
Some people look very thin, and they are already "high in blood lipids" behind their backs...

The annual physical examination season is coming again, and many thin people may be shocked when they see the physical examination report: "I am obviously very thin, why is the blood lipid high?" ”

Some people look very thin, and they are already "high in blood lipids" behind their backs...

Don't think that blood lipids are things that fat people need to pay attention to, in fact, some people look very thin, but blood lipids are already abnormal, and may be more dangerous.

"Life Times" (WeChat search "LT0385" can be followed) interviewed experts to analyze why thin people also get high blood lipids, and taught a set of prevention and control methods to control naughty blood lipids.

Experts interviewed

Zhang Haicheng, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology, Peking University People's Hospital

Xu Dingli, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology, Southern Hospital Affiliated to Southern Medical University

Xia Pengbin, a nutritionist in the Department of Clinical Nutrition, Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University

What constitutes dyslipidemia

Blood lipids include cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipids such as phospholipids, and cholesterol is divided into low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C, commonly known as "bad" cholesterol) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C, commonly known as "good" cholesterol).

Some people look very thin, and they are already "high in blood lipids" behind their backs...

Elevated "bad" cholesterol is the most harmful, forming atherosclerotic plaques in the blood vessels. The plaque continues to enlarge, so that the arteries are gradually narrowed or even blocked, causing angina, myocardial ischemia and other diseases.

If the plaque suddenly ruptures and falls off, it will quickly block the blood vessels, causing acute myocardial infarction and even sudden death.

How high is the blood lipid to be abnormal? The normal reference range of different hospitals is slightly different, most of which are in accordance with the "Chinese Adult Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Dyslipidemia" of the abnormal blood lipids reference standard, which can be measured accordingly.

Some people look very thin, and they are already "high in blood lipids" behind their backs...

Thin people with high blood lipids may be more dangerous

When many people mention high blood lipids, the first thing that comes to mind is fat people. In fact, high blood lipids are not the "exclusive disease" of fat people, and many slim people will also get it.

There are many factors that affect the level of blood lipids in the human body, including the lipid intake in the diet, sex, age, genetics, mental state, and a variety of diseases. Fat and thin cannot be used to judge the level of blood lipids.

People with a fat body use less free fatty acids, so that fat synthesis is more, and hyperlipidemia is indeed prone to hyperlipidemia. However, if the fat person's lipid metabolism function is particularly good, "how much to eat, how much to burn", can also keep the blood lipids normal.

Some people look very thin, and they are already "high in blood lipids" behind their backs...

On the contrary, those who are slender are easy to ignore the blood lipid examination, and once found, the blood lipids are often very high.

Thin people have high blood lipids, most likely due to innate genetic influences, or weak lipid metabolism. Thin people are characterized by high blood lipids, but good cholesterol is lower than normal, so they are more susceptible to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Regardless of the size of the fat and thin, as long as the blood lipid is high, it is easy to cause "blood viscosity", so that the blood flow becomes slower, and the blood flow is interrupted in severe cases, which not only causes cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but also leads to fatty liver, cirrhosis and so on.

After the blood lipids are elevated, in addition to the abnormal examination results, there will also be traces on the face:

Xanthoramma: Eyelids, elbows, thighs, heels and other parts, growing a rice grain-sized xanthelasma, can appear multiple at the same time, or fused together.

Elder ring: A gray-white ring at the edge of the black eyeball, about 1 to 2 mm wide ring-like structure.

Some people look very thin, and they are already "high in blood lipids" behind their backs...

Yellow patches: More small yellow patches appear on the face and hands for a short period of time, darker in color, or yellow or orange stripes appear on the palms of the hands.

The following signals are also alerting you to dyslipidemia:

Leg twitching tingling: It may be because cholesterol accumulates in the surrounding muscles, stimulating muscle contractions, leading to cramps.

Dizziness: high blood lipids slow the flow of blood in the body, affecting the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen; it may also be a narrowing of the vascular lumen, resulting in cerebral ischemia and hypoxia.

