
Is "burning Bowangpo" the credit of Zhuge Liang?

Liu Beisan took care of Maolu and invited Zhuge Liang. At the beginning of Zhuge Liang's departure from the mountain, when Xiahou Huan led 100,000 Cao soldiers, he rushed to Xinye with great momentum to kill him, claiming to capture Liu Bei and capture Zhuge Zhuge alive. Liu Bei heard the news, printed the sword with Kong Ming, and ordered everyone to listen to Zhuge Liang's orders. Therefore, Zhuge Liang sent Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and Liu Bei out of the city one by one, and each of them ordered them to do so.

Is "burning Bowangpo" the credit of Zhuge Liang?

Because of the three longzhong, Zhuge Liang was invited out of the mountain, after which Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang invited Ri Mi, naturally snubbed Guan and Zhang Erdi, which had long caused Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to be dissatisfied with Zhuge Liang. Now that the great enemy was at hand, watching a young man give orders and point to the east and the west, Guan Yu couldn't help asking, "I am waiting to meet the enemy, but what is the untried military division doing?" Kong Mingyue: "I only sit in the county seat." Zhang Fei laughed and said, "We all went to fight, but you sat on the ground at home, so you were at ease!" Zhang Fei and the others were very angry, and wanted to see how capable this Zhuge Liang really was. Zhuge Liang was not idle in the city, and The Governor Sun Qian and Jian Yong prepared a celebration feast and arranged for the "merit book" to be served, looking like a bamboo in the chest. Liu Bei was also confused. Readers will naturally wait and see.

As a result, Zhuge Liang made a small plan and defeated the Cao army with fire at Bowangpo, which finally convinced Guan, Zhang, and others. This is the saying of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and there is also a praise for Zhuge Liang in the book: "Bowang attacked with fire, and commanded Ruyi to laugh and talk." Zhishu broke Cao Gong's guts and made his first achievement! ”

Is "burning Bowangpo" the credit of Zhuge Liang?

However, at the time of the battle of burning Bowangpo in history, Zhuge Liang was still cultivating in Nanyang and did not go out of the mountain. According to the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, after Liu Bei defected to Liu Biao in Jingzhou, Liu Biao sent Liu Bei to garrison Xinye to resist Cao Bing Yu Bowang led by Xiahou Huan, Yu Ban, and Li Dian. The two armies held each other for a long time. One day, Liu Bei ambushed his troops on the side of the road and burned himself to the camp. Xiahou Huan did not know that there was deception, and led his troops to pursue him, which was broken by the ambush troops. It turned out that the battle to burn Bowangpo was personally commanded by Liu Bei, and the merit was in Liu Bei, and had nothing to do with Zhuge Liang.

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms Li Dian also records the Battle of Bowangpo. He said: "Liu Biao sent Liu Bei to invade the north, and to Ye, Taizu sent Dian to refuse from Xiahou. Once the tun was burned, he led his army to pursue it, and the code said: "The thief retreats for no reason, and there will be an ambush if he is suspected." The south road is narrow and deep in vegetation, and it is impossible to chase. 'If you don't listen, you will be chased after by the forbidden, and you will stay behind.' Wait for the fruit to fall into the thief's ambush, the battle is unfavorable, the pawn goes to the rescue, the hope is to see the rescue, but it is scattered. ”

Judging from the records of the "Biography of the Ancestors" and the "Biography of Li Dian", although Liu Bei won this battle, Cao Bing did not lose much. Moreover, the Chronicle of Emperor Wu, the Biography of Xiahou Huan, the Forbidden Biography, and the Zizhi Tongjian of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms do not record this battle. This shows that the scale of the Battle of Bowangpo is not large. Due to Liu Bei's relatively small victory with Cao Bing, the Battle of Bowangpo was hyped up by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Is "burning Bowangpo" the credit of Zhuge Liang?

In addition, according to the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, the fire of Bowangpo was initiated by Liu Bei to attract Cao Bing into the ambush, and he started from the burning of the Tun camp before the pseudo-retreat, not as stated in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, who first introduced Cao Bing into the ambush and then attacked with fire.

The historical Liu Beiduo gave the impression of a politician with little military talent, and the Battle of Bowangpo showed that he was still a military expert. However, the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" made an extraordinary move to show Zhuge Liang, but he recorded the merits of this battle under Kong Ming's name, which was really Liu Bei's unfairness.

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