
Hearthstone: Take stock of the orange cards that Otranch doesn't want to get, and they'll be the ones you can expect in the future

Hearthstone's last expansion pack, Otrank's break overall strength is very high. Most of the class's absolute core new hero cards, the digging treasure KazaKushan who rules the ladder, and the highest quality on one card, Onixia, are from this version.

Again, there are always some less-strength orange cards in each version. It is impossible for all orange cards to be very strong and shine on the ladder. #炉石传说 #

These lower-intensity orange cards are the last players want to drive. Let's take a look at what are the orange cards in Otranc and don't want to drive to! (Note: Excludes The Confederate Orange and Mini Pack Orange Cards.) )

Blood Rage Korlak

Hearthstone: Take stock of the orange cards that Otranch doesn't want to get, and they'll be the ones you can expect in the future

Blood Ragers, like Finley, buy a pass and give a Diamond Orange Card, which they can also drive from their card pack. Although there was a short period of time when it was fully decomposed, it did not catch up with the full decomposition and then opened to 400 dust. (There has always been a question, is it not until the end of the diamond that there are diamonds that can be opened to the ordinary version?) )

When the Blood Rage first went online, there were still a lot of people on the ladder. After a period of familiarity with the version, it was found that the Blood Rage was a 435 whiteboard, and it was difficult to revive once, and the resurrection was not threatening and slowly no one took it.

Hearthstone: Take stock of the orange cards that Otranch doesn't want to get, and they'll be the ones you can expect in the future

Stalker has an entertainment deck that centers on the Blood Rage, relying on field cards plus forgotten officers to keep copying the Blood Rage. It's stupid for blood ragers not to get started, but it's quite fun to play. The new version of that deck system probably became the Mine Thief.

Serasin sped away

Hearthstone: Take stock of the orange cards that Otranch doesn't want to get, and they'll be the ones you can expect in the future

A very rare stalker orange card. The last version of plagiarism thieves can not see. The new version is a bit useful, the dead thief will bring, after the combo of the 422+ smoke screen, the heavy and expensive entourage on the donkey removal and killing donkey has changed. Other decks rarely come with them. Plagiarists like randomness, but they don't like complete randomness.

Hearthstone: Take stock of the orange cards that Otranch doesn't want to get, and they'll be the ones you can expect in the future

Rush is a companion version of the Fool's Deck, and the gap between the upper and lower limits is huge. Good luck can make you very happy, bad luck makes your blood pressure full, is a standard entertainment orange.

Serasin rushes to the orange card that can be used, but rarely goes to the initiative to close.

Bear Baron Greyhill

Hearthstone: Take stock of the orange cards that Otranch doesn't want to get, and they'll be the ones you can expect in the future

Otrank Icesa pushed successfully, but Baron Bear was unattended.

Baron Bear is very unpopular, compared to the Blood Fury, which can occasionally be seen in entertainment decks, Baron Bear is really unseen.

Kailia Evil Spirit

Hearthstone: Take stock of the orange cards that Otranch doesn't want to get, and they'll be the ones you can expect in the future

Pushed several versions of the Great Demon Blind like a clown, bulky and useless. A card like Kailia's blindness with the Great Demon naturally had no place.

Kelia's effect is useless now but can be expected in the future. Maybe a certain version will have a very powerful special effects demon retinue, and Kailia will become the core as soon as she transforms.

The end of the article: I don't know if you agree, the above four orange cards are the last to be opened? Or maybe you don't want to drive to an orange card like an air force commander.

Orange dust comes the fastest, but also the most lossy. It is best not to easily divide the orange card, especially some orange cards that are useless but have potential now. If you want to divide it, you have to divide some like the trader, Lord Ai Shengfan

Wait no future orange card.

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