Blurred vision: increased triglycerides in the blood, slowed flow rate, lipoprotein leaks from capillaries and invades the macula, which can affect vision.

Start from 3 aspects to adjust blood lipids

Regardless of the type of dyslipidemia, diet and exercise control are recommended first. There are 3 ways to start in life and manage blood lipids.


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If dietary adjustments persist for a period of time and still do not work, intervention with the aid of drugs is required. For different dyslipidemias, it is recommended to make the following improvements:

Total cholesterol and "bad" cholesterol are on the high side

Limit the amount of cholesterol in foods to less than 300 mg per day.

It is not recommended to eat animal offal, brain, egg yolk, caviar, shrimp paste, crab, squid, etc.

Eat more foods containing plant sterols appropriately, and soybeans and their products are the best.

Simply "good" cholesterol is low

Appropriate supplementation with foods rich in omega-3s, such as deep-sea fish. Increase foods rich in water-soluble fiber, mainly fruits and vegetables.

Avoid eating trans fats every day and consume less saturated fats, such as animal fats, palm oil, etc.

Some people look very thin, and they are already "high in blood lipids" behind their backs...

Simple triglycerides are high

Strictly control the total intake of fat, cooking oil is preferably not more than 50 grams per day; vegetable oil is preferably olive oil, rapeseed oil; do not eat fat meat or animal fats that are visible to the naked eye.

Try not to eat sweets; fruits do not exceed 200 grams per day; nuts do not exceed 25 grams per day; and dairy products are best selected for low-fat or skim dairy products. Increase the intake of dietary fiber, eat more coarse grains, whole grains, vegetables.

Protein foods are mainly soy products, peeled poultry, fish, lean meat, eggs, and appropriate supplements are foods rich in omega-3s.

The cooking method should be steamed, stewed, boiled, braised, and brine-based, and less fried and fried foods should be eaten.

It should be noted that a vegan diet can cause hypoproteinemia, because protein deficiency affects the normal transport of fat and may also cause hyperlipidemia.


Develop good habits

Exercise for 2.5 hours

Exercise at least five times a week for at least 30 minutes each time, or walk 3,000 meters at a slight sweating rate every day; the elderly can do aerobic exercises such as tai chi and dancing, and young people can do some competitive sports, such as playing ball.

Quit smoking

Epidemiological studies have found that total cholesterol levels in smokers are 10% to 15% higher than those in non-smokers.

Smoking as the main risk factor for coronary atherosclerosis is reversible, stop smoking, the degree of danger decreases rapidly, quit smoking for one year, the risk can be reduced by 50%, even similar to non-smokers.

Get enough sleep

Avoid playing games, watching movies and TV works for 1 hour before going to bed, and stay away from mobile phones.

Eat less before going to bed, especially people with high blood lipids 2 hours before going to bed, it is best not to eat, is too hungry to eat some low-calorie, satiety foods such as cucumbers and tomatoes.

Some people look very thin, and they are already "high in blood lipids" behind their backs...


Raise awareness of prevention and control

Learn about family history

Some patients have a genetic history of hyperlipidemia. High-risk groups should be screened as early as possible. Hyperlipidemia has been detected, and it is also necessary to know whether there is such a disease in the family, which is very helpful for precise treatment.

Learn to self-decompress

Stress triggers an adrenaline-triglyceride reaction that raises LDL cholesterol levels. Learn to properly vent stress, patients with hyperlipidemia can take time to stare for 5 minutes, or go outdoors to relax and do some meditation exercises.

Control triglycerides well

For The Chinese people, hyperlipidemia is dominated by increased triglycerides, which is greatly affected by diet and exercise, and such patients can first control diet and do more exercise to improve metabolism, and then review after 3 months.

Select the right hypolipidemic drugs

It should not be used in large doses without principle; when clinical combinations, drugs should be carefully selected, drug interventions should be carried out under the guidance of doctors, and even if dyslipidemia improves, the drug should not be discontinued arbitrarily. ▲

Editor: Wang Xiaoqing

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