
Zhu Yuanzhang killed 150,000 people, Yongzheng used only one method, and the officials trembled

Speaking of the crime of sitting together, everyone may not be unfamiliar, but at that time, in order to quickly become rich and strong, the Qin Dynasty listened to the method of martingale, and legally adopted the crime of sitting together, that is, a person who violates the law and is punished by the neighbors and relatives around this person, this kind of law feels terrible as long as you think about it in your mind, just like you are eating a meal, and suddenly the officers and soldiers come in and want to drag you out to cut off your head, the reason is that your next-door neighbor killed someone in the market yesterday. This also made the people of the Qin Dynasty form a wind of surveillance among themselves, supervising each other, so as not to cause such a thing to happen to their heads.

Zhu Yuanzhang killed 150,000 people, Yongzheng used only one method, and the officials trembled

Although this kind of law prevailed during the Qin Dynasty, the later dynasties did not fully imitate the Qin Dynasty, but greatly mitigated, of which Yongzheng used this method to treat corrupt officials, in order to let people form a wind of surveillance to prevent the corruption of officials, this method is very effective, during the reign of the Yongzheng Emperor, corruption cases rarely occurred, and every official was trembling, afraid that the people around him would affect themselves. Through this means alone, the Yongzheng Emperor reduced the incidence of crimes, which can be said to be extremely clever.

Zhu Yuanzhang killed 150,000 people, Yongzheng used only one method, and the officials trembled

In contrast, Zhu Yuanzhang's means of punishing corruption are even more fierce, when Zhu Yuanzhang has not yet made a trace, because he has suffered from corrupt officials, so he hates corrupt officials extremely, after he became emperor, he carried out a strong anti-corruption campaign, he tasked corrupt officials one day, the country was uneasy for a day, he stipulated that as long as he embezzled more than a certain limit of silver, as long as he was caught, he was beheaded to show the public, in order to set an example, but the corrupt officials seemed to kill more and more, during Zhu Yuanzhang's reign to rule corruption, the corrupt officials alone killed as many as 150,000. It can be said that social corruption at that time has become a trend, but Zhu Yuanzhang's means are not without effect, after Zhu Yuanzhang's death, his descendants followed his methods, the wind of corruption gradually decreased, this is like Chinese medicine to cure diseases, there are not too many medicines can be medicine to get rid of the disease, can only drink every day, slowly cure, and finally recover.

Zhu Yuanzhang killed 150,000 people, Yongzheng used only one method, and the officials trembled

During yongzheng's reign, it may be that the previous emperors have already set up a country for him, so on this basis, a little implementation of applicable laws can see great results. In fact, at present, although the method of punishing corrupt officials promoted by Yongzheng has changed, it probably means the same, that is, when corrupt officials are caught, confiscate all the corrupt property of corrupt officials, and if corrupt officials have already spent a part of the money they have embezzled, then directly sell their property until all the corrupt money is paid off, and colleagues are dismissed from their official positions and thrown into prison, and the current law is improved on this basis.

Zhu Yuanzhang killed 150,000 people, Yongzheng used only one method, and the officials trembled

In fact, the treatment of officials is more correct guidance, coupled with severe punishment, in fact, the reason why corrupt officials can embezzle money is because he has ability, but although he has certain ability, after all, not all officials can embezzle money, but they have been badly affected, their willpower is not strong, and they have been affected by bad customs, so that they have changed from incorruptible and capable people to corrupt people. Therefore, once people have the ability, they must keep their bottom line and not be polluted by some evil trends in the world. Be a solid defender of your own heart.

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