
Eggs are so good, but are you right for your 1-year-old baby?

After ushering in the stage of the baby plus complementary food, the mother can be happy - this means that the baby's growth has entered a new stage. Moms are working together to plan colorful, nutritious recipes.

Among them, eggs have received great attention from mothers in the stage of adding supplementary foods for babies.

Eggs have high nutritional value, but babies before the age of 1, when can eat eggs, how to eat, have to pay attention to Oh! Check it out.

Eggs are so good, but are you right for your 1-year-old baby?

Eggs are rich in high-quality protein, vitamins A, D, E, K, and egg yolks also contain minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium, etc., which can promote the metabolism of the baby's body.

However, eggs are not suitable as a supplement to your baby's first bite. The baby's first supplementary food should be iron-containing rice noodles.

Babies aged 7-9 months, when starting to add eggs as a complementary food, in order to reduce the risk of allergies, you can first try to add egg yolks to the complementary foods. When adding egg yolks, add one-half egg yolk first.

You can grind the steamed egg yolk, add some milk or water to make a paste, scoop a small spoonful to feed the baby alone, so that you can observe for a few days to see if the baby has allergies and other uncomfortable manifestations.

After your child has received the yolk, the egg white can be added. If the baby loves to eat egg whites, and there is no discomfort after eating, the whole egg can be safely let the baby eat it.

Eggs are so good, but are you right for your 1-year-old baby?

If your baby is not allergic to egg yolk protein, you can gradually increase the amount. At the age of 1, it is best for mothers to have their babies eat 1 egg a day to supplement the nutrients needed for growth.

However, it should be reminded that although the nutritional value of eggs is very high, eating more will affect the intake of milk and other foods, so the amount should be controlled.

Eggs are so good, but are you right for your 1-year-old baby?
Eggs are so good, but are you right for your 1-year-old baby?

When the baby is 6 months old, the mothers basically start feeding complementary foods. At this stage, it is recommended that mothers use eggs to make boiled eggs and steamed custard. Not only do these two methods have the least loss of nutrients, but eggs in the form of steaming are easier for small babies to chew and swallow.

Wait until the baby is 10 months later, can gradually chew and swallow the ability to handle the whole piece of food, you can change the taste of the baby, make tender omelette, tender scrambled eggs, be sure to pay attention to the oil temperature is not too hot, fully cooked eggs at the same time to ensure "tender", do not fry until the eggs are yellow and crispy.

note! Adults feel that the tender and delicious "loose heart egg" is not recommended for the baby to eat! Because the yolk of the egg is not fully ripe, there may be a risk of Salmonella infection.

Eggs are so good, but are you right for your 1-year-old baby?
Eggs are so good, but are you right for your 1-year-old baby?

Moms and Dads love their babies and always want to give them better. Will the quail eggs and pigeon eggs, as well as goose eggs and duck eggs, which look small and more expensive, be more nutritious?

From a nutritional point of view, the nutritional value of the above eggs is similar. The difference is only the price, size and a certain degree of taste difference. For example, babies who have just begun to eat complementary foods may eat small quail eggs, which is not easy to waste.

Eating eggs is easy, eating well is not easy, only eat right, in order to add points to the baby's nutritional value, mothers hurry up to get it!

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