
Doctor, I still have to work to support my family, what happened to my hands? Doctor: Don't panic, it's frostbite

author:Little Lotus APP
Doctor, I still have to work to support my family, what happened to my hands? Doctor: Don't panic, it's frostbite

(Disclaimer: This article is only for popular science purposes, can not be used as a basis for treatment, in order to protect the privacy of patients, the relevant information in the following has been processed)

Transferred from the contents of Dr. Xiaohe App's notes

First, the first acquaintance with the patient

Brother Tang is an ordinary worker in the decoration company, mainly responsible for installing heating equipment such as plumbing and geothermal heating for the newly developed building, every winter he is very unhappy, the new building has no heating equipment, he has to work in the cold room for a day. Every day when I came home, my hands and feet were cold, but for the sake of my children's tuition and for the sake of my family's livelihood, I still insisted on it day after day. A few days ago, Brother Tang's hand froze out of the bubble, and soon the blister broke through and scab, and Uncle Tang couldn't work, so he came to see me. As soon as he saw me, he asked me anxiously: What happened to my hands, doctor? What disease did I have, and how can I cure it? Now jobs are affected.

Second, the treatment process

In the outpatient clinic for Tang Brother conducted a dermatological examination, found that his hand skin purple-red lump, unclear boundaries, low skin temperature to the touch, self-conscious burning, itching, pain, swelling and itching after heating is more obvious, blisters appear when the swelling is severe, ulceration after ulceration becomes erosion and ulceration, pain. For details, please see the following figure. Based on this symptom, frostbite can be diagnosed.

When examining him, Brother Tang complained to me: "Is this frostbite?" At first it was just a small red pimple, and I didn't even think it was frostbite. At first, there is a slight pain sensation, after which the small pimples will become red and swollen, sometimes the entire hand surface and fingers are swollen, the fingers will be swollen so that they cannot be bent, and it is difficult to install electrical appliances. Frostbite after more annoying, when sleeping at night, the temperature of the hand will rise, frostbite will become particularly itchy, like the kind of itch of small insects crawling, because the frostbite is dry and red and swollen, want to scratch and can not scratch, can only endure, sometimes the hand to itch until midnight, it is really very torturous. ”

According to the diagnosis results, Big Brother Tang needs to use polysulfonic acid mucopolysaccharide cream, topical medication, 2 times a day, for a week. In addition, it is recommended that he usually needs to keep his hands and feet warm and dry, keep the indoor environment warm and dry, wear gloves and cotton socks to keep warm. If skin warmth is not effectively improved, the effect of applying external drugs alone or combining oral drugs will not be very good.

Doctor, I still have to work to support my family, what happened to my hands? Doctor: Don't panic, it's frostbite

Third, the precautions in the treatment of patients

Frostbite is a localized, bruised skin inflammatory lesion caused by cold that can lead to itching, erythema, swelling, and blisters on the hands and feet, preferring to occur at the extremities or exposed areas of the limbs. Note the following points about treatment:

1. Keep your hands and feet warm and dry, such as keeping the indoor environment warm and dry, wearing gloves, wearing socks, and changing wet clothes in time.

2. Damaged skin should avoid rubbing.

3. Frostbite cream can be applied to relieve skin itching.

4. Try to avoid directly exposing the skin to a cold environment.

Fourth, the therapeutic effect

After the medicine of Big Brother Tang, the skin infected by local inflammation and infection improved, and there was no longer swelling, erosion or ulceration. The frostbite quickly got better, the whole family was very happy, and he was able to go out and earn money again. He happily told me that several colleagues in the company were in this situation, so we gave feedback with the leaders and now began to provide a warm measure. I pay attention to keep warm, and this will not happen in the future.

V. Precautions in patients' daily lives

1. Adhere to physical exercise, promote blood circulation, and improve the body's tolerance to cold.

2. Minimize exposure time in cold environments.

3. When going out in cold weather, cover all exposed skin as completely as possible, such as wearing several layers of loose clothes, wearing gloves and hats.

Sixth, the doctor's understanding

Frostbite is a lesion caused by local blood circulation disorders after the surface of the body is damaged by low temperatures. Localized inflammatory damage caused by cold weather, it is a common disease in winter and is not contagious. It usually occurs in the hands, feet, tip of the nose, ears, earlobes, and cheeks. Presents as a localized bruised purplish-red edematous plaque that fades under compression and slowly returns to redness after decompression. The skin is localized, itchy, edematous, erythematous, and severe blisters, erosions, and ulcers may occur. Once the limb is frostbitten, it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time to minimize the injury.

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Doctor, I still have to work to support my family, what happened to my hands? Doctor: Don't panic, it's frostbite

Have you ever had frostbite? What do you do to prevent frostbite in winter?

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