
Hearthstone Tweet Q&A: Iksar at Otranc has the lowest participation, and there will be more and more accessories in the future

It's hearthstone Twitter Q&A session again, the new version of "Otranc's Break" environment is still quite good, so this time there are almost no complaints about the environment and balance, most of the questions are about Hearthstone's new features and subsequent developments, and Iksar also responded to questions about the frequent launch of jewelry.

New version of Otranc

Hearthstone Tweet Q&A: Iksar at Otranc has the lowest participation, and there will be more and more accessories in the future

The new version of Otranc's breakup so far the environment is still very healthy, not only return to fast attack, medium speed, slow speed, OTK loop restraint, and like plagiarism this kind of entertainment card deck also has a high intensity, many players have given a good review, and Iksar self-deprecatingly said that Otranc version is the lowest participation of all Hearthstone series (because of the birth of a child took a lot of vacation), and then high emotional intelligence said that this shows that the team is still very powerful. Although the quality of a version is not decided by one person, it seems that Iksar said that the black pot is determined.

Hearthstone Tweet Q&A: Iksar at Otranc has the lowest participation, and there will be more and more accessories in the future

Of course, the standard environment is good, but the wild environment is not necessarily, the Breeze Wild Mode is not played much and is not very good to evaluate, but there are many players in the Twitter Q&A who say that Wild and Fun have nothing to do with each other, and some players ask if they can call back all the weakening in the Wild Mode (it should refer to the card weakened in the standard after the withdrawal of the environment), Iksar played a ha ha perfunctory past, it is estimated that this proposal is unlikely to pass.

Hearthstone Tweet Q&A: Iksar at Otranc has the lowest participation, and there will be more and more accessories in the future

Regarding Iksar's favorite deck, he said that Otrank has not played wild mode much since he went online, while the standard mode Iksar's favorite is owl and super life. As for not having time to play Wild Mode, you'll have to let your six-month-old son carry the pot (Iksar also took paternity leave before).

Jewelry is frequent

Hearthstone Tweet Q&A: Iksar at Otranc has the lowest participation, and there will be more and more accessories in the future

Some players have asked questions saying that they would be willing to buy trinkets to support Hearthstone, but the frequency of new trinkets has been too fast recently. This is also obvious to everyone, this year's skin out of the year can catch up with the previous years, and everyone even suspects that Blizzard is going to run. And for this question Iksar explained that the current hearthstone skin mainly cooperates with outsourcing partners, and as the cooperation becomes more and more harmonious, the future jewelry should be more and more. The hearthstone team's purpose is to shift the focus of revenue from gameplay products to accessories, so that players can get more free gameplay content.

Hearthstone Tweet Q&A: Iksar at Otranc has the lowest participation, and there will be more and more accessories in the future

This point Iksar also mentioned in the last Twitter Q&A, the current Hearthstone jewelry revenue accounts for a small proportion, and if the Hearthstone team plans to gradually shift the focus of revenue to jewelry, this is actually a good thing for free players and players who are not interested in skins, but although Iksar said that on the one hand, they are also catering to the appetite of players who want to buy skins, but now it is really too frequent, and players who want to buy skins can't hold on.

Old keywords

Hearthstone Tweet Q&A: Iksar at Otranc has the lowest participation, and there will be more and more accessories in the future

Before Celestalon revealed in the substitute class Twitter Q&A, there will be an old keyword return to the station in the future, everyone is quite concerned about this matter, many problems are related to the old keywords, and Qingfeng has also written an article before talking. For tradable residency, Iksar said this issue may not be considered until he retires in 2023. As for the return of the old keywords, Iksar said that it must be linked to the flavor of that version of the theme, such as twin spells, rebirth, corrosion, etc. can be considered (is it necessary to do another version of the ancient gods?). )。

Hearthstone Tweet Q&A: Iksar at Otranc has the lowest participation, and there will be more and more accessories in the future

As for the question of which version of the mechanism you want to redo if you go back in time, Iksar said that although he would like to redo the keyword incentive, he would like to redo the mechanism of the Doghead Man and Witch Forest version, which has many new mechanisms (upgrade gems, orange martial arts, and keyword recruitment), but none of them are universally respected, and the overall response of the Witch Forest is average (but the Witch Forest has launched an excellent keyword: Raid). Iksar also mentioned that the design team of the Frozen Throne version did not think there was any new mechanism, but the simple design of the Hero card received unanimous voice. Speaking of the new mechanics of the Frozen Throne, Hero Cards and Bloodsucking, strictly speaking, have been in the classic bag (such as the King), there is indeed no new mechanism, but it is really cool and interesting to hold up ten DK designs (except for the Warrior DK).

Emoticon blocking

Hearthstone Tweet Q&A: Iksar at Otranc has the lowest participation, and there will be more and more accessories in the future

For the default blocking of the function of expressions, the attitude of the designer was that many people still wanted to communicate with the expressions, so it was not worth spending money to develop this function, but this time Iksar said that he had decided to increase this function, but he still needed to discuss what form it was made. Qingfeng suggests that it can be made to block a certain expression by default, such as blocking this expression when it is about to cross.

Tavern wargames

Hearthstone Tweet Q&A: Iksar at Otranc has the lowest participation, and there will be more and more accessories in the future

Regarding tavern wargames, Iksar said that there will be more progress-like things in the future, but there is no news to disclose at present. As for the problem of drawing the line in the tavern wargame, Iksar said that there is no better solution technically at present, and it is difficult for all players to have the same purchase time at present, if you want to change, it may take a lot of time, so the current development priority is relatively low, but it may be changed in the future.

Other issues

Hearthstone Tweet Q&A: Iksar at Otranc has the lowest participation, and there will be more and more accessories in the future

On the issue of development progress, Iksar said that the version at the end of next year is still being done, and the version to be done in 2023 has not yet been decided. However, this problem is a bit far away, after all, if it were not for Otranc pulling the environment back to normal, many people even suspected that Hearthstone would not be able to survive the Asian Games.

Hearthstone Tweet Q&A: Iksar at Otranc has the lowest participation, and there will be more and more accessories in the future

The last is the second dimension time, but this time Iksar said that he has not watched much anime recently, mainly watched the Battle of the Twin Cities, the others are American dramas, fate echoes: fate beat has not yet watched but plan to watch. As for the books, Iksar watched Ender's Game and planned to see Three-Body (probably because Netflix wanted to make Three-Body?). However, I don't know if Crooked Nut can read the connotation and values of the three-body, anyway, Qingfeng is not looking forward to the three-body of Netflix.

Hearthstone Tweet Q&A: Iksar at Otranc has the lowest participation, and there will be more and more accessories in the future

However, the spit in the camp comment area is quite interesting, the Dark Forest Tavern wargames are OK, but there is a saying, when the wargames have not yet come out to see the opposite race function, each round of the line play the whole work, the experience is similar to this law of the jungle (just like the T7 hunt in the past), but this mode is still worth discussing.

The above is the main content of this Twitter Q&A session, if you want to know more about Hearthstone, don't forget to pay attention to Qingfeng Oh!

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