
Old photo: Soviet pilot who heroically attacked the Japanese army, heroic female Eighth Route Army

Old photo: Soviet pilot who heroically attacked the Japanese army, heroic female Eighth Route Army

This photograph was taken in Beijing in 1900, and the Chinese standing in the middle is a soldier of the Qing Dynasty Shenji Battalion at that time, and his name is Enhai.

Before the Eight-Power Alliance invaded China, the Boxer Rebellion broke out in Beijing to support the Qing Dynasty and destroy the Yangtze, and this Qing dynasty soldier named Enhai also participated in the Boxer Rebellion.

After he rushed into the German embassy in Beijing, he killed the German minister Clinder with one shot, and after the German minister was killed, the Germans were naturally unconvinced.

After the Eight-Power Alliance invaded China, the German army threatened to capture Enhai to avenge Klinder, and later after the capture of the city of Beijing, Enhai was captured by the Japanese invading army, and the Japanese handed him over to the Germans.

The two people standing next to Enhai were German soldiers, who eventually captured Enhai and killed them outside the Chongwen Gate in Beijing.

As a Chinese, and he was still on Chinese soil, whatever he did was rightfully at the disposal of the Chinese government, and the German army first invaded Beijing illegally and then killed Chinese privately, which was an immoral act.

Old photo: Soviet pilot who heroically attacked the Japanese army, heroic female Eighth Route Army

This photo was taken in the Hebei region in the 1950s, and the two grandmothers were full of happy smiles because they lived a happy life.

The two grandmothers looked to be about seventy years old, and the one on the left had lost their teeth, and if you calculate by time, they should have been born around 1890, when they were still feudal dynasties.

So they are all wrapped in small feet, which is also the harm caused by feudal customs to them, and their smoking habits may also have been infected in the feudal period.

Old photo: Soviet pilot who heroically attacked the Japanese army, heroic female Eighth Route Army

Sandwiched between two Japanese in this photograph is a Soviet pilot who was captured while helping the Chinese against the Japanese invaders.

The pilot's name was Valentine. Dodonov, July 18, 1937 at noon, Valentine. Dodonov piloted the fighter jet over Panyang Lake in Jiangxi Province.

At that time, there were many Japanese aircraft in the sky on a bombing mission against the Chinese army on the ground, Valentine. In order to cover the Chinese troops on the ground, Dodanov heroically flew the plane into the middle of the Japanese aircraft.

After a fierce battle with the Japanese planes, all the bullets on his planes were gone, but the Japanese planes were still circling overhead, so he flew the plane directly to the Japanese planes.

At the last moment he successfully parachuted to the ground, but unfortunately the Japanese captured him on the ground, and he was captured by the Japanese from 1937 to 1945, and after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he successfully returned to the Soviet Union.

Old photo: Soviet pilot who heroically attacked the Japanese army, heroic female Eighth Route Army

This photo was taken during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and it can be seen from this photo that it was not easy for people living in the Japanese occupation areas at that time.

You can see what these Japanese soldiers are supposed to be doing nearby, they are so hot and thirsty, and then they come to a civilian's house to get water to drink.

The two women at the door were the owners of the house, and they were a little frightened by the sudden arrival of uninvited guests, and the woman sitting smiled far-fetchedly.

This kind of smile is not natural, her heart may feel afraid, but she does not dare to offend these Japanese troops, she is afraid that the Japanese army will see her inner displeasure and then harm them, so she can only force a smile.

These Japanese soldiers were still holding cigarette butts in their hands when they drank water, and their arrogant expressions felt that they had not come to ask for water to drink, but to grab water to drink.

Old photo: Soviet pilot who heroically attacked the Japanese army, heroic female Eighth Route Army

This is a photograph taken during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and the three girls in the photo are all soldiers of the Eighth Route Army.

From the photos, you can see that these girls are not very old, and judging from their confident temperament, they should also be highly educated people.

At a time of national crisis, they did not choose to escape because they were women, but heroically joined the Eighth Route Army, which resolutely attacked the Japanese invaders.

Moreover, judging from the equipment on their bodies, their positions in the Eighth Route Army at that time were not low, and their heroic and elegant posture was simply a gap between heaven and earth compared with women in kimono.

Old photo: Soviet pilot who heroically attacked the Japanese army, heroic female Eighth Route Army

This photograph was taken in 1940 in the Shanxi region, and the three protagonists in the photo are our heroic eighth route army hygienists.

Where they stood was the door to the operating room of a field hospital, with a Red Cross sign on the gate, and they were carrying quilts on their backs, supposed to be on the front line of the battle, ready to rescue the wounded on the position, or ready to move positions with the large troops.

There was also a grenade around their waists, which was reserved for themselves, and this grenade was also called the Glory Bomb, because their enemy, the Japanese devils, were so cruel that they did not want to fall into the hands of the Japanese army.

Looking at their age, they can bravely stand up to defend their country when the country is in difficulty, and they are the loveliest people in the world.

Old photo: Soviet pilot who heroically attacked the Japanese army, heroic female Eighth Route Army

This photograph was taken during the War of Resistance Against Japan, which is supposed to be in the occupied areas occupied by the Japanese army.

An old father can be seen performing an acrobatic performance on the street, and the child sitting on the ground with a basket should be his son, which is used to collect money from the audience.

But unfortunately this father may have a busy day today, because there are Japanese troops standing around him, and the Japanese invaders are also attracted by his performance, but it is certain that these Japanese soldiers will never give money after watching the performance.

And because of the onlookers of these Japanese troops, other ordinary people did not dare to come to see the performance, and the father who performed the performance also seemed more nervous, he did not dare to stop the performance, nor did he dare to mess up the performance, if the Japanese troops who were watching were slightly dissatisfied, his life safety could not be guaranteed.

Old photo: Soviet pilot who heroically attacked the Japanese army, heroic female Eighth Route Army

This photograph was taken in 1938 in Jingjiang, Jiangsu Province, and is another incriminating evidence of Japan's invasion of China.

The Japanese soldier took a bayonet rifle and took pictures of him on Chinese territory to show off, looking at his arrogant expression, not knowing how many Chinese died under his butcher's knife.

The place where he was standing was at the entrance of a lamp factory called Lianxing Electric Light Factory, and there was a man standing at the door of the electric light factory, which the Japanese army should have occupied for a long time.

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