
After Khrushchev came to power, what happened to Stalin's second son Vasily, who was already a lieutenant general?

After Khrushchev came to power, what happened to Stalin's second son Vasily, who was already a lieutenant general?

Vasily Dzhugashvili, the name may seem unremarkable, but his father is a household name.

Stalin Dzhugashvili, a great statesman of the Soviet Union, a Grand Marshal of the SOVIET Union, and chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, during his tenure, devoted himself to the socialist industrialization and collectivization of agriculture in the SOVIET Union, which greatly promoted the process of the Soviet Union becoming an industrialized country.

After Khrushchev came to power, what happened to Stalin's second son Vasily, who was already a lieutenant general?

And Vasily Dzhugashvili is Stalin's second son, the tiger father has no dogs, and it is naturally not far off to have such a majestic father and son. At the age of 27, he became commander of the Moscow Air Force, awarding him the rank of lieutenant general. Coupled with the influence of his father, Vasily at that time could be described as dazzling.

However, fate caused Stalin to die in a hurry in 1953, and for a time Vasily lost the protection of his father; the departure of his relatives had dealt a heavy blow to Vasily, but what he did not expect was that Khrushchev, who was opposed to his father, had become the ruler. Will Khrushchev take revenge on himself? Vasily's heart was dead for a moment.

In the near future, a star over the SOVIET Union will gradually become dimmed by the fall of a star around it.

Compared with his brother's miserable situation, Vasily's life is more turbulent. Stalin had two sons, the eldest son Yakov Dzhugashvili and the second son Vasily Dzhugashvili.

After Khrushchev came to power, what happened to Stalin's second son Vasily, who was already a lieutenant general?

Among them, the elder brother Yakov was unfortunately captured by the German army in the Soviet-German War in 1942. Hitler, knowing his identity, wanted to exchange him for captured German Field Marshal Paulus. But what Hitler did not expect was that Stalin was not moved in the face of his own son, and said that he would not choose to exchange a general for a soldier. So, not long after, his brother Yakov was executed.

Compared with his brilliant political and military achievements, such a great military man and statesman. On the family side, when he plays the role of husband and father, he is much inferior.

Vasily was born to Stalin's second wife, Nadezhda, whose father was rarely able to accompany him for work reasons, and who grew up under the care of his mother as a child. But when he was 12 years old, bad news fell from the sky, and his mother somehow chose to commit suicide suddenly, which brought a heavy blow to his young heart, and after that, he became depressed.

After Khrushchev came to power, what happened to Stalin's second son Vasily, who was already a lieutenant general?

Faced with the sudden departure of his wife and the pain of the pain, Stalin knew his responsibility for the upbringing of his young son. But he chose to enter the life of his young son in the role of a strict father. Under the strict instruction of his father, Vasily gradually grew up. Without the care of her mother, only her harsh father, Vasily's childhood was undoubtedly gray.

Growing up, Vasily enrolled in Kacha Flight School, where vasily worked hard, trying to get rid of his father's aura effect and tear off the labels that people attached to him to prove himself. After graduation, Vasily became a glorious pilot of the Moscow Air Command, and in the Soviet-German War, Vasily was not afraid of sacrifice, heroic and fearless, and achieved excellent results. He was promoted to the head of the 32nd Aviation Regiment of the Moscow Air Force. After that, Vasily did not stop with pride, but continued to work hard. The effort paid off, and vasily was promoted to commander of the Moscow Air Force in 1948, when he was only 27 years old. His splendid life should have only begun, but creation always makes people...

After Khrushchev came to power, what happened to Stalin's second son Vasily, who was already a lieutenant general?

Less than two months after his father's death on April 28, 1953, Vasily was arrested and imprisoned at the age of 32. The charges against Vasily were vague, and for a time there were many opinions. Knowing that the person in power today is Khrushchev, it is easy to label Vasily guilty.

Poor Vasily could not have imagined that his life would be inseparable from prison. In 1955, Vasily was again sentenced to 8 years in prison. The reason is that Vasily has made many statements of dissatisfaction with the state, which has caused a bad social impact.

Finally, after 5 years in prison, Vasily, who was now seriously ill, ushered in a turnaround. Probably because of his father's affection, Shelepin, who served as chairman of the Soviet intelligence agency and prosecutor general respectively, and Rutenko sent a letter to the Central Committee of the CPSU requesting Vasili's release.

After Khrushchev came to power, what happened to Stalin's second son Vasily, who was already a lieutenant general?

At the urging of two powerful figures and the influence of Vasily's father, Khrushchev had to release Vasily.

After his release, Vasily was granted only a brief period of freedom. Perhaps because of the death of his father and his own fall from the high platform, Vasily was so depressed that he had to borrow wine to pour sorrow, and he was drunk all day, and he was always speechless. On 13 April, the two high-ranking officials who had interceded for him were disappointed by Vasily's unrepentant state and changed their minds, proposing to revoke the order for Vasily's early release. When Khrushchev found out, he couldn't help but sneer.

So poor Vasily was sent to prison again. But this time Vasily was not so lucky, already seriously ill, and the continuous prison disasters made his dilapidated body no longer able to bear toss. In 1962, after being sentenced again to exile in Kazan, Vasily never returned. Vasily's death, Vasily's family is unacceptable, and the young Vasily is slowly consumed in prison, and this successive imprisonment is inseparable from the leader of the authorities, Khrushchev.

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