
Studying Party History丨Why should there be a great struggle with many new historical characteristics in the era of peace?

author:Harbin New District released

"Developing socialism with Chinese characteristics is a long-term and arduous historical task, and we must be prepared to carry out a great struggle with many new historical characteristics," is a major thesis put forward in the report of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping once said that this is a very profound sentence, which he clearly advocated when drafting the report. In the report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again stressed that the whole party should fully understand the protracted, complex and arduous nature of this great struggle, carry forward the spirit of struggle, improve the ability to struggle, and constantly win new victories in the great struggle. On September 3, 2019, in a speech at the opening ceremony of the training class for young and middle-aged cadres in the autumn semester of the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration), General Secretary Xi Jinping mentioned "struggle" 56 times. In a peaceful era when the smoke of war has long since dissipated and the people are living and working in peace and contentment, why is there so much emphasis on continuing the great struggle?

Marxism holds that society advances in the movement of contradictions, that contradictions are everywhere and everywhere, and that where there are contradictions, there will be struggles. Struggle is the realization form of the development of things and the innovation of practice, embodying the law of the unity of opposites in the movement of contradictions. To have the courage to struggle and dare to struggle is to recognize the objectivity and universality of contradictions, adapt to the internal trends and requirements of social development and contradiction movements, and take the initiative to promote the cause of advancement and leap forward. It is the true color of Chinese communists to understand and apply the law of social contradiction movement, to persist in struggle, to struggle unremittingly, and to advance in struggle. Our party was born in the midst of internal and external troubles, grew up in hardships and setbacks, grew stronger in overcoming difficulties, and was engraved with the brand of struggle from birth, and along the way it has sought survival, development, and victory in the course of struggle. Indomitable through the twenty-five-thousand-mile Long March, fighting to the death to drive out the Japanese aggressors, heroically and fearlessly overthrowing the Kuomintang reactionaries, and building a new China, rely on the great struggle of bloody struggle and extreme hardship. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea has brought about national prestige and military prestige, achieved social changes through "one transformation and three reforms," worked hard to change poverty and weakness, and worked hard to create "two bombs and one satellite" to lay the institutional foundation and material foundation for contemporary China's development and progress, relying on the great struggle of overcoming thorns and thorns and relying on self-reliance and self-reliance. By promoting the new great revolution of reform and opening up, creating and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, and successfully coping with a series of major risks and challenges, the Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong, also relying on the great struggle of bravely standing at the head of the tide and fighting bravely.

Idioms ▶ The struggle of our Communists has always been driven by contradictions and risks. ▶ The struggle we are talking about is not a struggle for the sake of struggle, nor a struggle for one's own selfish interests, but for the purpose of realizing the people's yearning for a better life, realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, knowing the heavy burden, working hard, and overcoming difficulties.

In the new era, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, in the process of comprehensively promoting the overall layout of the "five-in-one" and coordinating the promotion of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, has the courage to deal with major risks and challenges in various fields with a tenacious will to struggle and a strong spirit of struggle, so as to ensure the sustained and healthy development of the economy and the harmony and stability of the overall social situation. For example, we should resolutely struggle against erroneous ideological trends in the ideological field, resolutely win the ideological and public opinion war launched by various hostile forces against us without the smoke of gunpowder, and promote an overall and fundamental change in the situation in the ideological field; resolutely struggle against all kinds of unilateralism, trade protectionism, and bullying in the international community, take effective measures to deal with and counter them, and resolutely safeguard national dignity and safeguard national interests in the course of struggle and cooperation; and resolutely struggle against all kinds of unhealthy trends and negative and corrupt phenomena that exist within the party. With the self-revolutionary spirit of daring to turn the blade inward, daring to scrape bones to heal wounds, and daring to break the wrists of brave men, we should promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party, so that the body of the party will be rejuvenated with strong vitality and vitality; and so on. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Many times victory is won through struggle, and no one will give it to us. "Without the great struggle, there will be no historic achievements and historic changes in the new era.

At present, the situation in our country is generally good, but we must also soberly realize that China's development is facing both rare historical opportunities and a series of major risks and challenges. In particular, with the acceleration and profound evolution of the great changes in the world, the international environment is more complex and severe, the tasks of reform, development, and stability are more arduous and heavy, and the risks and tests on the road ahead will only become more and more complicated, and even encounter unimaginable waves. For example, the sudden outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic has brought unprecedented impacts and challenges to China's economic and social development. In order for our party to unite and lead the people to effectively cope with major challenges, resist major risks, overcome major obstacles, and resolve major contradictions, our party must carry out a great struggle with many new historical characteristics.

