
If you don't just need it, choose a loan to buy a car, please think twice, I don't know how many people have been harmed?

Driving less than 10,000 kilometers in 1 year and still want to borrow money to buy a car? I suggest you discourage this thought

Many people say that buying a car is devaluation, buying a house is appreciating, the car is a consumable, and the house is a value-added asset. Of course, I believe that the vast majority of these "many people" are real estate agents. But one thing is undeniable, the car is indeed a consumable, even if you don't open it, there will be a fixed expenditure every month, especially for some people who take out loans to buy a car, if you don't just need it, please think twice.

If you don't just need it, choose a loan to buy a car, please think twice, I don't know how many people have been harmed?

With a monthly salary of 5000, can I really buy a car?

I believe that many friends have brushed to something like "monthly salary XXX, you can buy XXX car", this number can be 3000, can also be 5000, and then start to do arithmetic problems for you, finally, conclude that whether you are 3000 monthly salary, or 5000, or 10000, you can buy a car, but the recommendation is a loan to buy a car.

If you don't just need it, choose a loan to buy a car, please think twice, I don't know how many people have been harmed?

Not to mention how good to buy a car, now the car market, less than 100,000, generally can do 2 years of interest-free car loans, calculated down the monthly payment of less than 3,000. Of course, the owner of this salary, generally has a down payment a little more, or chooses a second car, and the final monthly payment is controlled at about 1500. In addition, insurance + parking fees + fuel costs, etc., 800 should not be much, even if you can't buy it, a month's parking fee + average to each month's insurance, etc., but also 500 is enough. 5,000 wages are still 3,000 left, planing rent, and 2,000 for daily expenses, you ask yourself, is it enough?

If you don't just need it, choose a loan to buy a car, please think twice, I don't know how many people have been harmed?

Buying a car is not just needed, just buying a car for face

Now there are many young people, especially from some small places, who are hindered by the mouths of the seven aunts and eight aunts in their hometown, and in order to satisfy the so-called vanity, they are determined to buy a car. You know, now the public transportation in big cities has been very convenient, under normal circumstances, normal migrant workers or office workers, choose public transportation is far more convenient than their own driving, not to mention those factory workers who eat and eat. Buy a car to drive it every New Year's Festival, and you can't drive the first 10,000 kilometers all year round.

If you don't just need it, choose a loan to buy a car, please think twice, I don't know how many people have been harmed?

In this case, in fact, car rental is more suitable, if you buy a car, intend to drive for ten years, the price of the car is 100,000, the rest of the annual cost is 10,000, the average annual cost of the car is 20,000. Renting a car counts as 300 a day, you can rent for more than two months, and in fact, your year's car use time will not even exceed one month.

If you don't just need it, choose a loan to buy a car, please think twice, I don't know how many people have been harmed?

Then why do you buy a car, reduce the standard of living, not to mention, there is still a lot of pressure. Rent a car to drive home, you don't say who knows, change one a year, don't you have more face? Even if you use a car occasionally, you can choose a taxi or share a car.

Too many people take out loans to buy a car and regret it

Taking out a loan to buy a car means that you have a fixed debt to pay off every month, and once you have no source of income, it is dangerous. Especially after the epidemic, I don't know how many people have even repented of their intestines. The stage of the outbreak of the epidemic itself coincided with the Spring Festival, when many people chose to take out loans to buy cars and go home for the New Year. Because of the epidemic, after years, I can't get to work, the business is also depressed, suddenly there is no source of income, the loan can't be repaid, what to do? Borrow money? Or selling a car? Either way, it won't feel good in the end!

If you don't just need it, choose a loan to buy a car, please think twice, I don't know how many people have been harmed?

Of course, the epidemic is just an example, in real life, if you are a moonlight family, you have to rely on your own job to have a stable income. And the monthly income is planned in advance how to spend, and in the end there is no excess, then the loan to buy a car is very dangerous for you.

If you don't just need it, choose a loan to buy a car, please think twice, I don't know how many people have been harmed?

Finally, there are also a lot of cats who take out loans to buy a car, and if you are not careful, you may be put in. What sky-high monthly payment, what to rent instead of buying, such and such a fee, the final cost, you may be enough to buy two cars in your hand. So, if your income is not very high (you need to plan to spend money), or if you don't have a big use for buying a car, it is recommended not to take out a loan to buy a car, otherwise it may really become the beginning of your debt.

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