
Why did Qianlong not kill Hezhen in his later years?

I am The Father of Praise.

The Qianlong Emperor had a nickname, called "Ten Perfect Old Man", that is, he said that he had perfect merit in his life.

But from this name, we can see the exaggeration of the Qianlong Emperor. As an emperor, of course, he cherished his own wings very much, and the Qianlong Emperor naturally cherished it very much.

Why did Qianlong not kill Hezhen in his later years?

Here is the first reason why Qianlong did not kill Hezhen: cherish his wings.

This is like the Ming Dynasty, Xu Jie, Gao Gong, and Zhang Juzheng made a maneuver to overthrow Yan Song and Yan Shifan, arranging a false treason charge for Yan Song and Yan Shifan, instead of blindly saying something corrupt and mutilating Zhongliang.

Because just talking about corruption and cruelty to Zhongliang is actually saying that the Jiajing Emperor has a problem, a first assistant who has been the first assistant for more than twenty years, who has been corrupt and perverts the law, and is still as stable as Mount Tai, this is what the Emperor of The Dark Emperor will do, so this matter cannot be mentioned in this way, and they must arrange a crime for Yan Song that they must not escape, treason. Of course, clear-eyed people know what is going on at a glance.

Analogy to He yan and Qianlong here, the same thing is true.

Why did Qianlong not kill Hezhen in his later years?

Qianlong had been a good emperor all his life, how could such a huge greed appear during his reign? Therefore, we must cherish the wings and protect the reputation.


He Yan is also really capable.

Although he was a Manchu, he was not born into a high-ranking official, but climbed up step by step from a low-level peasant.

Qianlong was also very appreciative of him, and he was cultured and capable of doing things, and was also good at guessing the emperor's intentions. Such a courtier, which does not love.

At first, Hezhen was also self-sustaining and not corrupt. This was recognized by Qianlong, and coupled with the fact that everyone was Manchu, this made Qianlong like abnormalities even more.

Why did Qianlong not kill Hezhen in his later years?

Later, He Yanguan also became bigger and bigger, and Qianlong became older and older, and he became more and more confused, and he only liked to listen to some sweet words. The two hit it off immediately, forming a long-term friendship between old and young and the monarch.

Of course, there are many points worth analyzing here:

First, the Qianlong Emperor needed money if he wanted to fulfill his ten virtues, and He yan was a good hand at getting money and doing business.

Second, although he was corrupt, he was loyal to the emperor and had no two hearts.

Third, as a courtier, he could still make more use of his ability to do things and govern the country. After all, it seems that there is not much of a problem with being corrupt.

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