
6 honest advice for older IVF women, really useful!

Ms. Zhao: Doctor, can I still succeed in doing test tubes at 35 years? What's the point?

Ms. Li: Doctor, when I am 40 years old, can you still succeed?

Ms. Liu: Doctor, I am older, do you see the test tube?

In the face of a steady stream of consultations, Jia Yuanjun can definitely tell you: you all have hope!

(Please sprinkle flowers and music at this moment~)

6 honest advice for older IVF women, really useful!

Older women are not sentenced to the death penalty for childbirth, especially through ivory tube fertility of older women, the opportunity to have children is still there, for example, some sisters although they have passed the golden reproductive age, but the ovaries are well maintained, not serious aging, physical fitness is also leveraged, at this time as long as you work hard to persist, how can it not succeed?

Even a 60-year-old lady gave birth to twins through ivy tubes, let alone you?

(Be confident and believe that you can ~)

Of course, the reality is that older women do have some problems and difficulties in pregnancy, so older women should work harder, especially the following 6 test tube suggestions for older women, hoping to help everyone harvest a good pregnancy!

6 honest advice for older IVF women, really useful!

Check it out

Before IVF treatment, both men and women need to undergo some routine health examinations to find out whether both men and women have reproductive, urinary tract infections or infectious, hereditary diseases, and whether the woman's physical condition is suitable for conception.

Abstain from one precept

If any party between men and women has a bad habit of smoking, alcoholism, drug abuse, etc., it is easy to affect the development of the fetus, and even produce some irreversible harm, to eat reasonably, pay attention to nutritional supplementation, and improve physical fitness.

6 honest advice for older IVF women, really useful!


In the process of IVF treatment, taking some drugs may affect ovulation, and in severe cases, it will even lead to fetal malformations, so before taking the drug, you must ask the doctor if you can eat it.

Say a word

Everyone's physique is different, there are individual differences, therefore, the applicable treatment methods also have some differences, timely reporting to the doctor physical condition, can help the doctor to understand the patient's physical condition in detail, so as to make timely and effective adjustments to the treatment plan.


Pesticides, hair dyes, nail polish, paint, and other items that emit a toxic and pungent odor, and the chemicals in these items can affect the quality of sperm and eggs, reduce the success rate of IVF or affect the development of the fetus in the later stages.

6 honest advice for older IVF women, really useful!

Matsuichi Matsu

Do ivory tubes do not be too nervous, to try to relieve the pressure generated in the IVF treatment process, to maintain a comfortable mood, there are many ways to relax, to choose the one you like, the elderly sisters may be more worried about pregnancy, but the thought pressure will disrupt the hormone levels in your body, and even affect the embryo implantation, so be sure to adjust your mood well.

(In fact, you can do all of the above~)

When everyone is in it, each stage will have different worries, such as worrying about whether you can get enough eggs, worrying about whether the embryos are good or not. Therefore, after understanding our physical condition and the plan, and understanding the direction of our test tubes, we learn to accept the possibilities of everything, so that we can more calmly accept every small change in the test tube cycle.

Life is like the ocean, only strong-willed people can reach the other shore, come on sisters, I believe that everything will come to fruition.

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