
Honor CEO revealed that there is no shortage of chips Even the cold winter will pass

Operator Finance Kang Zhao/Wen

Honor CEO revealed that there is no shortage of chips Even the cold winter will pass

On December 16, honor terminal company spun off from Huawei held an anniversary celebration to celebrate the first anniversary of honor's independence from Huawei, and CEO Zhao Ming introduced all aspects of the company.

Zhao Ming revealed that at present, Honor has more than 180 million global users. Previously, in 2019, Honor had occupied 19% of the domestic smartphone market, but later due to huawei being blacklisted by the United States, Honor mobile phones could not get chips and fell into trouble. After being spun off from Huawei, Zhao Ming said that now Glory has initially solved the problem of suppliers, retailers, and channel water flow.

For the chip problem that the outside world is most concerned about, Zhao Ming said that this problem has been solved. Chip in the past two years Huawei and Honor mobile phones the biggest pain. Zhao Ming said, "2021 is the coldest winter in the past few decades, but even the coldest winter will eventually pass." ”

"The darkest moment is also the moment closest to the light," Zhao Ming said.

Regarding market share, Zhao Ming said that with the return of Honor products and the recovery of supply, Glory's market share is returning rapidly, but he also said that since Q3 this year, Glory has not particularly valued market share. After September and October, Glory basically did not mention market share data internally, and he still hoped that the whole team could return to the fundamentals of business.

Previously, the Honor internal forum released news, which quoted the latest data from third parties to say that Honor's domestic market share continued to rise, with a weekly share of 14.6%, which has become the top three brands in China's mobile phone market. In addition, as of July 2021, the market share of Honor Notebook China has increased from 1.4% to 6.6%, becoming the fastest growing brand in the notebook industry this year.

Regarding the channels of Honor mobile phones, Zhao Ming, CEO of Glory Mobile Phone, said that since October and November this year, the number of Honor's overall authorized experience stores has exceeded more than 2,000, so far, the Glory offline retail system, special areas, counters and authorized experience stores together, has exceeded 30,000. ”

This honor anniversary also brings the honor X series of eight years of sincerity - honor X30. The Honor X series is one of the star series of Honor.

"Glory is still the "stupid bird" that does not chase the wind outlet, and takes the places that others find difficult as the direction of flight," Zhao Ming said.

(Editor-in-Charge: Han Li)

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