
6 high-frequency problems during pregnancy, scientific explanation is coming!

Pregnancy in October is not easy for pregnant women and their families.

Expectant mothers have a lot of questions and worries during pregnancy.

I'm afraid that something will go wrong in which link,

Causes harm to the fetus.

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6 high-frequency problems during pregnancy, scientific explanation is coming!

1. What should I do if my mood changes during pregnancy?

After pregnancy, the proportion of hormones in the pregnant woman's body, the environment, etc., are greatly changed compared with the pregnancy. These changes affect changes in the neurotransmitters of the brain that regulate mood, causing the mood of pregnant women to fluctuate greatly.

When there is a change in mood during pregnancy, you can listen to soothing music, talk to your family and friends about your true thoughts, and if your mood is in a state of low chyme for a long time, you need to seek help from a psychologist in time.

2. What should I do if the skin deteriorates during pregnancy?

After pregnancy, pregnant women may experience skin problems such as melasma, itchy skin, rashes, and stretch marks due to changes in blood flow and metabolism in the skin.

Pregnant women can choose skin care products suitable for their own maternity, such as maternity water cream, cream, hand cream, mask and so on.

6 high-frequency problems during pregnancy, scientific explanation is coming!
6 high-frequency problems during pregnancy, scientific explanation is coming!

3. Can I have a pet after pregnancy?

For some families, pets are like family. However, once you have a pregnant woman, you will worry about the pet affecting the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

In general, regularly take pets to vaccinate, and do a good job of pet hygiene, often bathe pets, deworm, such as cats, dogs and other pets, is completely possible to coexist peacefully with pregnant women, and will not threaten the health of pregnant women and fetuses.

4. What should I do if I have poor sleep during pregnancy?

Physical discomfort and increased stress caused by pregnancy may be the causes of pregnant women's sleep. In addition to daytime sleepiness and irritability, poor sleep in pregnant women may also affect the health of the mother and fetus.

When pregnant women do not get enough sleep during pregnancy, they should follow the doctor's advice to take sleeping pills or supplements to improve sleep. Before going to bed, you can soak your hot feet and do some exercise in an appropriate amount; you can take the correct sleeping position (usually the left side of the lying position) when sleeping, and borrow a comfortable pregnant woman pillow to assist sleep.

6 high-frequency problems during pregnancy, scientific explanation is coming!

5. How to eat healthier during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, if the nutritional intake is not reasonable, it will affect the normal growth of the fetus in the abdomen. Many macrosomia are caused by excessive nutritional intake during pregnancy.

Nutritional intake during pregnancy must be balanced and reasonable, scientific intake of fish, eggs, lean meat and other high-quality protein, appropriate supplementation of vitamin B12, folic acid, calcium, iron and other vitamins and minerals.

Can't exercise after childbirth to prevent "confinement disease"?

The traditional so-called "confinement disease" is generally a general term for a variety of symptoms such as waist and leg pain, arm discomfort, and eye discomfort. However, in the formal medical textbooks and research literature, there is no such thing as "confinement disease".

Postpartum, because the blood is in a state of hypercoagulability, long-term bed rest is easy to form venous thrombosis of the lower limbs, and even trigger pulmonary embolism, so the appropriate exercise after childbirth is more conducive to recovery after surgery. Moreover, postpartum exercise and the use of a combination of abdominal bands are more helpful in helping the body return to its prenatal state.

6 high-frequency problems during pregnancy, scientific explanation is coming!

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