
Zuo Zongtang's wife's note: His parents died, and the family had no money to buy a banquet, so he had to enter the Zhou family

Today's young men generally feel that it is very difficult to marry a daughter-in-law. Look at the various dating apps and you know that it's really hard for boys to find girlfriends. There are personal reasons for this, and there are also reasons for the times. But what I want to say is that boys marrying wives, no matter what era, is very difficult and has to go through many tests. Today, I will tell you about the anecdote about the wife of Zuo Zongtang, the minister of the late Qing Dynasty.

Zuo Zongtang, born in 1812, is a native of Xiangyin, Hunan, Jigao. Late Qing dynasty politician, military figure, one of the representative figures of the Western affairs faction, together with Zeng Guofan and others, was called "the four famous ministers of the late Qing Dynasty". You may say that such a cattle man, marrying a wife, should not be difficult. In fact, Zuo Zongtang's road to marrying a wife is still difficult.

Zuo Zongtang's wife's note: His parents died, and the family had no money to buy a banquet, so he had to enter the Zhou family

Zuo Zongtang was born between a scholarly family and seven generations of ancestors were Xiucai. However, the timing is not good, although the family has so many talents, but not a single official. When Zuo Zongtang was born, his family was not rich, and in addition to the tradition of reading, there was not much difference between him and ordinary rural families. After Zuo Zongtang was born, because his mother did not have enough milk, but he did not have money to ask the nurse, this little baby often cried with hunger. According to some wild histories, Zuo Zongtang's navel eye protruded a lot more than ordinary people, which was caused by insufficient milk when he was a child. As an adult, Zuo Zongtang had a mediocre appearance, was not tall, and had no special skills. Moreover, he pays attention to practical learning, and has taken the imperial examination many times to be named Sun Shan.

According to the custom of the countryside, when he was 15 years old, the family found him a wife, and before the two of them met, the two parents were in charge and engaged to them. This girl is the daughter of Zuo Zongtang's father's classmate, named Duan. It is reasonable to say that Zuo Zongtang was engaged at a young age, and he didn't have to worry about marrying his wife! However, this is only an engagement, oh, there are many procedures behind it!

Zuo Zongtang's wife's note: His parents died, and the family had no money to buy a banquet, so he had to enter the Zhou family

The sky is unpredictable, and people have bad luck. In the year when Zuo Zongtang and Zhou Yiduan were engaged, Zuo Zongtang's mother unfortunately fell seriously ill and died. This family, which was not rich in the first place, was overshadowed. Ancients Yun: Misfortune is not a single line, blessings do not fall, just three years after the death of his mother, Zuo Zongtang's father also fell seriously ill and died. In this way, Zuo Zongtang, who was less than twenty years old, became an orphan. This not only cast a shadow over his future life, but also added many difficulties to his marriage.

At the age of marriage, it is reasonable that the man's family should come to the door to propose to him. However, Zuo Zongtang's parents died, the family did not leave much property, his daily life became a problem, and the family still owed a bunch of debts, where is the money to pay the bride price? I can't even get enough money for a banquet.

Zuo Zongtang was unable to marry a girl who was already engaged, and he was in a hurry. Here the Zhou family is more anxious. The Zhou family does not want their daughter to become an "older leftover girl".

Zuo Zongtang's wife's note: His parents died, and the family had no money to buy a banquet, so he had to enter the Zhou family

Thinking about it, the Zhou family decided to let Zuo Zongtang be the son-in-law of the door. This is not only to solve the dilemma that the Zuo family is unable to marry a wife, but also because the Zhou family is optimistic about Zuo Zongtang, a young man. Zhou Yiduan's mother was very fond of Zuo Zongtang, and in her eyes, the future son-in-law had thick eyebrows like swords, a firm nose, a thick mouth, and extraordinary conversation, with the appearance of a prince. She told her family that although the Zhou family is poor now, they will definitely be blessed in the future, and now that they have helped him, their daughter will have a lifelong dependence.

In this way, under the control of the Zhou family, Zuo Zongtang and Zhou Duan successfully consummated their marriage.

Zhou Duan's mother's name was Wang Ciyun, a woman with a lot of vision, and he was very appreciative of Zuo Zongtang and believed that he would be able to soar in the future. When she was dying, she also warned her daughter that she must support Zuo Zongtang's choice and do a good job of helping Xiannei.

Zuo Zongtang's wife's note: His parents died, and the family had no money to buy a banquet, so he had to enter the Zhou family

Facts have proved that Zuo Zongtang did fly huang Tengda in the day, and the official was a scholar of Dongge University, a minister of military aircraft, and a second-class Marquis of Kejing.

You see, the difficulty of marrying a wife has never been the patent of contemporary people, boys, don't go around to pick up, "cast a net everywhere, focus on fish" does not apply, in a bunch of software to pick up, will only consume your time and energy, can not get any good results. Boys should "build a nest and lead the phoenix" and strive to make themselves excellent, so that girls do not like you, and the future mother-in-law will also love you.

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