
Why did the hard-working child who chiseled the wall and stole the light become a greedy tiger after many years?

I believe that there must be many small friends like me, when going to school, they are often told to us by the story of adults taking the chiseled wall to steal the light, the teacher basically said, you look at this child in ancient times, how much suffering has been suffered in order to study, you are now learning conditions are so good, the windows are clear, and you don't have to go to work, how do you not know how to be diligent! Every time we say this, we bow our heads in shame. However, when you are a child, the teacher will never tell you how this child will grow up.

Why did the hard-working child who chiseled the wall and stole the light become a greedy tiger after many years?

The protagonist of this story is named Kuang Heng, who developed a strong love of reading when he was a few years old, and realized that only knowledge can change his destiny. But he was so poor that he couldn't even afford to buy books, let alone go to school, what to do? So he had to run to work as a child laborer, not to pay for labor, as long as the boss of the family borrowed books to show him, the boss naturally could not ask for it, simply picked up a labor force. But Kuang Heng worked during the day, if he wanted to read a book, he could only read at night, and his family could not afford to buy a lamp, so he had to secretly cut the wall of the next door neighbor's house a little bit, and read the book by the light of the neighbor's house.

Why did the hard-working child who chiseled the wall and stole the light become a greedy tiger after many years?

Speaking of this, Kuang Hengdu is still a positive energy image of thirst for knowledge and hard struggle. As the story of Kuang Heng chiseling the wall and stealing the light gradually became a well-known story in the locals, a teacher was touched and willing to take him to study and borrow his books for free. However, Kuang Heng took the exam when he grew up, and he couldn't pass the exam nine times in a row, maybe he wasn't a test-taker!

Why did the hard-working child who chiseled the wall and stole the light become a greedy tiger after many years?

Due to Kuang Heng's unsatisfactory results in the examination, he could only be a petty officer at first. But the story of him chiseling the wall and stealing the light somehow reached the ears of the emperor at that time. The emperor was deeply moved, and because Kuang Heng knew more about the book of poetry, and the Emperor of Han Yuan also liked the book of poetry, so even if Kuang Heng's examination results were average, the emperor still felt that he was a talent, promoted him all the way, and finally sat in the position of acting chancellor, which was a big official.

Speaking of which, it is a typical case of grassroots changes against the sky. However, the reversal occurred after Kuang Heng became a high official in the imperial court. First of all, he did not do anything, not only did he have no opinions and opinions on political affairs, but at that time, the eunuchs of the imperial court were in charge, and Kuang Heng, as the newly appointed acting minister, not only did not choose to expose, but also turned a blind eye, and had no fighting spirit when reading, causing other ministers to feel that he was just a complicit cargo.

Why did the hard-working child who chiseled the wall and stole the light become a greedy tiger after many years?

In the end, the new emperor took the throne, and many ministers from all over the government and the public decided to unite to expose the eunuchs, and Kuang Heng went to the book with others. He was born as a grassroots without a family body, and was soon targeted and impeached by eunuchs, but for these accusations, the emperor chose to tolerate Kuang Heng.

The next year, Kuang Heng's robbery of good land and the private expansion of more than 400 hectares of land were known to the emperor, coupled with Kuang Heng's son's wanton behavior after becoming an official for the second generation, and even killing people after drinking, the emperor was furious and reduced Kuang Heng to a commoner.

From the grassroots to the high officials to the common people, Kuang Heng's life is also full of ups and downs. In the end, he died depressed and died in the house where he had once chiseled the wall and stole the light. For all this, we can only say that people are fickle! Sometimes when you are in a high position, learning to control yourself with self-discipline is a rare thing.

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Why did the hard-working child who chiseled the wall and stole the light become a greedy tiger after many years?

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