
Huawei's "one test and two certificates" issued a certificate Shenzhen People's Society signed a strategic cooperation with Huawei

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Nandu News Reporter Zhang Xiaoling Huawei's "one test and two certificates" certification activity was held in Shenzhen Huawei Bantian Base on December 17. This is a "milestone" in the diversified evaluation of skilled talents in Shenzhen, marking the official completion of the industry authoritative evaluation certificate and the vocational skill level certificate "overpass", which is of great significance to the construction of a composite talent team of technical skills in the field of high and new technology and the promotion of the internationalization of the vocational skill level certificate. The first batch of 145 people who passed the "one test and two certificates" also obtained Huawei's ICT certificate and the vocational skill level certificate filed by the ministry of human resources and social security.

Huawei's "one test and two certificates" issued a certificate Shenzhen People's Society signed a strategic cooperation with Huawei

Huawei is a leading enterprise in the global information and communication industry, and Huawei certification has become a recognized professional certificate in the industry. Promoting industry benchmarks represented by Huawei to participate in the identification of vocational skill levels and leading the evaluation standards for the training of high-skilled talents is of great significance and far-reaching influence, on the one hand, it provides important technical skills talent support for the construction of a new development pattern, and on the other hand, lays a good foundation for the export of China's intelligent manufacturing standards. Certified personnel can enjoy preferential policies for high-skilled talents, and the occupational skill level is recognized as Huawei certification and empowerment, and jointly create an industrial skill ecosystem.

Zhang Jiaming from Shenzhen Xunfang Company is an intermediate soft tuning engineer who became one of the witnesses and beneficiaries of the first batch of "one test and two certificates". Zhang Jiaming said that after two years of struggle, he got the HCIE certificate. Now the government and Huawei have joined forces to bring candidates "one test and two certificates". This is not only the support of real money and silver, but also means that Huawei certification has been recognized by the state, and the gold content has been tested by the market and the government, which has enhanced our confidence in job hunting.

In recent years, Shenzhen has deeply implemented the reform of the evaluation system of skilled personnel oriented by vocational ability and marketization as the goal, filed 91 market evaluation entities such as Tencent and CGNPC, and more than 60,000 people have obtained vocational skill level certificates. Innovatively introduce the evaluation standards of high-level overseas vocational qualification certificates such as German Rheinland Advanced Manufacturing and Hong Kong Home Economics and Pension Social Services, and explore the localization of international certificates and the international recognition of vocational skill level certificates. Guide high-tech enterprises such as DJI and BGI Gene to apply for 14 new occupations, and promote the upgrading of enterprise evaluation norms to national occupational standards.

At the same time, the Municipal Human Resources Security Bureau and Huawei signed a strategic cooperation agreement, and the two sides will further deepen cooperation in the cultivation of technical skills talents, the construction of public training bases, vocational skills competitions, and technical education.

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