
Ministry of Transport: Promote the construction of a "large traffic management" on all-element water

Beijing, December 16 (Reporter Zhang Xu) On the 16th, the Ministry of Transport held a special conference on the construction of the four modernizations of the maritime team.

Cao Desheng, director of the Maritime Safety Bureau of the Ministry of Transport, said that it is vigorously promoting the construction of a new pattern of modern and intelligent water traffic control of "multi-dimensional perception, efficient coordination, intelligent disposal, and quality services", that is, the "large traffic management" of all-factor water. Achieve the work goal of "where the ship sails, the maritime service will go".

Ministry of Transport: Promote the construction of a "large traffic management" on all-element water

The scene of the press conference of the Ministry of Transport. Courtesy of the picture

First, in terms of the dimension of the sea area, the Shanghai Maritime Safety Bureau led the construction of regional water "large traffic management" and tried to implement the regional integrated traffic management in the East China Sea. In terms of regional coordination, we shared the signal of the radar station in the border waters with the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Maritime Safety Bureaus, and first tried to use CAPE-type ships (Cape of Good Hope ships) to enter and exit the Yangtze River "straight in and straight up, straight out".

In terms of high-sea perception, through the integration of information sources such as radar, AIS (Ship Automatic Identification System), LRIT (Ship Remote Identification and Tracking System), CCTV (Video Surveillance System), supplemented by large-scale maritime patrol ships, aircraft and other cruise means, the dynamic perception of middle and far-sea waters is initially realized.

In terms of traffic control, the "one-time ship position report" of Wusong and Yangshan VTS waters (waters covered by the ship traffic management system) and the integrated traffic organization of Huangpu River waters were implemented. Creatively put forward the management concept of "peak control and diversion of staggered peaks" of the Huangpu River, which effectively improved the navigation order of the Huangpu River, and the accident risk rate decreased by 44.5%.

Second, in the dimension of the jurisdiction directly under the Maritime Safety Bureau, the Zhejiang Maritime Safety Bureau has formed a dynamic command center for maritime emergency response, on-site comprehensive law enforcement command and coordination center, information flow processing center, maritime traffic operation monitoring center, analysis, judgment and auxiliary decision-making center, and maritime image display window with the construction of "Zhejiang Maritime Intelligent Control Platform" as the carrier.

Jiangsu Maritime Safety Bureau has promoted the construction of a river-sea integration all-factor water "large traffic management" system of "port and navigation integration, river connection, river-sea linkage, and area coordination", and established a water "large traffic management" operation mode with the water traffic management center of the branch bureau as the center, the rapid response disposal center of the maritime department as the fulcrum, and the on-site rapid response law enforcement unit as the specific implementation carrier.

Ministry of Transport: Promote the construction of a "large traffic management" on all-element water

The scene of the 2021 Qiongzhou Strait Maritime Dangerous Goods Transport Comprehensive Emergency Drill. Photo by Huang Yi

Third, in the dimension of the sub-bureau jurisdiction, the Ningbo Maritime Safety Bureau took the lead in promoting the reform of the mechanism, took the lead in realizing the substantive co-office of the command center and the traffic management center, and implemented the "direct instruction" task management mechanism, breaking the business block management model.

In terms of digital reform, the construction and development uses the "Deep Blue Wisdom Enjoyment" platform to achieve intelligent violation inspection and correction, emergency surprise, risk control and judgment. In terms of ensuring the efficient and smooth flow of ports and shipping, the integrated management of ship traffic organizations in the core port area of Ningbo Zhoushan Port has promoted a significant improvement in ship punctuality and navigation efficiency, of which the 15-minute punctuality rate of incoming ships piloting and boarding ships exceeded 96%, the traffic efficiency increased by 33% during peak hours, and the efficiency of port evacuation increased by 25% after the traffic control was lifted.

Cao Desheng said: "Next, on the basis of the pilot work, the Maritime Safety Bureau will summarize and form replicable and generalizable experience and practices, and gradually promote the implementation across the country. (End)

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