
Pinnacle Showdown! Eleven teams competed in Tianjin for the highest honor in the field of innovative methods in China

Independent innovation, method first. The 2021 China Innovative Methods Competition TV Showdown was held in Tianjin on December 15. Eleven teams from 10 divisions, including Tianjin, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Hubei and Xinjiang, competed on the same stage to compete for the highest honor in the field of innovation methods in China.

Pinnacle Showdown! Eleven teams competed in Tianjin for the highest honor in the field of innovative methods in China

On December 15, the winning team of the 2021 China Innovative Methods Competition took a group photo at the award ceremony. (Courtesy of the organizer)

After four rounds of competition, the representative team of Yunnan Wenshan Aluminum Industry Co., Ltd. won the gold medal of the competition, the representative team of Huizhou Branch of China Mobile Communications Group Guangdong Co., Ltd. won the silver award, and the representative team of Bohai Drilling Engineering Co., Ltd. of China National Petroleum Corporation and the representative team of Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Group Co., Ltd. won the bronze award.

The 2021 China Innovation Methods Competition, with the theme of "Stimulating Innovation Vitality and Promoting Self-Reliance and Self-Reliance", is co-sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Tianjin Municipal People's Government. A total of 1,712 enterprises and 4,174 projects participated in the competition, involving 40 industries such as machinery, electronics, materials, chemicals, petroleum, biology, transportation, construction, and new energy, with more than 12,000 directly involved in scientific and technological personnel. After the regional competition selection, a total of 201 participating teams entered the national finals.

After fierce competition, a total of 20 first-prize projects, 42 second-prize projects and 61 third-prize projects were decided in the national finals, and 11 outstanding teams stood out and won the ticket to the TV ring competition.

Pinnacle Showdown! Eleven teams competed in Tianjin for the highest honor in the field of innovative methods in China

On December 15, the two participating teams competed in the "Pinnacle Showdown" session of the TV ring. (Courtesy of the organizer)

The TV tournament held on the 15th not only tested the players' mastery of the theoretical knowledge of innovative methods, but also tested the actual ability of the players to apply innovative methods to life, and at the same time combined with the technical problems in the process of achieving the national strategic goals of "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality", the contestants were invited to "support" the competition, and the charm of innovative methods was presented in a visual and artistic way, which fully demonstrated the courage to innovate and be good at innovation of China's enterprise science and technology workers.

It is understood that in the five years since the China Innovative Method Competition was held, a total of 8358 enterprises across the country have formed teams to participate, trained nearly 100,000 front-line scientific and technological personnel, driven more than one million scientific and technological workers to participate in the learning and practical application of innovative methods, guided the formation of more than 5,000 patents, and promoted the realization of economic benefits of nearly 10 billion yuan. (Reporter Zhou Runjian)

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