, hey!

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