
Which ovulation induction regimen is better for three generations of IVF?

Some patients before ovulation induction treatment, learn that there are many IVF ovulation stimulation programs, such as long program, short program, ultra-long program, ultra-short program, antagonist program, microstimulation program, luteal phase ovulation stimulation program, etc., for a while, I don't know what the difference is? Which ovulation induction regimen is better for IVF?

Which ovulation induction regimen is better for three generations of IVF?

AA69 Fertility Center reminds everyone that because each individual is different, the doctor will fully combine the individual's age, height, weight, menstrual situation, hormone levels, etc. in the process of choosing a medication plan, assess the ovarian function, and accurately finalize the medication plan. Different medication regimens have different start times, and the dosage and medication time are also different, and patients with similar physical conditions may also have different medication regimens. Therefore, the doctor's ovulation promotion program should be tailored to consider various factors.

What we have to do is to actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment and do a good job of precautions during ovulation induction.

1. Maintain a pleasant mood

Infertile couples in the IVF, more or less have a certain amount of pressure, this pressure is not conducive to the process of our IVF, patient friends need to learn to self-regulate, appropriate decompression, maintain a pleasant mood.

Which ovulation induction regimen is better for three generations of IVF?

2. Avoid strenuous exercise

Ovulation induction in the ovaries significantly enlarged, ovarian activity increased, prone to ovarian torsion, so should avoid strenuous exercise, excessive bladder sudden emptying, rapid bending, turning and turning over, etc., if there is sudden lower abdominal pain or severe pain, gradually aggravated, intolerable, should be vigilant about the occurrence of ovarian torsion, timely medical treatment.

3. Maintain a balanced diet

Sisters who do IVF should not eat a lot, as long as they maintain a balanced diet. During the ovulation promotion stage, due to the growth of a large number of follicles, the hormone level is significantly increased, and patients may have bloating, slight abdominal pain and other discomforts, without tension. Eat more high-protein foods, such as milk, fish, shrimp, lean meat, eggs and other foods to help reduce the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation.

Which ovulation induction regimen is better for three generations of IVF?

4. Appropriate supplementation of nutrients

Folic acid is taken when trying to conceive, and both men and women can eat it. Some patients with poor ovarian function can appropriately supplement with nutrients such as DHEA and CoQ10, but it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking any nutrients and take them according to medical advice.

5. Take medication on time and follow up regularly

During the ovulation induction period, patients must inject drugs at a fixed time, the difference between before and after is not more than 2 hours, and at the same time, they should return to the hospital in time according to the doctor's instructions, and the drug cannot be stopped at will during the treatment process.

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