To advance the great struggle, the most important thing is to set the direction of the struggle. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "the whole party should not forget the fundamental question of what the Communist Party of China is and what it should do, and should not lose itself and lose its direction in the increasingly complex struggle." The struggle of our Communists has a direction, a stand and a principle, and the general direction is to uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system in our country without wavering. All kinds of risks and challenges that endanger the leadership of the Communist Party of China and China's socialist system, all kinds of risks and challenges that endanger China's sovereignty, security, and development interests, all kinds of risks and challenges that endanger China's core interests and major principles, all kinds of risks and challenges that endanger the fundamental interests of our people, and all kinds of risks and challenges that endanger China's realization of the "two hundred years" goal of struggle and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, as long as they come, we must wage a resolute struggle, unswervingly, and unflinching until victory is achieved. These major issues of principle must not be allowed, and if they are allowed, they will change the banner and change the banner, and the party and the country will be destroyed. At any time and under all conditions, we must be particularly sober-minded and take a particularly firm stand, firmly grasp the correct direction of the struggle, and ensure that in the face of all kinds of major struggles and tests, we must "not be afraid of floating clouds to cover our eyes" and "still calmly fly through chaotic clouds."

To promote the great struggle, we must carry forward the spirit of struggle and strengthen the will to struggle. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that historical experience tells us that if a political party, a country, and a team lose their will to struggle, it is very terrible, and it is not far from danger. Today, our contingent of cadres is good on the whole, but we must also realize that in a long-term peaceful environment, it is easy to breed the slack mood of "putting knives and guns into storage and horses on the south mountain" and losing the spirit of struggle and the will to struggle. Some people who suffer from "hypochondriasis" are unwilling to struggle, have an ambiguous and vague attitude in the face of major issues of right and wrong, and prefer to be "good sir" and "enlightened gentleman"; some suffer from "phobia" and dare not struggle, go around when they encounter problems, hide when they encounter contradictions, and let small problems drag on and big problems drag on; some are infected with "incompetence" and cannot struggle, and in the face of complicated problems, they are either indecisive and delay the fighter, or they act recklessly and rush to fight. If these problems are not solved, in the long run, it is bound to seriously affect the development of the cause of the party and the state. The spirit of struggle is embodied in wartime as well as in peacetime. Carrying forward the spirit of struggle and strengthening the will to struggle is the common responsibility of the whole party, and we must always be well prepared for struggle, be tough in our bones, never be timid, dare to strike, and dare to fight to win.

To promote the great struggle, we must grasp the laws of struggle and enhance our ability to struggle. Struggle is an art, courage is not enough, but also good at struggle. In all kinds of major struggles, it is necessary to accurately grasp the overall situation and the overall situation, clearly define the tasks of the struggle, accurately grasp the course of the struggle, judge the timing of the move, pinpoint the bull's-eye, and hit the target with one blow; in particular, we must cultivate the ability to know the grass and the sound of the deer, the pine wind to know the tiger, and the ability to see the small things in the world and know the autumn of the world as the leaves change color, and make scientific predictions of potential risks. It is necessary to pay attention to tactics and methods, stress the art of struggle, persist in being reasonable, advantageous, and restrained, rationally choose the mode of struggle, grasp the heat of struggle, be punctual and effective, mobilize all positive factors, and seek unity, seek cooperation, and promote win-win results in the struggle. Leading cadres must undergo strict ideological tempering, political experience, practical training, and professional training, take the initiative to plunge themselves into all kinds of struggles, experience more "wind and waves," hold more "hot potatoes," and be "ants on a hot pot" several times, and truly forge into fiery and real gold in complex and severe struggles.

A hundred years of Xiongguan Mandao, ninety thousand miles of wind and peng. The Communist Party of China relied on struggle to win the past, and it was even more necessary to rely on struggle to open up the future. On the way forward, the various struggles we face are not short-term but long-term, at least accompanied by the whole process of achieving the second centenary goal, and this process cannot be easy and smooth. "Smooth the bumps into the road, fight the hardships and dangers and set off." We must always maintain strategic determination, carry forward the spirit of struggle, enhance the ability to struggle, and with the determination and courage to overwhelm all difficulties and not be overwhelmed by difficulties, carry forward the new great struggle to the end and advance toward the great dream rain or shine!

▏ Source: Learning to strengthen the country

▏ Graphic editor: Released by Harbin New District

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